Your Mind Has The Power To Overcome Any Illness - Introduction (Part 1 Of 5)
You and your family need a better life so, train your mind to fight illness along with medical assistance.
Human body is having a very complex architecture but basically it is designed to be healthy. It has its own self-healing mechanism built in it. But many times we are not able to control our body, some of our normal cells go crazy, develop into unhealthy cells. They behave differently; some multiply so rapidly that many times it will encompass its own blood supply and starve itself. There is unnecessary growth, irritation, pain and it kills your health. You take medicines to cure it, sometimes cut those cells away or radiate it to prevent its growth to regain your health. Medical science does their part but sometimes these cells are very sick and they die, killing you. May be we should do our part too to fight against these deadly diseases. HOW?
Our mind has a deep relationship with our body. It will be fruitful if you train your mind to heal your body. It is possible with meditation and words yes, mere words that are very powerful. When you hear meditation do not think it wont work out for you, be positive, everyone can master meditation. But at this point I would like to concentrate on words and later I will come to meditation. I started with words because words have power that can control your mind to heal your body. I will prove the power of words.
(continue...part 2)
Cinoy.M.R is a Computing Engineer, specializing in solution/ concept selling in IT as well as Wealth Management areas. Check out
Labels: master_mind_power, mind_power_super, mind_power_supernatural_transformed, mind_power_unconscious, mind_power_university