Mind Power Tests

Monday, March 31, 2008

Use Mind Power - Revealed! How Your Mind Creates Your World

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Most people see the world as being something completely separate from themselves. They see it a being full of separate entities that they deal with, sometimes successfully, sometimes unsuccessfully. However there is another way to look at the world, a way in which you are in complete control of your reality, where you can always get the results you create…

Your understanding of the world has been developed by your experience of the world from the moment you were born. During your early years you learnt to recognise that your body had definite boundaries, that you were a mind that somehow sits in this body… That you were separate from the rest of the world.

You have senses that take in information, a mind that processes and you produce reactions to these stimuli and sometimes the reactions affected what happened in the world around you. Sometimes you even get an illusion of being in control, but more often that not that illusion doesn’t last.

There is another way…

Modern science, in particular the study of the smallest particles in nature through quantum mechanics, has shown that the physical universe is not as we perceive it to be. It is not a collection of separate entities all bumping into each other in a random way.

Modern science now knows that the universe is all connected, it is a constant dance of energy and matter where everything is influenced by everything else. One simple way to understand this is to think of ripples on the surface of a pond spreading, reflecting from objects, interacting and changing each other all the time.

This new view has taken us full circle. Ancient mystics viewed the universe as a single interconnected reality, renaissance scientists developed the view of a universe full of separate objects, now modern science has rediscovered the old wisdom that we live in a universe where everything is connected to everything else.

Science has now gone a step further. One implication of the connectedness of everything is that you are connected to everything else in the universe and so you can influence your own reality through your thoughts. Your mind power uses your intention to create your reality.

The process is like the process of creating a holographic image. You’ve probably seen holograms in which you can see an image of three dimensional reality created by a simple two dimensional object. The hologram is a special pattern stored on a two dimensional sheet of film. When laser light is shone through the hologram, you see an image of a three dimensional object as if it was real.

Your mind is like a hologram. Your intention, the true focus of both your subconscious and your conscious mind, creates a pattern in the universal field of energy. You light up this pattern with your mind power and you experience the world as a real image in which you are immersed.

You can use this model to understand that you are part of a dynamic, ever changing universe where you can choose to play a role as a creator of your own reality. You are no longer a powerless speck of humanity alone in a massive impersonal universe. You are connected to everything and part of the flow of everything.

Once you become aware of these connections you can start to see how your thoughts are influencing the world around you. For the next few days, think of yourself as connected to the universe as a whole. Adopt the mental posture of quietly watching your thoughts and events around you – like a wild life photography patiently sitting in a hide waiting for that elusive animal. You’ll start to see how your thoughts are causing things to materialize in your reality.

You have been bought up to see yourself as a separate creature, divided from the reality that surrounds you. You no longer have to view the world this way. There is overwhelming evidence that you are part of a universe where everything is connected to everything else via a field of matter and energy. You can use your mind power to create in your reality what you truly want and focus on.

Do you want to learn more about use mind power?

Download my latest e-book here Principles of Success. Visit my website for more resources, articles, and support materials about success and personal growth.

Kevin John has spent many years helping businesses owners, aspiring business owners, and private individuals to develop the understanding and skills needed to achieve the success that they want

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