Mind Power Tests

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Use Mind Power - Revealed - The Secret Power of Beliefs

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Your Beliefs are fundamental to your success, yet so many people have learned their beliefs unconsciously and don’t even know what they are. This article will tell you more about beliefs, what they are, how you use them. When you have a better understanding of your beliefs you will be able to use them to overcome major obstacles in your life and be more successful.

Beliefs are things that you believe to be true – nothing more and nothing less. They are statements about what is true in the present for you.

Yet you have probably heard that what you believe strongly enough will become true for you. In other words beliefs are statements about your future as well.

For example, if you believe you can earn $100,000 per year, you probably will. If you believe that you are one of life’s failures then you will fail at everything that is important to you.

Beliefs are more than just statements about something you believe to be true. Deeply held beliefs are statements that your mind will strive to make true in your reality. If you develop new and equally strong beliefs, your mind will work hard to manifest these new beliefs in your reality.

Why do we need beliefs?

Beliefs are very important to us. We live in a world that is incredibly complex. Just think about walking in to a room. How much information do your senses take in when you do that? The answer is an enormous amount. The problem is that your conscious awareness can deal with around 7 pieces of information simultaneously. This means that on it’s way to your conscious awareness all the information from your senses is heavily filtered and one of the filters that helps you to make sense of the torrent of information is your beliefs.

Your beliefs are an essential mental framework that lets you make sense of the world around you. However they are not fundamental to the world around you, they are something that you have constructed for yourself. Your beliefs are no more significant than someone else’s beliefs, they are just different.

There are some beliefs that have withstood the test of time as being of significant benefit to all individuals and the whole of humanity. These beliefs are the fundamental shared beliefs in all major religions and philosophies.

How do we build our beliefs?

You construct your framework of beliefs largely through experience. As a child you are strongly influenced by your parents and other significant adults. Some of your most strongly held beliefs are formulated at this stage, largely out of your control. Unfortunately, everyone ends up with some limiting beliefs at this stage in their lives. As you get older, your circle of influences widens and you acquire beliefs from a wider range of experiences. You may come across experiences that contradict some of your existing beliefs and you may change them.

Eventually you can reach a stage of awareness where you realise that your beliefs are just choices that you have made, largely unwittingly and you can start to make different choices.

The problem is that many deep seated beliefs are associated with painful past events. Your conscious mind has already confined these unpleasant experiences to the deepest vaults of your memory. Changing beliefs that are anchored in such experiences can be quite challenging and take considerable effort and persistence. However the results are definitely worthwhile.

You have learned more about your beliefs in this article. They are an essential tool that your mind uses to make sense of the torrent of information that is available to your sense. They are constructed by your mind and they are personal to you. Many people attach great personal significance to their beliefs and cannot tolerate having them contradicted.

The tragedy is that many of your beliefs have been formed by circumstances that are largely out of your control and you are a victim of the negativity in the world that surrounds you. The good news is you can consciously change your beliefs to ones that are more likely to give you the results you desire if you have a strong enough reason why and are prepared to work at it!

Do you want to learn more about use mind power?

Download my latest e-book here Principles of Success. Visit my website for more resources, articles, and support materials about success and personal growth.

Kevin John has spent many years helping businesses owners, aspiring business owners, and private individuals to develop the understanding and skills needed to achieve the success that they want.

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