Use Mind Power to Make Better Decisions With Your Whole Brain
Do you find yourself thinking “If only I’d thought of that!” when there is a group of you working on a problem. Usually this happens when someone else makes a great decision while you’re still trying to weight up the pros and cons! You can make better decisions too if you learn to use your whole mind when you’re faced with making decisions.
The two parts of your mind
Psychologists divide our minds into two parts: the conscious mind and the subconscious mind.
Usually you do most of our analytical, logical thinking with your conscious mind. You also experience yourself and your world through your conscious mind. You associate your conscious mind with the use of mind power. So its seems logical that your conscious mind should make all your decisions right?
Wrong! Your conscious mind is very limited in the way it can process information…
It’s well know that the best way to explain something to people is by telling stories. Your conscious mind thinks in a linear, step by step fashion processing just a few pieces of information at a time before moving on to the next thing. This is very useful of you’re doing anything that can be broken down into a sequence of tasks.
The real world is far to complicated for you!
Unfortunately the real world is not a simple linear place where one thing leads to another. It is vastly more complex than you can possibly represent with just a few pieces of information.
Take the example of a conversation with a friend. You talk to each other using words to express your linear thought processes. Many people think that this is the main process by which communication takes place.
However, several studies have shown that even in a simple conversation, most of the communication takes place outside your conscious awareness through body language, micro-gestures, tone of voice and even the cumulative memories of past interactions with your friend.
Your subconscious mind takes in and processes far more information than your conscious mind.
If you try to make decisions purely on the words you are using, you are using only a tiny fraction of the information available to you.
The same is true in just about any situation you might find yourself in. You are faced with an enormous amount of information every second of the day, to make sense of it your logical mind filters out almost all of it. However you are able to absorb a lot more information through your senses and your subconscious mind.
Use your mind power to make better decisions
In order to make better decisions you need to access and process as much information as possible. Your conscious mind is a very powerful tool, but it is limited.
The key to better decision making is to engage your full mind power in making decisions. You need to use your subconscious mind in the process.
Your subconscious mind does not process information in the same way as your conscious mind and it does not communicate in the same way. However, if you decide to trust it, your subconscious will process information and provide you with ideas.
Sometimes the ideas from your subconscious mind appear as feelings or hunches about a situation, sometimes as more recognisable ideas that just pop into your conscious mind.
Some people believe that using hunches and flashes of inspiration is the only way to make decisions. However there is always a role where the conscious mind is supreme. It can work out consequences and test ideas before finally committing to act on a decision.
If you find that you are slow and making decisions or your decisions are not as good as they could be, you are probably not using your mind power to it’s fullest extent when making decision. You need to learn to trust your subconscious mind and to listen to it. If you can achieve both of these aims you will make better decisions more quickly.
Do you want to learn more about use mind power?
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Kevin John has spent many years helping businesses owners, aspiring business owners, and private individuals to develop the understanding and skills needed to achieve the success that they want.
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