Finding A Job with Mind Power
The power of your mind can attract to you the job or work that you desire, provided of course that you have the proper qualifications. Having a job or being unemployed is dependent on the thoughts you think. If you believe that you cannot get a job or one that you like, then this is exactly what happens. For people who have never encountered these ideas before, this might sound strange and unreasonable. Yet, the fact is that your thoughts are responsible for many things that happen in your life.
Successful people either use the power of their mind consciously and knowingly, or use it unconsciously, but in a way that brings positive results. If you intend to succeed, you need to know how to use your mind power properly.
If you are unemployed, you may use your mind power to get a job. You may also use it to get a promotion if you are employed, or get a better job, if you are unsatisfied with your current one. In all these cases, using your mind power gives you a better chance to improve your life.
Now you may be asking how can this be done. Think, and find out what job is best suited for you, what are your qualifications, and what would you like to do. Do not undervalue yourself, but also use your common sense. Even if currently there are no jobs in the field you are seeking, your mind power can create a new one for you.
At intervals during the day, when you have some free minutes, visualize yourself working at the job of your choice. Make the picture as realistic as possible, with colors, sounds and feelings. Visualize working in harmony with other people, and see yourself loving what you are doing. You may also visualize getting the amount of money you want to get for this job.
It is important to see clear mental images, feel positive and successful, and to believe that what you are visualizing is already true.
Repeated thoughts and mental images sink into the subconscious mind, programming it to see and attract opportunities, situations and circumstances that correspond to these thoughts and images. What you visualize also strengthens your ambition and desire, and incites you to action.
Your mind broadcasts your thoughts to the world. They are perceived by other people on the subconscious level, and if these people are in a position to help you, they will. Often, all kinds of "coincidences" happen, to bring you into contact with other people, who can help you get what you are after.
Posted By Emmanuel Ayomide Praise
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