Develop Your Subconscious Mind Power
Whatever we see, hear, smell, taste, touch or feel passes through the conscious mind and reaches the subconscious mind where it is then stored.
Once you have learned how best to deal with a situation, you will generally find it much easier the next time around. This is because you are using information which is already stored.
For instance, once you have learned to ride a bike, you don?t have to consciously think about it anymore. This is because the stored information will come to you automatically, the next time you get on your bike to ride it.
Just as if you were to learn where each letter on your keyboard is, you can now type without looking because you have formed a mental picture in your subconscious mind of what the keyboard actually looks like.
The above are just two instances of how the subconscious mind stores up relations of learned behaviour. We are sure you would be able to find many more examples of this in your everyday life!
Information from the conscious mind gets past into the subconscious mind, and there is a very strong link between the two. It is said that everything you have ever seen, heard or experienced is perceived by your conscious mind, and then stored away into your subconscious mind as a memory.
Not only is this memory stored as the incident itself, but also any feelings that went with it at the time are also stored.
Your subconscious mind does not only store your memories and feelings. It is the maker of all the great ideas you have ever had, and is also the seat of your intuition and creativity. When you do begin to control your conscious thought processes, you will find that you can apply the powers of your subconscious mind towards any problem or difficulty you may come across.
Most of the great artists, poets, writers, scientists, inventors and discovers have had or have a deep understanding of how their conscious and subconscious mind work. The ones that do not unknowingly set their genius to work for them when they tapped into their subconscious mind power by instinct.
You see, the Einsteins and Edisons were not that much smarter that the average person, writes psychology professor Dean Simonton.
After conducting many studies of intelligence and creativity, Professor Simonton has found that there is no real relationship between our IQ and creativity. Most of the celebrated minds of history, Simonton believes, simply made better use of their subconscious mind power.
Just by having a basic knowledge and understanding of how your conscious and subconscious mind work, and also how they interact with each other, you will be able to work wonders in your life. The possibilities truly are endless!
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