10 Principles of Mind Power
There are ten basic principles or tenets upon which the SUCCESS THROUGH MIND
philosophy is founded. These principles which conform to the natural mental laws
discussed elsewhere have been crystallised and fully expounded upon in the book
“SUCCESS THROUGH MIND POWER”. These principles would serve as a layman’s blueprint
in his quest for success as he goes about his ordinary everyday living. The principles
are as follows:-
1. Desire: This is the gateway or door to all success. It is the very first tool
of MIND POWER. You must be fired by desire to the state of obsession in order to
achieve success in any endeavour. Desire, which is always accompanied by emotion,
is the quickest way to trigger the subconscious mind where all thoughts are processed
and concretised.
2. Goal Setting: Desire must be accompanied by a goal, which must be definite,
concrete and with a time limit imposed for realisation. Most people fail because
they did not bother to set a goal for themselves. Your goal must be realistic and
believable to you; but you must think big for MIND POWER to flourish.
3. Attitude: This mental disposition or bearing of an individual influences everything
else. A good or poor attitude will yield its physical equivalent. Positive attitude
would inevitably bring about positive results. Avoid negative attitude at all times.
That is what MIND POWER for success is all about.
4. Imagination: This is the workshop or the laboratory where all your plans and
your desires are formulated. Anything ever invented or created by man came through
imagination. In fact only those who employ imagination bring about positive change
in the world. MIND POWER is all about the effective use of the imagination.
5. Faith: This is the visualization and belief in the attainment of desire. Faith
and desire will produce your goal. Faith only works when mixed with positive emotions.
To emphasize its importance, all world’s religions use faith as their weapon. Faith
or firm belief is the key to developing MIND POWER. You can acquire it through affirmation
or the internalised repeated use of positive statements.
6. Decision: Only successful people take decisions and act upon them promptly
and definitely after due consideration. Unsuccessful people delay and vacillate.
For MIND POWER to work, you must decide what you want quickly and remain focussed.
7. Planning: This is vital for success, whether for an individual or an entire
country where an annual plan is known as the budget. For the individual, planning
is best achieved through intuitive inspiration, a very crucial feature of the MIND
POWER philosophy.
8. Knowledge: Knowledge is power, they often say; but this is not classroom or
book knowledge when the issue of MIND POWER is discussed. It is the type acquired
through inspiration. This is creative knowledge required for inventions and discoveries
valuable to mankind. Simple exercises have been developed to assist in achieving
this spelt out in the book.
9. Right Partner: This is usually a controversial and complex subject matter.
To develop MIND POWER, you need the right sex partner. Apart from sex being the
best emotional therapy, it also serves for procreation and love. Yet there is an
unseen aspect of sex. It affects the invisible delicate shield protecting you called
the aura. This way, sex influences your affairs for good or bad depending on the
quality of your partner’s aura. The issue here is not that of morals but one of
blending good human auras needed for development and enhancement of success generally.
10. Intuitive Inspiration: This is the tenth and most important principle of
the MIND POWER philosophy, because it climaxes your progressive learning in the
use of the 80 to 90 per cent of your mental faculty, which currently lies dormant,
untapped and unused. Simple physical and mental exercises carried out consistently
would enable you attain this man’s great gift. This is all you need to achieve your
life’s goals through the philosophy of Success through Mind Power spelt out in this
interesting book.
Labels: book_mind_power, child_mind_power, deck_mind_power, esoteric_mind_power, free_mind_power, gary_mind_null_power