Mind Power Tests

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

How To Use Your Mind Power To Get What You Want In Your Life

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Every human being is made up of 2 parts: an outer part which is usually referred to as the body, and an inner part which is usually referred to as the soul.

Alternative words are often used to refer to the body and the soul. The body is sometimes referred to as the material part, the physical substance, or the matter, and the soul as the spiritual part, the spirit, the mind, the intelligence, the intellect, the energy.

For the purpose of this course, all these terms are considered to be equivalent to one another.

If every human being is made up of a body and a soul, how do human beings interact or communicate with one another?

In order to give an accurate answer to this fundamental question it's important to establish a clear distinction between the physical world and the spiritual world.

In the same way that human beings are made up of a physical part and a spiritual part the world we live in is also made up of 2 parts: the physical world and the spiritual world. These 2 worlds are sometimes referred to as the physical layer and the spiritual layer.

Human beings can interact or communicate with other human beings in the physical world as well as in the spiritual world.

On the physical world, the interaction or communication between 2 human beings occurs through their respective bodies, one body interacting with the other. Examples of such interactions include shaking hands, making eye contacts,using body language,speaking,touching, making phone calls,sending letters,text or email messages,etc.

On the spiritual world, human beings can only interact with one another through their respective souls, one soul interacting with another one human beings cannot access the spiritual world through their bodies. The only way they can communicate on the spiritual level is through their respective souls.

We all know how to interact with others in the material world.We do it every day when we speak to our neighbors or to our colleagues at the work place, when we send letters, emails or text messages to our friends or relatives, when we smile to someone, etc. But when it comes to interacting in the spiritual world,most people are at a loss.They just don't know how to do it because they have not been properly trained to do so.

Knowing how to interact with other people on the spiritual world is of the utmost importance if we want to influence other people and get them to do what we want.

Let say for the purpose of illustration that you want to get a promotion at the work place . The way most people would go about it is to work hard in the hope that their employer will notice their hard work and ultimately reward them with a promotion. By working hard at the work place they have chosen to influence their boss in the physical world.I say in the physical world because the work place is a material thing and therefore a part of the physical world.

However experience teaches us that hard work does not necessary guarantee a promotion. It's just not enough to work hard in the physical world in order to be successful.

A better way would be to act at the same time in the spiritual world by influencing your boss into getting you the promotion you are looking for.

The only way to influence him/ her at the spiritual level is to get your soul (your spiritual part) to interact with his/her soul (his/her spiritual part) and put his/her soul under your control.

Communicating at both the spiritual level and the material level is the most effective way to get what you want from other people.

Spiritual Advisor
Web Site:http://www.customagick.com

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