Use Mind Power – Find the Key to Your Roadblocks to Success
Success is hard – or so we like to believe. Yet some people seem to succeed easily, effortlessly where you’ve been struggling to even get going! Then they go on to bigger and better things. Why are you struggling while other people are being successful? Here are some ideas to help you find the blockage…
You may be blaming external circumstances for your challenges – no money, no connections with the right people, not enough time… But if you look around you you’ll always find someone who’s started from a worse place than you and been more successful. The answer is simple – start taking ownership, accountability and responsibility for your own success in life.
You may have a negative mental attitude. A negative attitude will make it hard for you to remain motivated and positive and the daily effort of working your plan will be much harder. You will find it harder to spot the opportunities that will help you on your way. Developing and maintaining a positive mental attitude will make it easier for you to succeed.
You may not have decided to be successful. This sounds crazy – aren’t your struggles evidence enough that you want success. But is this a want or have you really decided with your whole mind, body and spirit that you will do absolutely whatever it will takes to be successful.
You may not be asking for help. Asking for help means overcoming the fear of rejection, admitting weakness and other terrible things. However you can end up wasting days, weeks, years doing something that you could learn in seconds if you just asked… Look at where you’re stuck and ask yourself “How can I get help?”
You might be enjoying the struggle. Another mad idea! But maybe there’s some truth in this idea. Your ego may be measuring itself in terms of the difficulties that you’ve overcome. We’ve been bought up to believe that anything worthwhile is worth fighting for. The harder you’re working, the more you’re accomplishing. You need to ask yourself how someone like Bill Gates has built a multi-billion dollar empire if just making a few dollars is so hard!
You might not be thinking big enough. If you believe that what you are trying to achieve is a major achievement, well then it is – for you that is! You can bet your bottom dollar that someone else has seen it as a ‘no-brainer’ and achieved it effortlessly. One antidote to this condition is to think bigger – when you commit yourself to bigger thinking, your smaller problems will shrink in comparison.
You’ve heard received wisdom like “Success is hard”, “you can’t always get what you want” and all the other things that reinforce the belief that you will have to struggle to be successful. This belief will keep you locked in struggle until you start to believe differently.
You’ve seen that the belief that success is hard is often sustained in your mind by your ego, by your mental attitude, by a simple decision… Your route to success is rarely due to external circumstances. USe your mind power, examine your motives and your actions to find out where you are blocking yourself on your path to success.
Do you want to learn more about use mind power?
Get the free e-book Secrets of a Millionaire Mindset . Visit my website for more resources, articles, and support materials about success and personal growth .
Kevin John has spent many years helping businesses owners, aspiring business owners, and private individuals to develop the understanding and skills needed to achieve the success that they want.
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