Mind Power Tests

Monday, May 19, 2008

Tapping Within Creative Mind Power - How to Mind Power to Be Creative

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We all want to be able to maximize our potentials. Inside you is the capacity to create, and inside your mind is a creative power that you can harness. Tapping within creative mind power may seem esoteric to you, but it’s not. Making and doing things are actually natural to the human being, simply because we have the potential to create. Tapping within your creative mind power is simple and can be done in quite a few ways.

Below are a few things you need to have or do, so you can be on your way to waking up the creative genius inside of you.

1) Awareness. When it comes to awareness, it is not a matter of being anxious or over-vigilant. Awareness is a state of knowing what is happening, whether within you or around you. Awareness is a state of being conscious of stimuli: happenings around you, happenings inside you. You have to observe yourself: your emotions, your thoughts, how you are reacting to external stimuli.

2) Immersion in beauty. If you notice, the most creative people surround themselves with beauty. If they can’t, they create beauty out of their grotesque world.

3) Ability to turn stress, tragedy and crises around. The most creative people react to stress, tragedies and crises not by being depressed about it, but by moving in the other direction - turning things around, tapping into their creative strengths, and creating something beautiful from their grotesque experiences.

Tapping within your creative mind power is a matter of using these things and turning them into fuel for creativity. By being aware of your surroundings, you will notice the most beautiful parts of the environment, of life, and derive inspiration from it. By being aware of what goes on inside you, you will be able to tap into these emotions and incorporate them into what you want to create.

When you immerse yourself in beauty, you become what you are surrounded with. And when you learn to see beauty in the grotesque and be inspired from it, chances are, you may well create work in the caliber of Picasso’s, Victor Hugo’s, Fyodor Dostoevsky’s, and all the other virtuosos of art in all its varied forms.

Tap into your creative mind power now!

Michael Lee is unbelievably giving away over $2355 worth of the best self-help ebooks FREE at http://www.20daypersuasion.com/goldaccess.htm for a limited time. Download as many as you want before you miss out!

Unlocking Hidden Mind Power - How to Unleash Your Mind's Amazing Power

Our mind is a complex mass, made up of components that may seem discrete, or different from each other, but are actually connected. Unlocking your hidden mind power is a matter of learning how to enhance the connections between these areas in your mind. Unlocking your hidden mind power, contrary to the common impression, is not brain surgery. It is actually a simple process. All it takes is your willingness, and these three driving forces.

1) Identify what would be the “underlining paradigm” to your life. This would mean defining the reason why you will be working hard. This would be what would drive everything you do. Do keep in mind that without defining your paradigm, you would be like a newly beheaded chicken running around without a purpose.

Whatever paradigm you have designed for your life, it would be what you would go back to when tough times come. In life, there would be several setbacks. What would then keep you going when everything seems to be crumbling like brittle limestone in your hands? Your paradigm would keep you going.

Say for example, you aim to be a “man for others”. You would then build your life around helping people. If you choose to climb up the corporate ladder, then your moves would be defined by your paradigm of being a man for others. This means that despite deals being a little disadvantageous to you, you would choose to remain honest or committed because it is for the greater good, and it would help your fellow man. Then whatever you would do, when people approach you for help, despite being chin-deep in a deadline, you would take the time out to help, because you set in your mid to be a “man for others”.

That is just an example. You could go for the paradigm “looking out for number one,” if that feels more comfortable to you. But do realize that the visionaries and the world’s greatest men did not get there because of their mercenary mindset. A majority of them got there because they gave a lot of themselves, as much of themselves as they wanted out of life and others.

Unlocking your hidden mind power, then, starts with knowing what you want. Read on for the next two steps.

2) Create a strategy of how to develop a career around your paradigm. Let’s go back to the example of being a “man for others”. Let’s say you want to achieve that through the route of the corporate world. You would then be taking the route of social entrepreneurship, given your paradigm. Or else, you would commit to giving a certain amount of your profits to charity. However you choose to do it, build every decision you make upon your main paradigm.

Know your options and make decisions based on which would bring you closer to your goals, or which would be consistent with your main paradigm.

3) Throw yourself into what you decided upon. Passion is the main fuel for people. Those who got to the top have achieved that feat because they focused all their energies on what they wanted to accomplish. You cannot realize your goals if you are not in the least bit driven, or inspired, to reach out and grab what you set your heart upon.

These are the keys to unlocking your hidden mind power because when you know what you want, you will be driven to get it. When you are driven to get it, everything inside you, including your mind, kicks into gear, bracing for getting whatever you desire. At that moment, your mind would then kick into motion, and be at its most productive state.

Remember, unlocking your hidden mind power starts with identifying/defining your paradigm; next is for you to create your strategy and make decisions based on your paradigm; and lastly, you should coat your life with passion. Here’s to reaching your peak!

Michael Lee is unbelievably giving away over $2355 worth of the best self-help ebooks FREE at http://www.20daypersuasion.com/goldaccess.htm for a limited time. Download as many as you want before you miss out!

Real Mind Power!

Real mind power. Over time, this concept has been seen and heard in mass media. And regarded as fact. So, what's wrong with it? Most people can accept that there is such a thing as mind power but are probably clueless about its true character, which is its being commonly misunderstood for what it truly is.

Some psychologists tend to associate mind with the human brain. Others disagree claiming that the human mind is non-physical and is not synonymous with the human being's gray matter or tissue which is the physical organ called brain. As a matter of fact, researchers into this field of expertise have come to think that mind is not exclusively located in the brain but in all parts of the human body and even outside of it!

This idea of the mind occurring and existing outside of the human body is a startling revelation and can confuse a lot of people. But this might help explain the findings made by doctors, physiologists and professionals including philosophers and mystics that the endocrine glands in the human body may have something to do with the mind. At this point we have a declaration of the mind's independence from the brain..

There are writers who say that one of these glands, called the pineal which is lodged in the head just behind and between the eyeballs, is really the focal point, the drop zone, if you like, or rendezvouz area between the body and the spirit. It is this gland which supposedly acts as coupling for the two aspects of human existence. It is here where mind and matter meet...

With this statement, it may no longer be difficult to think that human mind power may and can be used to influence the environment which is therefore outside of the human body, and also the people who may be interacting with the person using mind power.

By influencing people as well as the environment, I do not mean to say that changes in people's lives or situation and those in the environment are materially altered or affected using physical intervention as a result of planning or decision-making for an intended action (which therefore originates in thought). I do mean that changes are actually caused in their original state or condition using the power of thought alone to bring forth these changes without the assistance of physical means, in real time.

I also do not wish to refer to the "sleight-of-handers" the amazing stage and street magicians who are so skilled in turning a burning scarf into a rose on a stem. In this definition I do not like to include the stage magicians who are more inclined to use mechanical props to perfect their illusion, although I deeply respect them for the time and patience they have devoted to their craft. And this is not to say of the mind power they use to complement their physical performance which now brings us to ask: where exactly does the mechanical or physical factor of the performance end, and the mind power element of the entire process actually begin? Is it any wonder then that the term warlock should be correctly applied to denote the magician?

What is suggested in this discussion of mind power and what it really boils down to, is none other than the reality of mind over matter. That's right. The mind can control physical things and takes precedence over matter. This statement apparently takes on an esoteric or occult twist so far as it says something about mind over matter which translates into the invisible over the visible, the intangible over the tangible. I'm saying this because people may really find a lot of usefulness in mind over matter, apart from what the magicians do, which is primarily to entertain us.

Taking a step further, mind over matter, or mind power can be removed from the mysterious or the occult and enlisted to assist us in our day-to-day experience with life. We can use mind power to control events such as having a favorable stock market report, winning a lover back, predicting correct lottery numbers, persuading a teenager who's gone a little off-tangent to take advice, warding off disgusting people in the workplace without appearing to do it.

And yes, you may have guessed right. You can apply mind over matter on yourself (surprise!) to get rid of unwanted habits and thus promote self-improvement. You may also do a variety of other things you may have a mind to. It's your mind, see?

And then there's everyone's favorite: Using mind power to create and generate wealth. If this is you, then you may want to visit this site:

My website:  http://www.real-mind-power.com===

I'd like to thank Iain Legg and Phil Busbridge of RealMindPowerSecrets.com whose website I'm promoting through this article and who are the owners of the image titled "Get connected" that appears on the pages of my website

Using Your Mind Power To Achieve Your Desires

All human Beings were born with a boundless and immeasurable power. It is this power that has made you what you are today, and it is the power that will make you what you will be in a year, two years, five years etc.

All things got started with a thought. And it is this thought that is the power in you. Personal Development practitioners call this power - Mind Power. Mere thoughts are so powerful that it can turn into something tangible. All you have to do is to focus your mind into thinking in the right manner and this can make you achieve what you want to achieve.

If there is anything you desire that you feel you cannot have, what you need to do is tap into your Mind Power. The boundless and immeasurable power of your mind is richly endowed to provide your desire, in a matter of time.

Your first step in achieving your desire is to develop a passion. How much passion do you have for the thing you desire. Thinkers say Passion is Power! Create a strong passion for the thing you want, in your mind and in your actions.

Be clear in your mind the exact thing you want. Be specific about it. If it is a car you want, you must be definite about it - the type, model etc. Focus your mind about the exterior, the paint. The interior décor, the steering wheel, the upholstery. Fasten your mind on these details.

Visualise your desire. Use your mind to see how the car moves. See yourself entering the car, starting the car and driving it round your town, and waving to friends and acquaintances. Feel the enjoyment you want in the car.

Believe all these visualizations. See yourself actually owning the car, and all these becoming a reality.

From time to time, during your visualizations you will receive a spark of message to do one thing or the other. These are Inspired Actions. Take these actions without hesitations. These are actions demanded by the Universal Supreme Intelligence, after your subconscious has communicated your passion to Him, and He has communicated back to your subconscious mind.

Take these inspired actions and in a matter of time your desire will come true.

Abu Aremu is an internet marketer and motivator. He writes on many topics including guides to positive mental attitudes and how to achieve greater heights in life. You can read life changing articles and resources from him at http://www.positiveselftalkguide.com and contact him to receive tips on how to improve your positive self talk by sending blank mail to abu@positiveselftalkguide.com

Personal Development And Self-Help - Unleash Your Mind Power And Attract Success, Money And Friends!

The suppressed mind has secreted attainments below its unconscious essential. Soul learning is an alternation of tactics that we can employ to call up that fortuitous online mail below the surface. We have collectible parts of our history at the bottom of the pinned consciousness or subconscious mind. Now, if we learn some practice to use instate letters to our advantage, perhaps we can run through the mind to enveloping awareness.

We have close online correspondence in the subliminal, which includes our continuation school. That consolidated math or history you reflect you have forgotten is not forever forgotten, rather the knowledge is underneath your subconscious time foreseeing for you to take an adventure to engender the specifics to take dealings.

You have options over the many steps one can take to unleash the power of your mind. You can make money and find new friends; first, however you have to learn these steps to accomplish your goal. Mentioning goals, this is a start of effectively unleashing your mind's power. That is set goals and work to reach them.

The soul has hidden literature beneath its unconscious foremost. Subliminal learning is an alternation of tactics that we can employ to refer to as up that extemporaneous mail underneath the surface. We have collectible parts of our history at the bottom of the under feel or subconscious mind. Now, if we learn some motility to use empower alphabet to our advantage, obtainable we can train the mind to encompassing awareness.

The subliminal or subconscious mind houses ulterior attainments beneath its unconscious essential. Subliminal messages are alternations of tactics that we can apply to call up that fortuitous recall below the surface. We have collectible parts of our history at the nethermost of the under consciousness or subconscious mind that holds our power. If we learn a few steps to employ our instate letters to our service, perhaps we can retrain the mind to encompassing kindliness.

We have enclosed mail in the subconscious or subliminal, which composes our continuing school of knowledge. This entire brook of knowledge you think you have forgotten, is not gone, more willingly, it is hidden below the conscious state auspiciously for you to take an adventure to generate these specifics to take measures to unleash the mind's power.

You can unleash this power by confederating the basic nouns, such as objects, persons, things, etc to discover what you had learned earlier. You may recall something as a child. This information you can use to discover new principles and information that will service you to learn what you already know by unleashing your essence mind.

You may recall things that you did not remember at this time, seeing you had to trigger your subconscious mind into recalling. Yet as you put forth the effort, you will soon discover something you had resting in your subliminal mind.

Likewise, if you take a stroll back you can commence to recall details of some event that took place in your history. For case history, your percipient mind will jolt you to take a stroll back to track your knowledge and to discover your key points that could benefit you. Each step you take in reverse cogitation you come closer to recalling, since your memory is improving.

You may embark on recall by associating items with your indispensables and low and break through, you accomplish what you have failed to recall earlier. By associating objects, people, and knowledge from memories you had put away in the subliminal mind you start to recall more each day. You may have some anamnesis of some recall when you were a child. The directions explore helps you to discover new tenets and guidance that give the effect of relief, since you start to extract from these recalls, thus unleashing your subliminal mind and finding new ways to better your life.

Michelle Green is a leading expert in the self-development industry. She offers FREE personal development and self-help audio books to her website visitors.

The Secret to Weight Loss - Mind Power

"The problem is not your thighs, Sweetie, the problem is your head." -- Carrie on Sex and the City

You've heard it said that you are what you eat. Don't believe it. You're NOT what you eat. You're what you THINK. It's not the food. It's what you believe about the food. What you believe about the food you eat determines how it affects your body. Your body is a direct reflection of your thoughts. The inner world of your mind creates the outer world of your body, therefore, if you want to change your body, start by changing your thoughts. Here's the secret: Changing the way you eat is optional. Changing the way you THINK about what you eat is essential.

Every thought causes a reaction in the body. Think about a lemon. Imagine biting into a juicy lemon wedge right now. Can you taste the sour, tangy juice? Do you notice the saliva forming in your mouth? It's a psychosomatic response. Your body is reacting to your thoughts.

Do you think your overweight condition is set in stone? It's not. Quantum Physics tells us that nothing is fixed, that everything is in a state of potential. Einstein's 1905 formula E = mc2 explains that Energy and matter are interchangeable; that, in reality, everything is Energy. The fundamental aspect of the Universe is dancing, fluid, ever-changing Energy. The Energy of the Universe is shapeable, formable, and moldable; and you shape, form and mold this Energy with your thoughts. Quantum Physics has scientifically proven that you create your own reality based on where you focus your attention.

My client, Sandra, literally reshaped her body with her thoughts. Realizing that weight loss begins in the mind, she has transformed her body into a fat-burning machine with her thoughts. She now imagines herself thin. She now thinks of herself as a thin person and she likes herself as a thin person. She likes her body and happily gives it healthy, light foods. In just three months she has lost thirty pounds and is well on her way to her ideal size. As she thinks of herself as thin and imagines herself thin and feels good about herself, she is actually becoming thin for the first time in her life.

"You have absolute control over but one thing, and that is your thoughts. If you fail to control your own mind, you may be sure you will control nothing else." - Napoleon Hill

It's true. You have complete control over nothing but your thoughts and, happily, that's the only thing you need to control. When you control your thoughts, you control your life. Your body responds to the instructions it receives from your mind. So, as you tell your body what you expect from it, it will begin to behave accordingly. When you consciously choose your thoughts, you can consciously choose your body. Your thoughts created the body you now have and your thoughts can create the body you would like to have.

As a society, Americans have tried EVERYTHING to fight the battle of the bulge. We've tried surgery, supplements, drugs, liposuction to vacuum fat out of the body, inserting stables in the ear, tummy-tucks to remove excess skin and fat, gastric bypass to reduce the stomach to the size of a walnut, vinyl sauna suits to sweat off pounds, and EVEN caffeine tights. Yes, Americans have tried everything to be thin - everything except one thing - applying the power of the mind. We've tried every type of action. Now in the Age of Mind, it's time to apply the awesome and unlimited power of the mind.

Kate Corbin is a Law of Attraction Life Coach and the creator of Gold Star Coaching. Both her coaching practice and her books - Dining at the Cosmic Café: How to Be and Do and Have Whatever You Desire and Think and Grow Thin with the Law of Attraction - http://www.goldstarcoaching.com/ebook.html are designed to empower you to truly live the life of your dreams. To contact Coach Kate, check out her books, and subscribe to her free ezine, Magical Musings, visit http://www.goldstarcoaching.com/

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