Mind Power Tests

Monday, March 3, 2008

How To Command Instant Mind Power

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So you want to know how to command instant mind power? Well, the truth is that you already have the mind power; it’s just that you probably do not know how to command it! This article will give you a simple explanation as to how your subconscious thoughts affect your reality, and how you can change it…

You should know that there are many different ways through which you can tap into the power of your subconscious mind. For example, you can use hypnosis, affirmations, subliminal messages, neuro-linguistic programming, visualization etc. Giving you an explanation on how these different methods work would be too much for this article, but what I will give you is the basic concept which is the foundation of all these methods.

So now for an example, lets take something you may want. Money? You are thinking ‘I want money’. Notice the word ‘want’ in that sentence. So your subconscious feeling is ‘wanting money’, and as you keep repeating it, you experience the “want” of money! Pretty simple rule isn’t it? It is said that we have more than 50,000 thoughts in a single day! How many of them are about wanting or needing something? Think about that for a while...

Let us take another example. This time you say something like ‘I have an abundance of wealth’, but your subconscious habit might be to counter it with ‘But I am not worthy of wealth’. The thought which wins, would be the one most repeated by you, and therefore creating that particular reality. So as you can see, repetition is the keyword here. That’s it!

So now you know the foundation on which all mind power methods are based on. Now all you have to do is change your subconscious thought patterns, and then change your life!

Andrew Stone is extremely passionate and well-informed in the field of Mind Power. You may wish to visit his website if you want a list of resources which will help you discover the power of your subconscious mind...


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