Your Mind Has The Power To Overcome Any Illness - Visualize Part 4 Of 5
Nest step is to visualize. Visualize a mental screen; imagine it not behind your eyelids or outside, it?s about few feet in front of you. Let the screen be like a movie screen. Now project yourself into it, first it will be a 2-dimensional image, concentrate more and make it real in 3-dimension, your body itself; associate it with your name. That is you are seeing yourself in the screen and if you call out your name, you should respond.
Now mentally speak to yourself of what you felt in beta before you started the mediation. Speak about being a positive, a loving forgiving person. Now mentally experience the illness that is troubling you. Feel it on you on the screen. This should be brief; this is to focus your healing energies to where they are needed. Now push this scene off the mental screen to right (at deeper level future is preserved as being on our left, the past on our right), erase the image of your illness and create a new image, a new ?you? in the screen and experience yourself completely cured. Feel the advantage or gains you get now. You are in perfect health, you see yourself very happy and cheerful in the mental screen.
Now, say (loudly or mentally), ?Day by day (your name) e.g. Ram is getting better and better. I am really strong now; no virus or disease cells can attack me or affect my health. My body has the resistance to fight them successfully. It can prevent the growth of harmful cells and let the harmful cells die for ever.? Repeat these lines, same words over and over about 20 times. Repeat this technique two or three times a day and surely you will feel better and successful.
Continue...Part 5
Cinoy.M.R is a Computing Engineer, specializing in solution/ concept selling in Information Technology, Wealth Management, as well as Stress Management.
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