Mind Power Tests

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Breaking Old Habits To Unleash Your Mind Power To Attract Success

Be ready for the richer, healthier, happier, more successful, love-filled life that you deserve, Click Here To Know More



Negative habits can take over our lives making our health drop, sometimes we lose our jobs and no friends call anymore. It does not sound like a happy life to me.

We need to change our negative habits to be positive to make us happy and succeed in whatever we want. We might want to change jobs, or relocate to a different area or even just look different.

By unleashing our mind power and digging down deep, we can become a new person with goals and happiness to keep us busy. When you unleash your mind power, you will find you are doing a lot of negative thinking down inside. Change very negative to positive thinking by changing your habits.

When we realize how many negative thoughts we have stored up it is sad for everyone around us. We become depressed, sickly, and angry even begin to have mood changes every time someone says something to us.

It take a lot of hard work to change old habits believe me but be positive and tell yourself that you can and will do it. Tell yourself that the old habits are out the door and bring in the new positive habits. You will become healthier and happier when all is said and done with.

Set goals for the habits you want to send out the door and replace. Write them down so make them seem more real by reading and reading them repeatedly. The more writing and reading you do you’ll make your brain believe that you can do this and than it will pitch in to help.

Habits are things we have done so many times they become natural. Even thought these habits are negative ones you can make them positive. Goals will help you succeed and lead you to money and friends.

If you find yourself saying “if only,’ or I can’t,” put those negative thoughts away. Change and repeat them to “I will” or “Next time I can do it this way” these are thinking positive thoughts.

You goals need to be positive and reach them with positive thinking. For instance is one of your goals is not to eat so much. Repeat to you aloud in a soft voice “today I won’t eat so much.” Keep reminding yourself that you’re not going to eat so much every time you reach for a snack or make three sandwiches. Forget the negative thoughts and walk by the second snack or only make one sandwich.

The closer you get to make your positive goals you’ll see yourself becoming a different person. You will have a better job or at least one you like. Your health will be better so you’re not so sick all the time with a headache. The phone will be ringing all the time from friends wanting you to go for a walk or come over to there place for coffee.

As the old habits, disappear. Moreover, the positive habits start taking over you will enjoy being alive again and happy to go to work.

Taking care of yourself and changing old negative thoughts to good positive ones will bring out the real you.

It will take time and a lot of effort to reach your goals for getting rid of the old habits but they will go and you won’t even realize it. It will be such a surprise when it does hit that you’ll be jumping up and down with joy.

Love - Fun - Peace Kevin Low http://www.welovesuccess.com/offer

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Use Mind Power - How To Develop The Power Of Faith

Be ready for the richer, healthier, happier, more successful, love-filled life that you deserve, Click Here To Know More



Faith is one of the key ingredients of success. Faith lets you start on a project where the outcomes are uncertain, faith sustains you until you see the results of your labour. You may think that faith is something you just have, but it’s not. Faith is something you can acquire, find out how.

Faith has many meanings: it can mean a religious faith, it can mean trust in a universal god or gods it can mean trust in a person. Today we are going to talk about faith when it is applied to personal growth and achieving your life dreams. Faith in these circumstances means that you have belief and absolute trust in yourself and the universe to deliver your desires, even if you can’t see how it can be done.

Faith is one of the greatest powers you can posses. Without it, you cannot believe that you can succeed in anything that takes you out of your comfort zone. Without faith you will not be able to make significant changes in your life or achieve significant personal growth.

On the other hand, people who have had faith have achieved incredible things. All great achievements have begun with an act of faith – a belief that it can be done and a trust that a way can be found.

Often people find it more powerful to couple this with a belief in a higher power, whether it is a deity, spirits, the universal mind or the universe itself. Such beliefs can be very empowering – having the faith that you are not alone can give you the courage to act.

Sustaining your faith through all the distractions, trials and tribulations of day to day reality as you move towards your goal is one of the biggest challenges you are likely to meet. If you loose faith, you become discouraged, you loose your motivation to take action and you will loose momentum.

This happens to everyone from time to time, your resilience and endurance will be challenged. You need to develop the ability to restore your faith whenever it gets dented.

Your goal should be to develop an unshakeable, deep-down faith that you can succeed. This kind of faith springs from both your conscious and subconscious minds believing and trusting that you can do it. Such faith is hard to develop, but once you have it, you become unstoppable!

Tips for strengthening your faith

Be aware of the need for faith. We’ve talked about this already, but knowing that faith is an important part of success can help you to understand when it is being challenged and when you have to restore it or strengthen it.

Remember that everyone has faith and its ally hope. Your faith may be weak through misuse and past bad experiences, but you have some faith. After all, even using energy to think or dream about a better life is an act of faith that it must be possible if only…

If you overlook this basic truth you will not understand how you can strengthen what you have.

Celebrate successes. Always aim for small victories that can be achieved on the way to your bigger goals. Regularly celebrating your achievements will condition your mind to believing that you can achieve and cause it to trust itself and the universe to deliver.

If you don’t celebrate your successes, you will not reinforce the belief that you can succeed – and you’ll miss out on some fun!

The core of faith is belief. The next tip is concerned with strengthening your beliefs…

Work on your belief in yourself, in the universe or whatever else you think can provide your success. The most effective way to do this is to used affirmations to tell your subconscious mind what you want it to believe. When you do this often enough and with enough emotion, you can program it for unstoppable faith.

Faith is an important ingredient of success. Without it, you are unlikely to even try to make major changes in your life and you will find it difficult to keep going against all odds. Fortunately, faith is not something that you just have, you can develop faith through a number of techniques. Even better, as you undergo a program of personal growth, you will find that your faith in your ultimate success will just keep growing of its own accord!

Download my latest e-book here http://www.achieving-your-dreams.com/resources/ecourse/postsign.php Principles of Success Visit my website for more resources, articles, and support materials about http://www.achieving-your-dreams.com success and personal growth.

Kevin John has spent many years helping businesses owners, aspiring business owners, and private individuals to develop the understanding and skills needed to achieve the success that they want.

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Thursday, April 24, 2008

Use Mind Power - Revealed - The Secret Power of Beliefs

Be ready for the richer, healthier, happier, more successful, love-filled life that you deserve, Click Here To Know More



Your Beliefs are fundamental to your success, yet so many people have learned their beliefs unconsciously and don’t even know what they are. This article will tell you more about beliefs, what they are, how you use them. When you have a better understanding of your beliefs you will be able to use them to overcome major obstacles in your life and be more successful.

Beliefs are things that you believe to be true – nothing more and nothing less. They are statements about what is true in the present for you.

Yet you have probably heard that what you believe strongly enough will become true for you. In other words beliefs are statements about your future as well.

For example, if you believe you can earn $100,000 per year, you probably will. If you believe that you are one of life’s failures then you will fail at everything that is important to you.

Beliefs are more than just statements about something you believe to be true. Deeply held beliefs are statements that your mind will strive to make true in your reality. If you develop new and equally strong beliefs, your mind will work hard to manifest these new beliefs in your reality.

Why do we need beliefs?

Beliefs are very important to us. We live in a world that is incredibly complex. Just think about walking in to a room. How much information do your senses take in when you do that? The answer is an enormous amount. The problem is that your conscious awareness can deal with around 7 pieces of information simultaneously. This means that on it’s way to your conscious awareness all the information from your senses is heavily filtered and one of the filters that helps you to make sense of the torrent of information is your beliefs.

Your beliefs are an essential mental framework that lets you make sense of the world around you. However they are not fundamental to the world around you, they are something that you have constructed for yourself. Your beliefs are no more significant than someone else’s beliefs, they are just different.

There are some beliefs that have withstood the test of time as being of significant benefit to all individuals and the whole of humanity. These beliefs are the fundamental shared beliefs in all major religions and philosophies.

How do we build our beliefs?

You construct your framework of beliefs largely through experience. As a child you are strongly influenced by your parents and other significant adults. Some of your most strongly held beliefs are formulated at this stage, largely out of your control. Unfortunately, everyone ends up with some limiting beliefs at this stage in their lives. As you get older, your circle of influences widens and you acquire beliefs from a wider range of experiences. You may come across experiences that contradict some of your existing beliefs and you may change them.

Eventually you can reach a stage of awareness where you realise that your beliefs are just choices that you have made, largely unwittingly and you can start to make different choices.

The problem is that many deep seated beliefs are associated with painful past events. Your conscious mind has already confined these unpleasant experiences to the deepest vaults of your memory. Changing beliefs that are anchored in such experiences can be quite challenging and take considerable effort and persistence. However the results are definitely worthwhile.

You have learned more about your beliefs in this article. They are an essential tool that your mind uses to make sense of the torrent of information that is available to your sense. They are constructed by your mind and they are personal to you. Many people attach great personal significance to their beliefs and cannot tolerate having them contradicted.

The tragedy is that many of your beliefs have been formed by circumstances that are largely out of your control and you are a victim of the negativity in the world that surrounds you. The good news is you can consciously change your beliefs to ones that are more likely to give you the results you desire if you have a strong enough reason why and are prepared to work at it!

Do you want to learn more about use mind power?

Download my latest e-book here Principles of Success. Visit my website for more resources, articles, and support materials about success and personal growth.

Kevin John has spent many years helping businesses owners, aspiring business owners, and private individuals to develop the understanding and skills needed to achieve the success that they want.

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Amazing Mind Power Helps Addicts Give Up Smoking Pot!

Be ready for the richer, healthier, happier, more successful, love-filled life that you deserve, Click Here To Know More



As an ex-pot-smoker, it took me several months to finally get my act together and unearth the powerful techniques necessary to quit successfully. Most believe that willpower alone is all you need to stop smoking cigarettes or to rid your addiction.

Although we all assume we have some degree of willpower, what exactly is it? Is it an unseen force that we can all call upon on demand? Why are some people seemingly more able to summon it than others?

I believe that willpower isn’t an unseen force or mystical power, in fact I believe that willpower is the same as creating a decision. You make countless decisions on a daily basis. Some decisions that you make are larger or more meaningful than others. For example, it doesn’t really matter that much if you put your hair in a bun today or whether you leave it loose.

However, what about the decision to go to work today or not? Now this has a larger impact on your entire day… or even your entire life. You never know – it might be that you get caught taking a day off work and the consequence is that you get fired! That one decision to have a day off then rippled through your life, causing various different effects.

The ripple effect also applies when you decide to quit smoking weed. By not smoking today, you will experience a range of different effects and outcomes in the short and long terms. You might have an argument with someone you love because you are moody from marijuana withdrawal. But over the long term, you will breathe easier because your lungs are healthier.

As you continue on the smoke-free path, the ripples show themselves as more positive effects in your life. It is hard to envision these good times when a negative ripple such as a withdrawal headache presents itself. These times call for a healthy dose of reality as you recall that the negative effects of pot smoking are far worse than those you are experiencing now… and these will not last forever! Your life will be impacted in many good ways as well.

The first step I took to quit my pot addiction was to make the decision! This is critically important. Most people make a half-hearted decision to quit smoking weed and then relapse soon after. It is this half-heartedness that really does the devastating damage, because there is resistance to doing it.

It’s like saying …

I want to quit smoking pot, but I like the feelings it gives me.
I want a new job, but I don’t think I’ll get a new one.
I want more money, but I don’t deserve it because I don’t do anything!

If you attack your attempt at quitting smoking weed with resistance, you will fail and relapse. You’ll just as quickly be able to justify why you can smoke and why you should, because that firm decision was not behind you. Willpower comes from within; build your own willpower to a level strong enough to attack your addiction head-on.

Make the decision. Stop looking for excuses and reasons as to why you cannot quit. YOU CAN. Make a list of all the reasons why you can give up, why you should give up and why you want to give up. The time is never right, there will always be stress in your life. The time to quit smoking weed is now, so take the first step by making the decision to stop!

Gary Evans, The Cannabis Coach provides an interactive complete marijuana stop-smoking system to guide you through your mental and physical cravings from your quit date on to smoke-free status. Get your life back on track and start saving money! http://www.cannabiscoach.com

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Monday, April 7, 2008

Use Mind Power - Revealed- The 3 Ways You Make Your Beliefs Come True

Be ready for the richer, healthier, happier, more successful, love-filled life that you deserve, Click Here To Know More



You have probably already heard that what you believe is what you will see in your life. But do you really believe that to be true? After all aren’t you the victim of circumstance. The answer is no! You use mind power to make your beliefs come true.

If you are able to become clear on your beliefs and understand how they affect your life you can make decisions about whether some of your beliefs are helpful to you or not.

You may not be aware of it, but you have literally thousands of beliefs about all areas of your life. You use them all the time when you are processing the information that comes in through your senses and the information that is generated by your thought processes.

Some of your beliefs will have been acquired during your childhood when you were strongly influenced by your parents, other adults, and your peer group. Many of these beliefs can be very limiting. These early beliefs can also be buried deep in your subconscious mind and you may not be aware that you still hold them or that you are using them.

You may believe that you are a victim of circumstances when you experience failure or something goes wrong in your life. Circumstances are external to you and are hard for you to change and this can lead to a feeling of not being in control of your life.

To some extent circumstances may affect your life, but you should not look outside for the cause of your troubles. It is more likely that your beliefs had a large part to play in the challenges that you are experience.

Understanding how you use your beliefs both consciously and unconsciously to create your world will help you to understand that you have more control over your life than you thought possible. Your beliefs are just conclusions that you have drawn about the world based on some past evidence. You can use mind power to change them.

The 3 ways you make your beliefs come true

1.Beliefs control your actions. As you receive inputs from the outside world you decide how you are going to respond. An important part of that decision making process is how you believe you should respond.

For example, if you believe that you should not display any emotions when you find yourself in circumstances that are highly emotionally charged, where everyone else is displaying emotions, you may remain completely impassive. The consequence of this is that you may find that people view you as cold, passive, aloof… So you have created a set of beliefs in other people as a result of your belief. The beliefs held by other people will be used by them when they make future decisions about you…

2. Beliefs affect the way that you set your “internal radar”. Your internal radar is a key element of your mind power. It is the way that you filter incoming information and the decisions that you make about that information. These decisions lead you to notice and become attracted to certain specific circumstances. Your beliefs have a strong effect on the setting for your internal radar.

If you believe that the colour of the new car you want to buy should be red, you will start noticing red cars on car lots, in showrooms, on the road. You will be less likely to notice other colors and you will be likely to end up buying a red car.

3. You can selectively filter and distort the inputs you receive from the outside world to match your beliefs.

An extreme example of this is people who are delusional, believing something that is patently untrue about the world. They believe it and are convinced of it, but we all know it’s not true. You do this all the time on a smaller scale. For instance, you may experience a situation as hostile or a friendly while someone else may hold exactly the opposite view depending on their beliefs.

You’ve seen how you use beliefs to create your own reality. By understanding the powerful control that beliefs exert over your mind, you will see that your circumstances are often much less important than your beliefs in determining your success in life. The good news is that you can use mind power to change your beliefs!

Do you want to learn more about use mind power?

Download my latest e-book here Principles of Success. Visit my website for more resources, articles, and support materials about success and personal growth .

Kevin John has spent many years helping businesses owners, aspiring business owners, and private individuals to develop the understanding and skills needed to achieve the success that they want.

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