Mind Power Tests

Monday, May 19, 2008

Tapping Within Creative Mind Power - How to Mind Power to Be Creative

Be ready for the richer, healthier, happier, more successful, love-filled life that you deserve, Click Here To Know More



We all want to be able to maximize our potentials. Inside you is the capacity to create, and inside your mind is a creative power that you can harness. Tapping within creative mind power may seem esoteric to you, but it’s not. Making and doing things are actually natural to the human being, simply because we have the potential to create. Tapping within your creative mind power is simple and can be done in quite a few ways.

Below are a few things you need to have or do, so you can be on your way to waking up the creative genius inside of you.

1) Awareness. When it comes to awareness, it is not a matter of being anxious or over-vigilant. Awareness is a state of knowing what is happening, whether within you or around you. Awareness is a state of being conscious of stimuli: happenings around you, happenings inside you. You have to observe yourself: your emotions, your thoughts, how you are reacting to external stimuli.

2) Immersion in beauty. If you notice, the most creative people surround themselves with beauty. If they can’t, they create beauty out of their grotesque world.

3) Ability to turn stress, tragedy and crises around. The most creative people react to stress, tragedies and crises not by being depressed about it, but by moving in the other direction - turning things around, tapping into their creative strengths, and creating something beautiful from their grotesque experiences.

Tapping within your creative mind power is a matter of using these things and turning them into fuel for creativity. By being aware of your surroundings, you will notice the most beautiful parts of the environment, of life, and derive inspiration from it. By being aware of what goes on inside you, you will be able to tap into these emotions and incorporate them into what you want to create.

When you immerse yourself in beauty, you become what you are surrounded with. And when you learn to see beauty in the grotesque and be inspired from it, chances are, you may well create work in the caliber of Picasso’s, Victor Hugo’s, Fyodor Dostoevsky’s, and all the other virtuosos of art in all its varied forms.

Tap into your creative mind power now!

Michael Lee is unbelievably giving away over $2355 worth of the best self-help ebooks FREE at http://www.20daypersuasion.com/goldaccess.htm for a limited time. Download as many as you want before you miss out!

Unlocking Hidden Mind Power - How to Unleash Your Mind's Amazing Power

Our mind is a complex mass, made up of components that may seem discrete, or different from each other, but are actually connected. Unlocking your hidden mind power is a matter of learning how to enhance the connections between these areas in your mind. Unlocking your hidden mind power, contrary to the common impression, is not brain surgery. It is actually a simple process. All it takes is your willingness, and these three driving forces.

1) Identify what would be the “underlining paradigm” to your life. This would mean defining the reason why you will be working hard. This would be what would drive everything you do. Do keep in mind that without defining your paradigm, you would be like a newly beheaded chicken running around without a purpose.

Whatever paradigm you have designed for your life, it would be what you would go back to when tough times come. In life, there would be several setbacks. What would then keep you going when everything seems to be crumbling like brittle limestone in your hands? Your paradigm would keep you going.

Say for example, you aim to be a “man for others”. You would then build your life around helping people. If you choose to climb up the corporate ladder, then your moves would be defined by your paradigm of being a man for others. This means that despite deals being a little disadvantageous to you, you would choose to remain honest or committed because it is for the greater good, and it would help your fellow man. Then whatever you would do, when people approach you for help, despite being chin-deep in a deadline, you would take the time out to help, because you set in your mid to be a “man for others”.

That is just an example. You could go for the paradigm “looking out for number one,” if that feels more comfortable to you. But do realize that the visionaries and the world’s greatest men did not get there because of their mercenary mindset. A majority of them got there because they gave a lot of themselves, as much of themselves as they wanted out of life and others.

Unlocking your hidden mind power, then, starts with knowing what you want. Read on for the next two steps.

2) Create a strategy of how to develop a career around your paradigm. Let’s go back to the example of being a “man for others”. Let’s say you want to achieve that through the route of the corporate world. You would then be taking the route of social entrepreneurship, given your paradigm. Or else, you would commit to giving a certain amount of your profits to charity. However you choose to do it, build every decision you make upon your main paradigm.

Know your options and make decisions based on which would bring you closer to your goals, or which would be consistent with your main paradigm.

3) Throw yourself into what you decided upon. Passion is the main fuel for people. Those who got to the top have achieved that feat because they focused all their energies on what they wanted to accomplish. You cannot realize your goals if you are not in the least bit driven, or inspired, to reach out and grab what you set your heart upon.

These are the keys to unlocking your hidden mind power because when you know what you want, you will be driven to get it. When you are driven to get it, everything inside you, including your mind, kicks into gear, bracing for getting whatever you desire. At that moment, your mind would then kick into motion, and be at its most productive state.

Remember, unlocking your hidden mind power starts with identifying/defining your paradigm; next is for you to create your strategy and make decisions based on your paradigm; and lastly, you should coat your life with passion. Here’s to reaching your peak!

Michael Lee is unbelievably giving away over $2355 worth of the best self-help ebooks FREE at http://www.20daypersuasion.com/goldaccess.htm for a limited time. Download as many as you want before you miss out!

Real Mind Power!

Real mind power. Over time, this concept has been seen and heard in mass media. And regarded as fact. So, what's wrong with it? Most people can accept that there is such a thing as mind power but are probably clueless about its true character, which is its being commonly misunderstood for what it truly is.

Some psychologists tend to associate mind with the human brain. Others disagree claiming that the human mind is non-physical and is not synonymous with the human being's gray matter or tissue which is the physical organ called brain. As a matter of fact, researchers into this field of expertise have come to think that mind is not exclusively located in the brain but in all parts of the human body and even outside of it!

This idea of the mind occurring and existing outside of the human body is a startling revelation and can confuse a lot of people. But this might help explain the findings made by doctors, physiologists and professionals including philosophers and mystics that the endocrine glands in the human body may have something to do with the mind. At this point we have a declaration of the mind's independence from the brain..

There are writers who say that one of these glands, called the pineal which is lodged in the head just behind and between the eyeballs, is really the focal point, the drop zone, if you like, or rendezvouz area between the body and the spirit. It is this gland which supposedly acts as coupling for the two aspects of human existence. It is here where mind and matter meet...

With this statement, it may no longer be difficult to think that human mind power may and can be used to influence the environment which is therefore outside of the human body, and also the people who may be interacting with the person using mind power.

By influencing people as well as the environment, I do not mean to say that changes in people's lives or situation and those in the environment are materially altered or affected using physical intervention as a result of planning or decision-making for an intended action (which therefore originates in thought). I do mean that changes are actually caused in their original state or condition using the power of thought alone to bring forth these changes without the assistance of physical means, in real time.

I also do not wish to refer to the "sleight-of-handers" the amazing stage and street magicians who are so skilled in turning a burning scarf into a rose on a stem. In this definition I do not like to include the stage magicians who are more inclined to use mechanical props to perfect their illusion, although I deeply respect them for the time and patience they have devoted to their craft. And this is not to say of the mind power they use to complement their physical performance which now brings us to ask: where exactly does the mechanical or physical factor of the performance end, and the mind power element of the entire process actually begin? Is it any wonder then that the term warlock should be correctly applied to denote the magician?

What is suggested in this discussion of mind power and what it really boils down to, is none other than the reality of mind over matter. That's right. The mind can control physical things and takes precedence over matter. This statement apparently takes on an esoteric or occult twist so far as it says something about mind over matter which translates into the invisible over the visible, the intangible over the tangible. I'm saying this because people may really find a lot of usefulness in mind over matter, apart from what the magicians do, which is primarily to entertain us.

Taking a step further, mind over matter, or mind power can be removed from the mysterious or the occult and enlisted to assist us in our day-to-day experience with life. We can use mind power to control events such as having a favorable stock market report, winning a lover back, predicting correct lottery numbers, persuading a teenager who's gone a little off-tangent to take advice, warding off disgusting people in the workplace without appearing to do it.

And yes, you may have guessed right. You can apply mind over matter on yourself (surprise!) to get rid of unwanted habits and thus promote self-improvement. You may also do a variety of other things you may have a mind to. It's your mind, see?

And then there's everyone's favorite: Using mind power to create and generate wealth. If this is you, then you may want to visit this site:

My website:  http://www.real-mind-power.com===

I'd like to thank Iain Legg and Phil Busbridge of RealMindPowerSecrets.com whose website I'm promoting through this article and who are the owners of the image titled "Get connected" that appears on the pages of my website

Using Your Mind Power To Achieve Your Desires

All human Beings were born with a boundless and immeasurable power. It is this power that has made you what you are today, and it is the power that will make you what you will be in a year, two years, five years etc.

All things got started with a thought. And it is this thought that is the power in you. Personal Development practitioners call this power - Mind Power. Mere thoughts are so powerful that it can turn into something tangible. All you have to do is to focus your mind into thinking in the right manner and this can make you achieve what you want to achieve.

If there is anything you desire that you feel you cannot have, what you need to do is tap into your Mind Power. The boundless and immeasurable power of your mind is richly endowed to provide your desire, in a matter of time.

Your first step in achieving your desire is to develop a passion. How much passion do you have for the thing you desire. Thinkers say Passion is Power! Create a strong passion for the thing you want, in your mind and in your actions.

Be clear in your mind the exact thing you want. Be specific about it. If it is a car you want, you must be definite about it - the type, model etc. Focus your mind about the exterior, the paint. The interior décor, the steering wheel, the upholstery. Fasten your mind on these details.

Visualise your desire. Use your mind to see how the car moves. See yourself entering the car, starting the car and driving it round your town, and waving to friends and acquaintances. Feel the enjoyment you want in the car.

Believe all these visualizations. See yourself actually owning the car, and all these becoming a reality.

From time to time, during your visualizations you will receive a spark of message to do one thing or the other. These are Inspired Actions. Take these actions without hesitations. These are actions demanded by the Universal Supreme Intelligence, after your subconscious has communicated your passion to Him, and He has communicated back to your subconscious mind.

Take these inspired actions and in a matter of time your desire will come true.

Abu Aremu is an internet marketer and motivator. He writes on many topics including guides to positive mental attitudes and how to achieve greater heights in life. You can read life changing articles and resources from him at http://www.positiveselftalkguide.com and contact him to receive tips on how to improve your positive self talk by sending blank mail to abu@positiveselftalkguide.com

Personal Development And Self-Help - Unleash Your Mind Power And Attract Success, Money And Friends!

The suppressed mind has secreted attainments below its unconscious essential. Soul learning is an alternation of tactics that we can employ to call up that fortuitous online mail below the surface. We have collectible parts of our history at the bottom of the pinned consciousness or subconscious mind. Now, if we learn some practice to use instate letters to our advantage, perhaps we can run through the mind to enveloping awareness.

We have close online correspondence in the subliminal, which includes our continuation school. That consolidated math or history you reflect you have forgotten is not forever forgotten, rather the knowledge is underneath your subconscious time foreseeing for you to take an adventure to engender the specifics to take dealings.

You have options over the many steps one can take to unleash the power of your mind. You can make money and find new friends; first, however you have to learn these steps to accomplish your goal. Mentioning goals, this is a start of effectively unleashing your mind's power. That is set goals and work to reach them.

The soul has hidden literature beneath its unconscious foremost. Subliminal learning is an alternation of tactics that we can employ to refer to as up that extemporaneous mail underneath the surface. We have collectible parts of our history at the bottom of the under feel or subconscious mind. Now, if we learn some motility to use empower alphabet to our advantage, obtainable we can train the mind to encompassing awareness.

The subliminal or subconscious mind houses ulterior attainments beneath its unconscious essential. Subliminal messages are alternations of tactics that we can apply to call up that fortuitous recall below the surface. We have collectible parts of our history at the nethermost of the under consciousness or subconscious mind that holds our power. If we learn a few steps to employ our instate letters to our service, perhaps we can retrain the mind to encompassing kindliness.

We have enclosed mail in the subconscious or subliminal, which composes our continuing school of knowledge. This entire brook of knowledge you think you have forgotten, is not gone, more willingly, it is hidden below the conscious state auspiciously for you to take an adventure to generate these specifics to take measures to unleash the mind's power.

You can unleash this power by confederating the basic nouns, such as objects, persons, things, etc to discover what you had learned earlier. You may recall something as a child. This information you can use to discover new principles and information that will service you to learn what you already know by unleashing your essence mind.

You may recall things that you did not remember at this time, seeing you had to trigger your subconscious mind into recalling. Yet as you put forth the effort, you will soon discover something you had resting in your subliminal mind.

Likewise, if you take a stroll back you can commence to recall details of some event that took place in your history. For case history, your percipient mind will jolt you to take a stroll back to track your knowledge and to discover your key points that could benefit you. Each step you take in reverse cogitation you come closer to recalling, since your memory is improving.

You may embark on recall by associating items with your indispensables and low and break through, you accomplish what you have failed to recall earlier. By associating objects, people, and knowledge from memories you had put away in the subliminal mind you start to recall more each day. You may have some anamnesis of some recall when you were a child. The directions explore helps you to discover new tenets and guidance that give the effect of relief, since you start to extract from these recalls, thus unleashing your subliminal mind and finding new ways to better your life.

Michelle Green is a leading expert in the self-development industry. She offers FREE personal development and self-help audio books to her website visitors.

The Secret to Weight Loss - Mind Power

"The problem is not your thighs, Sweetie, the problem is your head." -- Carrie on Sex and the City

You've heard it said that you are what you eat. Don't believe it. You're NOT what you eat. You're what you THINK. It's not the food. It's what you believe about the food. What you believe about the food you eat determines how it affects your body. Your body is a direct reflection of your thoughts. The inner world of your mind creates the outer world of your body, therefore, if you want to change your body, start by changing your thoughts. Here's the secret: Changing the way you eat is optional. Changing the way you THINK about what you eat is essential.

Every thought causes a reaction in the body. Think about a lemon. Imagine biting into a juicy lemon wedge right now. Can you taste the sour, tangy juice? Do you notice the saliva forming in your mouth? It's a psychosomatic response. Your body is reacting to your thoughts.

Do you think your overweight condition is set in stone? It's not. Quantum Physics tells us that nothing is fixed, that everything is in a state of potential. Einstein's 1905 formula E = mc2 explains that Energy and matter are interchangeable; that, in reality, everything is Energy. The fundamental aspect of the Universe is dancing, fluid, ever-changing Energy. The Energy of the Universe is shapeable, formable, and moldable; and you shape, form and mold this Energy with your thoughts. Quantum Physics has scientifically proven that you create your own reality based on where you focus your attention.

My client, Sandra, literally reshaped her body with her thoughts. Realizing that weight loss begins in the mind, she has transformed her body into a fat-burning machine with her thoughts. She now imagines herself thin. She now thinks of herself as a thin person and she likes herself as a thin person. She likes her body and happily gives it healthy, light foods. In just three months she has lost thirty pounds and is well on her way to her ideal size. As she thinks of herself as thin and imagines herself thin and feels good about herself, she is actually becoming thin for the first time in her life.

"You have absolute control over but one thing, and that is your thoughts. If you fail to control your own mind, you may be sure you will control nothing else." - Napoleon Hill

It's true. You have complete control over nothing but your thoughts and, happily, that's the only thing you need to control. When you control your thoughts, you control your life. Your body responds to the instructions it receives from your mind. So, as you tell your body what you expect from it, it will begin to behave accordingly. When you consciously choose your thoughts, you can consciously choose your body. Your thoughts created the body you now have and your thoughts can create the body you would like to have.

As a society, Americans have tried EVERYTHING to fight the battle of the bulge. We've tried surgery, supplements, drugs, liposuction to vacuum fat out of the body, inserting stables in the ear, tummy-tucks to remove excess skin and fat, gastric bypass to reduce the stomach to the size of a walnut, vinyl sauna suits to sweat off pounds, and EVEN caffeine tights. Yes, Americans have tried everything to be thin - everything except one thing - applying the power of the mind. We've tried every type of action. Now in the Age of Mind, it's time to apply the awesome and unlimited power of the mind.

Kate Corbin is a Law of Attraction Life Coach and the creator of Gold Star Coaching. Both her coaching practice and her books - Dining at the Cosmic Café: How to Be and Do and Have Whatever You Desire and Think and Grow Thin with the Law of Attraction - http://www.goldstarcoaching.com/ebook.html are designed to empower you to truly live the life of your dreams. To contact Coach Kate, check out her books, and subscribe to her free ezine, Magical Musings, visit http://www.goldstarcoaching.com/

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Friday, May 16, 2008

Mind Power as Related to Nutrition - Rethinking Your Daily Diet

Be ready for the richer, healthier, happier, more successful, love-filled life that you deserve, Click Here To Know More



This article touches on the nutritional aspects of mental health, and is intended
to enlighten the reader, presenting mainstream verifiable data as well as the author's
personal experiences with the examples as part of my own personal regimen and opinions.

Many people who study the human brain assert that a healthy brain never forgets
anything. Unless affected by injury or disease the brain never loses anything. Well,
as you can guess, there are many differing opinions on the less than exact science
of the human brain. Many scientists and clinicians can agree, however, that forgetting
something is actually a result of concentration, retention and significance, based
on the collective wisdom of these three very general topics.

The brain is an extremely active organ, metabolically speaking, and requires
large amounts of energy in order to function optimally. Armed with this knowledge,
we need to examine the best food stuffs proven to be absolutely essential for our
brains. Let's start with known causes of brain impairment, especially over time
such as Free radical damage.

Bearing in mind that the brain is about 60% composed of fatty or lipid molecules,
it should stand to reason that how the brain is nourished would have to have a great
deal of influence of cognitive functions, such as memory, reasoning and retention.
A brain-healthy diet is one that reduces the risk of heart disease and diabetes,
encourages good blood flow to the brain, and is low in bad fat and cholesterol.

Omega-3s are a particular type of polyunsaturated fats that are found in fatty
fish. Scientific studies indicate that omega-3s are important to maintaining brain
function in early development and throughout life, and may help protect the brain
from aging. Again, look at the brain's composition and the role of good fats and
fatty omegas should become more apparent.

Fatty acids seem to work in part by counteracting free radicals, which are atoms
that have an electron imbalance and are constantly seeking to steal an electron
to make itself whole. This process of stealing electrons from cells causes cell
damage. Brain cells are no exception and brain cell damage also occurs due to free
radical activity. Think of free radical damage as mental rust. So, what should we

The very best sources are cold water fish contain beneficial omega-3 fatty acids:
halibut, mackerel, salmon, trout and tuna. Most nuts can be a useful part of your
diet; almonds, pecans and especially walnuts are a good source of vitamin E, an

Vitamins E and C together, vitamin B12 and folate may be important in lowering
your risk of developing Alzheimer’s. A brain-healthy diet will help increase your
intake of these vitamins and the trace elements necessary for the body to use them
effectively. Folate is gaining importance as a supplement critical in the fight
of Alzheimer's and dementia. Think whole grains and berries.

Foods high in antioxidants such as dark-skinned fruits and vegetables have the
highest levels of naturally occurring antioxidant levels. Such vegetables include:
kale, spinach, brussels sprouts, alfalfa sprouts, broccoli, beets, red bell pepper,
onion, corn and eggplant. Fruits with high antioxidant levels include prunes, raisins,
blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, raspberries, plums, oranges, red grapes
and cherries. Regular intake of these foods can greatly reduce those nasty free

It is not clear how much fruit would have to be consumed to have a detectable
benefit. However, a study of elderly women showed that those who ate the most green,
leafy and cruciferous vegetables in the group were one to two years younger in mental
function than women who ate few of these vegetables.

I'd like to leave you with an idea for breakfast which will absolutely explode
your mental and physical energy to start your day. Works for me and others, but
you need to keep an open mind, at least gastronomically. Take a toasted whole wheat
English muffin or bagel, butter it lightly, No margarine ever, and then lay on the
peanut butter. Open a can of sardines, or tuna, canned salmon, about 3 to 4 ounces
and enjoy! Wash it down with fresh Apple Cider and you will enjoy a clear mind and
energy to burn. I promise! Thank you for reading.

I specialize in general interest short article content, especially for my own
content sites. I love to write and I look forward to contributing many many more
submissions, hoping people will find some useful or entertaining info.

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Thursday, May 15, 2008

Healing Power of the Mind - Using Mind Power to Heal Illnesses

Be ready for the richer, healthier, happier, more successful, love-filled life that you deserve, Click Here To Know More



Do you ever wonder why some cancer victims heal and recover from their illnesses
while some don’t? Do you ever wonder what defines the difference between these two
kinds of cancer-afflicted people? It is true that those who have been healed have
a secret: the healing power of the mind. The healing power of the mind is not a
mysterious thing that can be activated by gibberish and mumbo-jumbo rituals and
words. The healing power of the mind is actually based on one thing: positive thinking.

Maybe you’re thinking that these people are super-optimists. No they are not.
They too, have had their share of discouragement and had reacted accordingly. They
too had felt that life had been unfair to them.

But what is crucial to their recovery is the realization that they can actually
choose not to continue to feel the negative way that they do. You too can make use
of the healing power of the mind. Let me show you how.

1) Accept that you have an illness.

Seem absurd? Actually, it’s not. Life’s problems are not solved by denying their
existence. On the contrary, they are made worse through denial, because they aren’t
being dealt with. The most important step you can take in healing would be to accept
your present circumstance, but to positively expect that you can heal yourself using
the powers of your mind.

2) Do something about it.

Get treatment; research your options for the treatment of your illness. Getting
treatment lets you assume control over your life again. This diminishes the feeling
of helplessness; thus, you can start to think clearly, do what needs to be done,
and make the most out of your days.

3) Take comfort in a Higher Power.

Studies have proved that those who believe in a Higher Power tend to heal faster.
The trust that though they are helpless, someone has control over their lives and
He ultimately would see them through, makes people less anxious, freeing their system
to self-heal faster.

The mind is a terrible thing, some people said. Actually, as you’ve seen here,
the healing power of the mind can be unlocked so easily. Follow these steps, and
you can harness this power.

Michael Lee is unbelievably giving away over $2355 worth of the
best self-help
ebooks FREE
for a limited time.

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The Wonderful World of Mind Power

Be ready for the richer, healthier, happier, more successful, love-filled life that you deserve, Click Here To Know More



Do you desire to have a better life? More money? Love? Better health? If you
answered yes to any or all these questions then I have great news for you. You can
have all of these things by using just the power of your mind. Sound impossible?
Let me reveal to you how it’s possible to use mind power to get what you want.

The brain is an intricate piece of machinery. It is so complicated that even
the most brilliant scientists do not fully understand how it functions. The brain
is where our thoughts originate and it is the center of communication for the body.
For instance, place your hand on something hot and in a matter of milliseconds a
signal will be sent to the brain and the brain will communicate to the hand to pull
back in a hurry.

Now if the brain can function that flawlessly, imagine what would happen if you
learn to tap into the power of the mind to get your subconscious to produce the
results that you want. Many successful people have learned this secret and you can
too with a little bit of study and practice.

I am going to give you just a few tips to start you on the path to a better life.
Use these tips and watch a wonderful transformation take place.

1. Visualize yourself being successful. Start a scrapbook of your better
life. Search for pictures of your dream home and place them in your scrapbook. Do
you want to lose weight? Find pictures of people that look the way you desire to
look and place them in your scrapbook. Have a dream job? Find pictures pertaining
to this job and place them in your scrapbook. Make it a point to look through this
scrapbook everyday. Add to it accordingly and constantly visualize yourself achieving
all the things in your scrapbook.

2. Portray yourself as being successful. This doesn’t mean to brag about
yourself or to tell lies about your accomplishments. It means to simply walk and
talk with confidence. Visualize how a successful person would act in any situation
and try to become that person. Always dress nice, even if you are just going to
the grocery. When you always feel good about yourself, you will accomplish your

3. This is a very important tip. Stay away from people that will drag
you down. The negative vibrations that these people give off will transfer to you
and become a roadblock to your success. Seek out positive people that are highly
accomplished and align yourself with them.

Using the power of the mind to get everything you want in life is not new. Successful
people have been doing it for centuries. Follow in their footsteps and watch your
life transform into something great by using mind power!

Lucinda is a freelance writer and registered nurse who is transforming her life.
To learn more about how she is changing her life with mind power check out her website
at http://www.persuasivemindpower.com

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Quantum Mind Power Recordings - The Quantum Mind Power System is Nothing but Noise!

Be ready for the richer, healthier, happier, more successful, love-filled life that you deserve, Click Here To Know More



"The Quantum Mind Power recording is nothing BUT noise!". That was the first
thing my fiancée told me when I let her listen to the 'The Morry Method Brainwave
Entrainment System' for the first time.

It was challenging to convince anyone that the Quantum Mind Power recordings
are able to create a profound effect on your life. Well at least, it was especially
difficult for me to persuade my fiancée to give this program a fair try. More so
when she gave me that puzzled look when I told her that the Quantum Mind Power system
was developed by a certified brainwave entrainment specialist.

I can understand that look perfectly as I was in the same position myself when
I first heard about the amazing technology of the Quantum Mind Power system. And
I am pretty sure even if you have heard of the brainwaves entrainment program remotely
before, you would be wondering the same thing too. Alright, let us break it down
to simpler words, shall we?

What exactly is the Quantum Mind Power system?

The Quantum Mind Power system is a series of MP3 recordings that are supposed
to train your brainwaves to attain a meditative state of mind also known as the
Alpha stage.

It is made up of pulsing sounds and ‘noise’ if you would like to call it, and
is responsible for tuning your brainwaves into the right frequency for your Alpha

So, what is the Alpha state?

The Alpha state of mind is when you drop a level down from your active consciousness
level, which is Beta by the way, and starts to drift off in your thoughts. Examples
of Alpha states are when you are driving, taking a shower, reading a book before
going to bed, praying and so on.

When you are in Alpha mode, you maintain consciousness level but you are very
aware of your surroundings. This is the state where you 'communicate' with your
subconscious mind with thoughts and affirmative ideas.

The Quantum Mind Power system is designed to help tune your brainwaves pattern
to reach Alpha mode at will. The creators of this program believe that the 'noise'
generated can help to enhance your mental prowess.

It can help you to learn at a faster speed, be more creative, solve problems
better, be more focused and improve your intuitive abilities.

Would you like to learn powerful mind control techniques that can help you to
attain your deepest desires, achieve a euphoric state of being, attract abundant
wealth and empower your lives forever? Sign up for a FREE 5-part self empowering
lessons here at
Quantum Mind
Power Secrets

Check out our Quantum Mind Power blog at
for more resourceful information.

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Monday, May 12, 2008

10 Principles of Mind Power

Be ready for the richer, healthier, happier, more successful, love-filled life that you deserve, Click Here To Know More



There are ten basic principles or tenets upon which the SUCCESS THROUGH MIND
philosophy is founded. These principles which conform to the natural mental laws
discussed elsewhere have been crystallised and fully expounded upon in the book
“SUCCESS THROUGH MIND POWER”. These principles would serve as a layman’s blueprint
in his quest for success as he goes about his ordinary everyday living. The principles
are as follows:-

1. Desire: This is the gateway or door to all success. It is the very first tool
of MIND POWER. You must be fired by desire to the state of obsession in order to
achieve success in any endeavour. Desire, which is always accompanied by emotion,
is the quickest way to trigger the subconscious mind where all thoughts are processed
and concretised.

2. Goal Setting: Desire must be accompanied by a goal, which must be definite,
concrete and with a time limit imposed for realisation. Most people fail because
they did not bother to set a goal for themselves. Your goal must be realistic and
believable to you; but you must think big for MIND POWER to flourish.

3. Attitude: This mental disposition or bearing of an individual influences everything
else. A good or poor attitude will yield its physical equivalent. Positive attitude
would inevitably bring about positive results. Avoid negative attitude at all times.
That is what MIND POWER for success is all about.

4. Imagination: This is the workshop or the laboratory where all your plans and
your desires are formulated. Anything ever invented or created by man came through
imagination. In fact only those who employ imagination bring about positive change
in the world. MIND POWER is all about the effective use of the imagination.

5. Faith: This is the visualization and belief in the attainment of desire. Faith
and desire will produce your goal. Faith only works when mixed with positive emotions.
To emphasize its importance, all world’s religions use faith as their weapon. Faith
or firm belief is the key to developing MIND POWER. You can acquire it through affirmation
or the internalised repeated use of positive statements.

6. Decision: Only successful people take decisions and act upon them promptly
and definitely after due consideration. Unsuccessful people delay and vacillate.
For MIND POWER to work, you must decide what you want quickly and remain focussed.

7. Planning: This is vital for success, whether for an individual or an entire
country where an annual plan is known as the budget. For the individual, planning
is best achieved through intuitive inspiration, a very crucial feature of the MIND
POWER philosophy.

8. Knowledge: Knowledge is power, they often say; but this is not classroom or
book knowledge when the issue of MIND POWER is discussed. It is the type acquired
through inspiration. This is creative knowledge required for inventions and discoveries
valuable to mankind. Simple exercises have been developed to assist in achieving
this spelt out in the book.

9. Right Partner: This is usually a controversial and complex subject matter.
To develop MIND POWER, you need the right sex partner. Apart from sex being the
best emotional therapy, it also serves for procreation and love. Yet there is an
unseen aspect of sex. It affects the invisible delicate shield protecting you called
the aura. This way, sex influences your affairs for good or bad depending on the
quality of your partner’s aura. The issue here is not that of morals but one of
blending good human auras needed for development and enhancement of success generally.

10. Intuitive Inspiration: This is the tenth and most important principle of
the MIND POWER philosophy, because it climaxes your progressive learning in the
use of the 80 to 90 per cent of your mental faculty, which currently lies dormant,
untapped and unused. Simple physical and mental exercises carried out consistently
would enable you attain this man’s great gift. This is all you need to achieve your
life’s goals through the philosophy of Success through Mind Power spelt out in this
interesting book.

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Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mind Power - The Greatest Computer

Be ready for the richer, healthier, happier, more successful, love-filled life that you deserve, Click Here To Know More



The greatest mystery in all of creation is the human mind. The late President
of the United States, John F. Kennedy described man’s mind as “the most extra-ordinary
computer of all”. This evaluation is based on the complex nature and working mechanism
of the mind. The brain which the mind uses is known by scientists to have over 10
billion neurons or nerve cells in the brain’s cerebral cortex, intricately interwoven
and installed in an orderliness that would baffle any electronics genius. The tiny
brain of a child of four, for instance, is said to be more powerful than any computer
designed by man. This is demonstrated in the child’s ability to utilize common sense
or in exercising judgment.

The brain’s five basic functions of touch, taste, smell, hearing and seeing are
normally taken for granted. But are you aware that beyond these five physical functions,
there is an extra-ordinary quality associated with the brain? Dr J. B. Rhine, a
famous American psychologist, successfully conducted experiments to prove that telepathy
and intuitive inspiration are all part of our brainpower. It is this extra-ordinary
quality of the brain and its link with the human mind that is discussed here. This
quality confers on man the ability to create, and creation is man’s so-called godly
attribute. But how do you create? The answer is simple. You create through your
mind using your thoughts.

Rest assured that you can use your mind to create anything you desire—the good,
the bad, the beautiful, and the ugly—anything at all. That is the reason why you
must learn to control your thoughts because of the irrepressible nature of the human
mind. MIND POWER at work here.

Dr Steve Pink of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) had also made
an interesting observation. Today’s computers are acquiring more and more processing
power, he asserted, but even the most powerful computer cannot compare with the
brain of the little child mentioned earlier. This is indeed an astonishing phenomenon!
No computer has been known either to re-write its programme or regenerate itself
with the passage of time. A computer programme would be required to carry out any
such needed adjustments using newly coded instructions or commands.

But with the brain, an organ through which the mind expresses itself, such adjustments
are achieved automatically all through the individual’s life. The brain regenerates
itself. It can safely be stated without contradiction that the most advanced computers
are primitive devices when compared to the human brain and mind. Have you considered
the system that makes it possible for you to remember new names and new faces year
in and year out? Can you imagine the size of the computer memory disk that would
have made this possible—imponderable, you might say.

Brian Tracy in his fast selling book, “Maximum Achievement”, has likened the
human mind to the Central processing Unit (CPU) of a large computer network, which
can be accessed, influenced and programmed by operators from several sources. Any
new information or data whether true or false is taken in and alters operations
in every other area.

The subconscious mind is the most critical region of the CPU of this network
and your main task is to programme yourself so that what you think, feel and believe
become the mental equivalent of exactly what you wish to experience and enjoy practically
and physically. In other words, you must paint a clear bright picture of who and
what you want to be in mind, so that this picture will be etched on your conscious
from where it is transmitted on to the subconscious to be acted upon for concretization.
All this in a nutshell describes the mechanism of the MIND POWER philosophy outlined
in a very simple and readable form in the Success through Mind Power book.

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Success Through Mind Power Philosophy

Be ready for the richer, healthier, happier, more successful, love-filled life that you deserve, Click Here To Know More



Adopting the philosophy of “Success Through Mind Power” can change your whole
life for the better as it has done for numerous people who have adopted it before
you. This motivational and inspirational philosophy is about you attaining success
in any of life’s endeavours through the use of mind power, a philosophy that has
engaged the author for thirty years. Now what exactly is MIND POWER?

The philosophy behind the use of MIND POWER for general success is based on the
claim by the experts in this field namely, doctors, psychologists and psychiatrists
among others, that we humans use only about 10 per cent of our mental faculties.
This conclusion was based on separate or independent scientific studies they carried
out over some years. You probably have heard about this dismal conclusion before
now. Come to think of it, a mere 10 per cent? The implication of this is that whatever
your achievements in life might be, you are currently using no more than 10 percent
of your mental ability.

These same experts made an exception for the so called geniuses or individuals
with outstanding abilities. These geniuses are said to be able to use up to 20 percent,
but certainly not more! The question then is what happens to the 80 to 90 percent
of the human mind? We are told that it is dormant, idle, unused or untapped. This
is indeed a colossal waste! This dormant 80 to 90 per cent of the mental faculty
can however be put to full use, though only gradually. This can be achieved through
simple daily exercises developed over many years by different experts in the field
of psychology. Through this gradual process, you can now begin to use your mind
to change undesired conditions in your life at will. Conversely, you will only attract
those conditions or results that you desire. In short you can become what you think
about, as they say.

The explanation for such a phenomenal occurrence lies in the infinite power of
the human mind. Most people either underestimate or are ignorant of the immense
power of the mind. The human mind is so powerful that some people have been known
to bend metal by sheer thought concentration. You might have heard about the American
TV entertainer, Yuri Geller. In addition to bending straight metal, Geller was reported
to have mended the wrist watches of all the viewers watching his programme. Takwaendo
experts use their bare fists to break solid piles of wood and concrete cement blocks.
This too is the result of mental conditioning and practice. It only stands to reason
that if hard metal, wood and cement can bow to thought or MIND POWER, ordinary human
conditions no matter how tough, can also bow. So why don’t you use the greatest
weapon given to man, your mind. How do go you about this? The MIND POWER philosophy
described in great detail in the book “Success through Mind Power” will show you
step by step how to accomplish this in a most simplified manner

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Friday, May 9, 2008

To Get Results Manifesting With Mind Power is It Necessary to Clean up Old Patterns and Beliefs?

Be ready for the richer, healthier, happier, more successful, love-filled life that you deserve, Click Here To Know More



As a professional teacher of the positive use of mind power I can tell you from
my own personal experience and my experience with many clients that the answer to
that question is unfortunately a paradox.

On the one hand it seems absolutely reliable that focusing on a thought sooner
or later attracts the physical reality to match it. For example focusing on having
your paycheck double will lead to you increasing your paycheck.

On the other hand I could also tell you that the feeling of climbing Mount Everest
and standing on the top is for some people it seems a very exhilirating feeling
of accomplishment. Yet imagine what risks and difficulties must be overcome to accomplish
such a feeling?

Therefore what I am sharing is the while it is indeed true that holding a thought
is the way to materialize it into physical reality the problem is how to overcome
the difficulty in doing so.

-You may control a mad elephant;

You may shut the mouth of the bear and the tiger;

Ride the lion and play with the cobra;

By alchemy you may earn your livelihood;

You may wander through the universe incognito;

Make vassals of the gods; be ever youthful;

You may walk on water and live in fire:

But control of the mind is better and more difficult.-


Let's continue with our example of holding the thought of a paycheck that is
twice the size. Double the normal amount. Surely if you hold that thought, as any
other it will come to pass.

While there are many obstacles to holding such a thought steady the one that
is the subject of this article is the obstacle of the fact that the life you are
living now and all the things and people and situations in it are being generated
quite effectively by the current thoughts you are holding! You are already a master
of mind power and you are using that power to hold in place and hold on to the very
experience you are having now in life.

In order to learn how to consciously create success using mind power what happens
is that one way or another the person must form a new thought of something they
are not yet manifesting. People are often taught to visualize to do this. I suggest
simply writing down what you already have materialized in the area you are working
on. Your paycheck in this case.

Write down the current amount on the left hand side of a piece of paper. Something

Currently my paycheck is $______.

Draw a line down the center of the paper.

And then write down on the right hand side of the paper,

I imagine that currently my paycheck is $_______.

Fill in the amounts that correspond for you.

There you have the new thought on the right hand side of paper. Tear the paper
in two and hold onto that thought. Have you heard the story of the famous American
actor named Jim Carrey who before he was famous wrote himself an imaginary check
for ten million dollars and carried it around in his wallet until one day he really
did get a check for ten million dollars as his fee for acting in a movie.

Holding a thought is powerful. However if you try and hold the thought of doubling
your paycheck for example, or any other thought what often happens is that your
life starts changing in order to align you and all your beliefs and feelings to
support the new thought.

Many people teach that you must clean or clear, or change or examine your beliefs
in order to change your life. It is true. However I can tell you that when you focus
your thought and hold it on a particular subject then that thought itself will lead
you transform your self and your beliefs enough to bring the thought into manifestation,
OR, you will discard the thought and stop holding.

A thought is a force and as long as you hold it there is an extreme power resonating
your entire life to come into alignment with that thought.

Jorj Elprehzleinn
is a happy spiritual being having a human experience in the material world.
His techniques,
insights, and assistance
in the right use of thought and mind power are based
on a lifetime of research and personal experience.

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Thursday, May 8, 2008

Mind Power - How To Increase Your Mind Power

Be ready for the richer, healthier, happier, more successful, love-filled life that you deserve, Click Here To Know More



How can I increase mind power? Well, the answer is simple. In the previous articles,
I've talked about this, but let me summarize this now in to make it easy for you.
So, now you have it! You know what to do to make your lifestyle improved through
these changes. Here's a quick look at the changes that you can make today that will
increase your mind's power later and throughout your life.


  1. Improve your stress levels and see physical, mental and emotional benefits
    right away. Relieve your stress by doing something that you love. For example,
    I love writing, thus when I get stressed I will write some articles to release

  2. Improve your social network to reduce stress and to improve your quality
    of life. It also helps to make it through difficult times when you have someone
    by your side. Don't keep your problem kept within yourself. Find friends to
    talk to about your problem.

  3. Improve your brain's fitness by challenging it through new adventures, continuous
    learning and through challenges of all types.

  4. Do things that are enjoyable to you. If you can't think of anything, learn
    something new. New adventures coupled with doing them with those that you love
    make life better and help to improve your mental fitness.

  5. Keep your self esteem positive. Working on this is hard, but feeling good
    about yourself is a must for overall health. Think positively! Get positive
    affirmation, such as "I am competent", "I can succeed", and "I will be able
    to do well today".


By doing these things it will significantly improve the fitness that your mind
has physically and emotionally. The good news is that you can change the outcome
of your day by just making the right decisions on the way to look at challenges
during the day. Procrastination is a bad thing you should avoid. Make changes like
these today and see results today.

Codant Wright is an author writing on
Fitness and
Exercise. Visit
my website and get my Free Brand New 5 Part Fitness Ecourse at

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Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Quantum Mind Power - Does It Really Give You Quantum Mind Power Or Is It A Con? Find Out Now!

Be ready for the richer, healthier, happier, more successful, love-filled life that you deserve, Click Here To Know More



Quantum Mind Power is a new system that claims to help eliminate stress and tension without the user having to be good at meditation and claims to work for even a novice to the workings of meditation.

So how does Quantum Mind Power work?

Well the system was created by a guy called Morry Zelcovitch and is made up of monaural and isochronic tones that manipulate the brainwaves and can induce a relaxed state.

I will not go into the technical details as to be honest it is beyond me, although Morry claims to have studied with the leading brainwave researchers and the program took 15 years of research to complete.

So to recap as you know meditation requires practice but an experienced practitioner can go into deep stress relieving states using meditation. What the Quantum Mind Power program does is induce these states with no willpower from the user so all you need to do is listen to the “noise” and the program will induce these stress relieving states.

Part of the allure of the Quantum Mind Power is the fact that no effort is required and all you need to do is sit or lay back and let the program do its work.

Well I invested in Quantum Mind Power to see if it really did have an effect and when I first started listening it sounded like an out of tune television and a chopper in the background but I decided to stick with it to see if it really could help.

The “noise” that you listen to within the program is meant to be a mix of the isochronic and monaural tones that change the brainwave patterns to make you feel stress free in much the same way as meditation without the willpower.

So what benefits does the Quantum Mind Power program promise:

  • Reduced Stress Levels
  • Motivation Will Be Boosted
  • A More Positive Outlook On Life
  • Enhanced Creativity


There were also many more benefits promised of the same elk, so that leaves the question does Quantum Mind Power actually work?

Well that really does depend on the user and having used it myself I must say that I do feel relaxed after a session with the Quantum Mind Power program.

However I am still not sure whether that is the placebo effect, making me feel relaxed.

That said, there are plenty of “Brainwave Entertainment” programs about and they cost so much more than the Quantum Mind Power program, so if you still have not got round to trying Brainwave Entertainment then I would recommend giving a go especially as it does come with a full 8 week guarantee.

Christopher Jones is interested in all aspects of the mind and body and has been practicing meditation for 4 years. He writes reviews and recommendations on the programs that he feels will benefit like minded people.

For more info on the Quantum Mind Power program and to get a FREE trial track of this technology click the link below:

Quantum Mind Power

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Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Relieve Stress To Unleash Your Mind Power To Attract Success

Be ready for the richer, healthier, happier, more successful, love-filled life that you deserve, Click Here To Know More



How stress affects you:

Stress is something that we all have on a daily basis and there is no way to void
it from our lives. Some stress pops up from nowhere, yet we can either manage this
stress or release it. Sometimes we have to cultivate a willingness to make changes.

It is possible to relieve unwanted and unnecessary stress. When stress starts
to develop do something to get rid of this stress rather than allowing it to sit
on the back burner.

Commence to relieve your mind of stress by allowing space to unleash your mind
power. You can do this by relieving stress.

How we deal with stress:

We deal with much stress from negative thoughts. Worry about something we have no
control of is thinking negative thoughts. Just let it go. When you have no control,
you want to let go of what you can’t change. Only work to change what you can. Unleash
your mind power by thinking positive and get rid of stress by changing your thinking

We can change from being negative to positive by setting some goals and making
changes. You will have to make some changes but we all can change even you.

How we can manage our lives to unleash our mind power:

Make a list of things that you can change that is about to stress you to the dumps.
Don’t let this get you down. Create your list, jot it down so you remember what
the stress that is making you feel sad is and worried all the time.

Now make another list on how are you going to change the stress around to being
positive or gone for good. Let go and unleash your mind power to success, money
and friends.

Believe me when you reach each goal and check it off the list you’ll begin to
feel happier and glad to go to work or out with the friends especially the new one
you’ll be meeting.

Now the goals and solutions are finish with positive thinking in mind jump in
and start working on them now. Don’t wait to get started because if you do the negative
thoughts might slip back in and than you’ll be overpowered by them. You need to
overpower the negative thoughts by keeping them positive and active.

Stay in control by thinking positive to unleashing the mind power for success,
money and friends. As you begin to think positive, you’ll eventually be able to
reprogram your brain and mind to positive thoughts. If you begin to feel negative
thoughts slipping back into your life, stop in your tracks. Walk away from the situation
and unleash your mind power again to think positive and relax a minute. Go back
and finish what you were doing.

When we reprogram our mind and brain to thinking positive, it helps us to learn
how to manage daily stress. We learn to manage the stress that crops up also. Relieving
stress is very important for all of us to relax, become healthier and happier. In
addition, your mind needs this room to think straight.

To reach success we have to be positive in life, for money we need to succeed
at our jobs and to relate better with our friends we need success at being a more
positive and confident person that is interesting to be around. So unleash your
mind for success to make money and friends by being positive and more confident
that you can and will succeed.

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Love - Fun - Peace Kevin Low

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Monday, May 5, 2008

Personal Review of Real Mind Power Secrets

Be ready for the richer, healthier, happier, more successful, love-filled life that you deserve, Click Here To Know More



I find the mind intriguing to an extreme extent, all my friends know this about

And this is how I got to know about this new website called Real Mind Power Secrets.

You see, a close friend of mine told me about it, and about the extensive (and
very expensive) mind research that a select group of people have made and kept secret
for a very long time.

I was very hesitant to check the site to begin with, I really do not have a lot
of time and I am very weary when it comes to things related to the mind, as you
might well be aware by now, there are a lot of scams and fake information being
spread over the internet, and I was not one to fall for such an amazing story.

But my friend kept pushing and pushing, you know, like having something inside
your head telling you every 5 seconds "you have got to buy this… You must buy this…
You owe it to yourself to check it out…"

He kept telling me that I should give it a try, so after much resisting it I
went over to the site.

Much to my surprise, the site is very professional, well designed and it even
has a video describing some of the things that the mind can do, I was starting to
find it interesting.

After reading for a while, I discovered many things that simply made sense to
me, and the products definitively were appealing… But I still, was a bit hesitant…
That was until I saw the guarantee.

I understood that getting this product was the right choice to take, and that
I had absolutely nothing to lose.

So I did what everyone does in this kind of circumstances, you know:

You take out your credit card, you punch in your personal information, and you
click on the button…

And it all worked fine… I was really impressed with how simple this process is,
and I was even offered a very special deal that I decided I should also take, I
might as well go all in, you know how it is.

Let me tell you, I was simply overwhelmed! There is a cornucopia of information
and files.

I downloaded the ones that I found more interesting, since I know I can download
the rest when I want, and I started reading…

Let me tell you, this stuff is pure gold! I have never imagined I would be privy
of this kind of information, some of it seems far fetched, but as long as I know
that the things that they explain can be done with the power of the mind, I know
that I am capable of doing the things that I always thought about but never really
knew were possible, like moving things with the mind (telekinesis) or communicating
mentally with others (telepathy and remote influencing).

But the books were not all, they have developed some MP3 files that are very
potent, and I mean POTENT!

I have never experienced such and intense reaction to the mind training recordings
before, and I am still having some work getting used to it.

All in all, I think this is one of the best investments I have ever made, there
is so much more I can write about Real Mind Power Secrets, but I think that I will
leave that for another time.

Nathan Romano is a Law of Attraction Mentor and Life Coach, he has successfully
helped many people to achieve the life they dream of and they desire. To learn more


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Law of Attraction - Use Your Inner Gifts to Unleash Your Mind Power and Attract Success

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The secret to attracting success, money and friends is to unleash your mind power
through self-talk by telling yourself that you will think positive and find ways
to feel good.

Our mind absorbs many things especially the negative thoughts from other people.
Subconsciously we hear them as feedback when we are doing things that make us think
negative. Learn to overcome the negative and become positive by becoming more aware
of your self-talk.

Look inside objectively while thinking positive to decide what it is that you
don’t like about yourself and things around you. Remember don’t let the negative
thoughts get in the way and keep you stuck, just use them as a guide. It takes being
truthful and staying positive to be successful at this. Being consistent will bring
you money and new friends.

Self-talk is telling yourself that you can and will be successful in whatever
goals you choose in life. If you want to make friends or become closer to the ones
you already have, you will need to be more conscious of how you act. Your friends
will be flocking around you when you talk positive instead of running yourself down
all the time.

Sometimes we have to write down what we want to change in order to help the mind
and brain attract the things we want. Changes are not always easy and fun to do
but thinking and feeling good will move you further along in life by unleashing
your mind power to succeed.

Making a list of what you want to do different and how you’re going to succeed,
to reach your goals will make them seem more obtainable. Repeating this list or
what some call affirmations or intentions, again and again out loud in a soft voice
will reprogram your mind and increase your effectiveness.

Think positive at the work place and tell yourself that you can learn a new way
to handle certain things like how you talk to your co-workers. When you talk to
friends at work don’t say things like; “I can’t get this done in that length of
time.” Instead say, “Sure I’ll work on it right away.” When you use the words "can't"
or "if" you are using negative thoughts; learn to work around them by telling yourself
that you can and will meet the deadline and succeed. People will be happier to work
with you and at the same time, you’ll be making more money and friends.

Focusing on your self-talk will help you to remember that you have a list of
goals and rewards waiting for you to work on. If you need to, go back to the list
of goals and remind yourself how you're going to succeed by making these changes.

As time goes on your old negative thoughts will have less and less of a hold
on you.

Start now and make your list while you unleash your mind power to success, money
and friends. Don’t worry if you make a mistake before reaching your goals. Everyone
makes mistakes at one time or another but we learn from them and press on toward
the goal. Use your self-talk and positive thinking to find a different way to handle
an unpleasant situation the next time it occurs.

Do you want help getting clear about what you really want? You’ll find a wealth
of spectacular material including journal pages and free audio affirmations along
with other secret tools to download at
Priscilla Parham coaches on awareness and goal setting for your health, your business
and your relationships, motivating others to rebuild from the inside-out.

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Success, Personal Growth - 4 Useful Tips to Increase Your Mind Power

Be ready for the richer, healthier, happier, more successful, love-filled life that you deserve, Click Here To Know More



A key to success and personal growth is to increase your mind power. You need
to work on all aspects of your mind – your inner strength, your knowledge and your
ability to just process information. This article discusses a few useful ideas that
can help you process information better.

Improve your memory

How often do you walk into a room or go to the shops only to find you’ve forgotten
what you what you wanted? A better short term memory can save you a lot of time
and effort. Here’s a simple trick that’s been around since the Roman Times.

Take the list of things that you want to remember and associate them with something
you are familiar with. Also tie in some strong emotions to reinforce the picture.
I use the rooms in my house. Say I want to buy coffee, bread, milk, sandwich spread
and a newspaper, I’d take a tour of my house.

Coffee would go in the bedroom (I love a cup of coffee in bed!). Bread in the
kitchen (I’d imagine the smell of fresh bread). Milk that’s a bit more difficult
but I’d put it in the living room with sandwich spread, sitting in my favourite
chair eating that sandwich and drinking a glass of milk. My newspaper would go in
the garden where I’d be reading it on a sunny morning.

When I get to the shop and it’s time to recall the information I’ve stored, I
take a mental walk through my house looking for the things I need!

I hope you get the idea. Next time you need to remember a list of things, try
this tip, it really works! Start on short lists of 5-10 items and work up.

Increase your Motivation

When you find yourself feeling unmotivated, talk through your plans to yourself.
When you do this you are reconnecting with the motivation and excitement you felt
when you put your plan together and your brain will literally remember that positive

As you’re talking to yourself, it can help if you sit up or stand up with your
head up and a smile on your face.

This is easier to do that forcing yourself to cheer up, or recite lots of positive
affirmations. When you’re feeling down, forcing yourself to change you mental state
can feel like pushing a large rock up a large hill! It’s better to go with the flow
and take another easier route round the problem.

You can apply this technique to others as well – cheer them up by getting them
to talk about something they really enjoy and/or they are passionate about.

Read Faster

There’s been a lot written about speed reading. It can help you to increase the
rate at which you learn new information.

What I find is that a lot of books contain pages where there’s relatively little
new information. I just want to get the gist of what’s being said to make sure I’m
not missing anything.

My favourite trick is to read the first and last sentence on each page and quickly
skim any subheads. If it looks like there’s nothing new, I’ll go to the next page.

If it looks like there might be something new, I’ll read the first and last sentence
of each paragraph on the page until I find the nugget I’m looking for.

Simple really, it takes a bit of discipline to apply, but you can cut down the
time it takes to hunt out the nuggets of new information in any book you’re reading.

Sharpen up your mental math

So many people struggle when it comes to numbers, to understanding whether something’s
a good deal or not. Practice mental arithmetic. It takes a bit of effort not to
reach for the nearest calculator, but the rewards are tremendous.

So much of what we do in this world is expressed in numbers – sports scores,
bank balances, business decisions, investment decision, what’s a bargain and what’s
not. An ability to work with numbers quickly and easily is a powerful asset for

You’ve read about four useful tips to increase your mind power. Ways to improve
your memory, increase your motivation, read faster and sharpen you mental math.
Pick one and just have fun with it. As you improve your mind power, you’ll feel
better about yourself and more confident about your abilities.

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Kevin John has spent many years helping businesses owners, aspiring business
owners, and private individuals to develop the understanding and skills needed to
achieve the success that they want.

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Saturday, May 3, 2008

How To Easily Tap Into Your Subconscious Mind Power

Be ready for the richer, healthier, happier, more successful, love-filled life that you deserve, Click Here To Know More



The subconscious mind is the source of emotion as well as the depository of memories. The conscious mind is the command center of the will as well as the facility of receptiveness. The subconscious mind is utterly submissive to the conscious mind. The conscious mind is the leads, loves and protects while the subconscious follows, respects and trusts. Therefore, the subconscious mind is the assistant of the conscious mind.

When the conscious and subconscious minds are in harmony, the entire mind is whole in its functioning. A fully functioning whole mind is productive, creative and healthy in its endeavors. However, when the harmony is unbalanced within the two minds it dysfunctions and consequently there is a destructive collapse.

Personal reality is created by the beliefs of the subconscious mind. While the conscious mind transmits, a thought into the subconscious mind to create a belief that is then manifested into reality.

When you consciously assume that something is true, your subconscious mind accepts it as truth. When the subconscious mind believes something to be true it goes about drawing the conditions needed to indeed make it truth.

The power of the subconscious mind is stimulated or tarnished in accord to the thoughts of the conscious mind. If the conscious mind distinguishes prosperity, the subconscious mind produces prosperity. The reverse can also be stated concerning the aspects of the conscious and subconscious mind.

How and what you think about yourself dominates your outcome of events. That is to say, the energy you put into thought returns to you in a like way, if the energy that you project to the universe is positive, by nature positive is returned to you.

Recognize the essential value of consciously choosing the thoughts you maintain each day. Keep your thoughts and actions focused on what you really want to create in your life reality, for thoughts as well as actions are indeed living energy.

You can tap into power of your subconscious mind by acknowledging quanta energy. Quanta are a plural form of Quantum. Quantum physics is a study of the universe's building blocks, or the frame of its structure. In the world of quantum physics, every single particle, which are considered quanta, is a form of concentrated energy. All the particles of energy are basically the same type of associated particles.

The difference is found in the way which particles are together grouped into even larger frame structures. Learning how they operate is key in understanding how to create yourself and the world around you. The secret is that your recurring emotions and thoughts can and will revise your life's path. The process of creating your reality by the use of both the conscious and subconscious mind is called manifestation.

So basically, you own thoughts manifest themselves into your own reality. How you make use of this information of bringing about a change of reality determines the results, whether they are positive or negative.

When you take time out to create the life or reality you want to draw to you, you are in fact influencing the Quantum Field. As energy is attracted to its own like energy, and the associated energy produces a physical effect.

Your emotional state is a central influence of your physical state. Your reality is fundamental to your choice of thoughts and intentions. You must take charge of your thoughts to take charge of your reality, as the outside and inside are reflections of each other.

Changing the negative things you think by replacing them with positive thoughts gives you the power to tap into your subconscious mind power. Once you have taken positive charge of your circumstances, everything positive will follow suit. Remember like attracts like.

Once you have taken charge of your subconscious thoughts and beliefs, you are able to draw to you the things you seek by putting the law of attraction to work.

When you choose what you wish to perceive, that which you choose to perceive should be chosen with conviction and single-mindedness, this will cause the quantum field of energy to manifest over time the reality that you seek, and it all depends upon your clarity of focus and confidence that your reality will be manifested.

It takes an intense desire to cause reality to change, all that is needed is knowing the possibility of manifestation can be accomplished with a change of attitude and intentions, putting effort into creating your day, your reality causes quanta energy to arrange the things you truly wish for to come to you.

*** Rasheed Ali was once a homeless & penniless and is now helping to change the lives of thousands people from all over the world. Unlock your Subconscious Mind Power by visiting the Sleep Your Way To Riches website today...

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Friday, May 2, 2008

Changing Attitudes to Unleash Your Mind Power To Attract Success

Be ready for the richer, healthier, happier, more successful, love-filled life that you deserve, Click Here To Know More



How you view your motivation:

Learning how you view your motivation and how it is influenced by attitudes can
help you change your way of thinking. If you are trying to unleash your mind power
to attract success, money and friends then you want to learn more about you now.

Moreover, you may want to learn whether slow or rapid memorizers can help you
to retain more information that you have learned.

First, attitudes compose our outlook on life. Our outlook comes from viewpoints
by us and by influences that have positioned our way of thinking. We have several
mind-sets sometimes that hinder us from learning effectively, since influences of
our past has lead us to believe something that may or may not be true. You want
to change this so that you can move to success.

Reflected Attitudes and converting them to positive thoughts: A common ole’ saying,”
I am too old to learn.” This is not true. The mind-set by the people who refuse
to learn something new can be broken with some effort. Exploring their subliminal
to regain the knowledge they already had learned in their childhood is a great start
to changing this attitude. Attitudes compose our scope of how we see things so we
want to evaluate these scopes carefully to unleash the mind power to attract success,
money and friends.

If these people want to unleash their mind power to attract success, money and
friends, thus they must turn this mind-set around so that it works in their favor.
Drop the negative attitude and say, “It is never too late to learn something new.
Today, I am going to make sure that I learn something from my subliminal mind or
from others that I hadn’t known before.”

How to use your subliminal mind effectively to unleash your mind power: Review
the sentence again. Do you see how a negative was turned into a positive thought?
This is a great start to unleash your mind power. When you develop your mind power,
you will attract success, money and friends.

Now, think about how slow and rapid memorizers can benefit you. Do you learn
easier when you use rapid memorizers? Do you learn easier at what time you apply
slower memorizers?

First, think about memorizers. What do memorizers mean to you?

Definition: Memorizers are something you learn and recall. You use memorizers
to commit to something in order to remember it.

Now think about the questions again. Think about how behindhand and swift memorizers
can benefit you. Do you learn easier when you use hurried memorizers? Do you learn
heave a sigh of relief at what time you apply slower memorizers?

Set out to answer these questions and figure out the best way for you to learn

Remember that the routines compose our visions on life. Our slant* pivotal moments
comes from viewpoints we set up in our own mind and by climates that have influenced
our way of thinking. You want to work through these several variations of your mind-set
that sometimes hinder you from attaining successfully by removing some of the influences
of your past that have piloted you to believe that you are too old to learn something
new. You want to exchange this so that you can present your proposal to Easy Street*.

Learning how you view your desire and how it is influenced by attitudes can help
you switch your way of thinking. So get started now and unleash your mind power
to attract success, money and friends.

Love - Fun - Peace

Kevin Low


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