Mind Power Tests

Thursday, May 15, 2008

The Wonderful World of Mind Power

Be ready for the richer, healthier, happier, more successful, love-filled life that you deserve, Click Here To Know More



Do you desire to have a better life? More money? Love? Better health? If you
answered yes to any or all these questions then I have great news for you. You can
have all of these things by using just the power of your mind. Sound impossible?
Let me reveal to you how it’s possible to use mind power to get what you want.

The brain is an intricate piece of machinery. It is so complicated that even
the most brilliant scientists do not fully understand how it functions. The brain
is where our thoughts originate and it is the center of communication for the body.
For instance, place your hand on something hot and in a matter of milliseconds a
signal will be sent to the brain and the brain will communicate to the hand to pull
back in a hurry.

Now if the brain can function that flawlessly, imagine what would happen if you
learn to tap into the power of the mind to get your subconscious to produce the
results that you want. Many successful people have learned this secret and you can
too with a little bit of study and practice.

I am going to give you just a few tips to start you on the path to a better life.
Use these tips and watch a wonderful transformation take place.

1. Visualize yourself being successful. Start a scrapbook of your better
life. Search for pictures of your dream home and place them in your scrapbook. Do
you want to lose weight? Find pictures of people that look the way you desire to
look and place them in your scrapbook. Have a dream job? Find pictures pertaining
to this job and place them in your scrapbook. Make it a point to look through this
scrapbook everyday. Add to it accordingly and constantly visualize yourself achieving
all the things in your scrapbook.

2. Portray yourself as being successful. This doesn’t mean to brag about
yourself or to tell lies about your accomplishments. It means to simply walk and
talk with confidence. Visualize how a successful person would act in any situation
and try to become that person. Always dress nice, even if you are just going to
the grocery. When you always feel good about yourself, you will accomplish your

3. This is a very important tip. Stay away from people that will drag
you down. The negative vibrations that these people give off will transfer to you
and become a roadblock to your success. Seek out positive people that are highly
accomplished and align yourself with them.

Using the power of the mind to get everything you want in life is not new. Successful
people have been doing it for centuries. Follow in their footsteps and watch your
life transform into something great by using mind power!

Lucinda is a freelance writer and registered nurse who is transforming her life.
To learn more about how she is changing her life with mind power check out her website
at http://www.persuasivemindpower.com

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