Mind Power Tests

Friday, March 28, 2008

Use Mind Power - Discover Faster Learning by Letting Children Teach You How!

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When you were a child, learning was easy. At birth, we are all helpless babies. By the age of 7 or 8 you had acquired an incredible range of skills - walking, talking, social skills, primary education ... And it all happened naturally, quickly and easily. Now you are an adult, you may want to learn new skills, learn new ideas or learn new mental habits to be more successful, be happier or change your life. You can speed up the learning process by letting children teach you how!

Children are 'programmed' to learn

As a new born baby you have a mind that is highly receptive to learning. Some of this is because your brain is still developing and it is like an empty book. By the time you are 7 or 8 years old, your brain has almost reached it's full size. Billions of connections have formed between the neurons in your brain encoding vast amounts of learning.

This gives children a tremendous advantage that is a once in a lifetime opportunity to learn. Fortunately, even as an adult recent research has shown that you can re-wire your brain to incorporate new knowledge and new ways of thinking. So the old story that adults are "set in their ways" is simply not true.

Great. I hope I have knocked that barrier down. There's a lot more yet to learn about learning from watching children.

Embrace learning

One of traps you might fall into is thinking "I have spent years learning what I know, why should I have to change?" The reality is that we all live in a world of constant change - change is one of the few certainties in life!

If you look at children you see that they are immersed in an environment where change is the norm and they are expected to learn. Children have the expectation that they will need to learn, to adapt to the world around them, to continue to grow. You must expect the same - continual learning and growth, continual development and progress.

Expect to make mistakes at first

Another area where children have a tremendous advantage is that they are not afraid to make mistakes. They know that if they try enough times they will get it right. As you progress beyond childhood, you become more socially conscious, making mistakes becomes embarrassing and you find it harder to accept your mistakes.

Unfortunately, the rules of learning don't change for adults. When you first start out doing something new, no matter what it is, you will not do it perfectly. You will only learn by practise. It could be a new manual skill, like making something, it could be a new mental skill like visualizing your goals - no matter what it is, you will have to put in some practise to learn.

Children live in a world where their mistakes are forgiven. You can look for a supportive environment to help you in your learning process too.

Celebrate your successes

Have you ever had a child show you their first painting of someone. To an adult these wonderful creations look… well... childish! But you no doubt celebrated the artist’s success. Children are not afraid to celebrate progress, even if it’s only a tiny step.

You need to learn to celebrate your successes no matter how small.

During the early years of your life, you were able to learn a tremendous amount of information about the world around you in the space of a few short years. As an adult you still have some of the ability to reprogram your mind.

However, children don’t just have the advantage in terms of being open to programming, they also have behaviours and attitudes that support learning. As an adult you may well have lost touch with these attributes – you can learn a lot about learning from children!

Want to learn more about use mind power?

You can get a free e-course the success principle . Visit my website for more resources, articles, and support materials about success and personal growth .

Kevin John has spent many years helping businesses owners, aspiring business owners, and private individuals to develop the understanding and skills needed to achieve the success that they want.

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