Mind Power Tests

Friday, February 29, 2008

Mind Power Explained Simply

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Your life is always presenting you with a contrast where-ever you look. Everything has a positive and a negative side because we live in a world of dualism. To use an analogy: we look at a glass that is half-full and half-empty. Now this is where the psychology of mind power comes in. You get more of what you focus on. If you focus on the empty part, you get more empty experiences, where your desires go out and come back as void. If you focus on the full part, you also get more of that too. Your desires come back to you as fulfilled.

This is a simple way of looking at the psychology of mind power, which is also the psychology of success, but it is a very powerful one.

How your perception influences your reality is a complex process. However, basically what you see stimulates the creative elements of your mind to bring more of the same. When you see success, even in the midst of a complete loss, your mind will move you to what you envision. Similarly, when you see failure, even at the heights of success, your mind will work to sabotage your achievements. Thus, what you see, not outwardly, but in your inner vision, is what outcome you will experience.

The great gift of life, then, is choice. And this choice is a choice of perception, which is an inner, not an outer experience.

You get more of what you reinforce, even if it is not out there in the world yet.

We all hear stories of how people, like Donald Trump, for example, arose to reclaim their lost fortunes. From being billions of dollars in debt, he went on to earn some billions of dollars in wealth. What he saw on the inner, regardless of what was happening outside him, is what finally turned the tide in his favor. Yes, he took positive action to change his situation, but that action and the creativity behind it arose because he could only see himself as successful, highly successful, and would not accept any other conclusion, no matter what the media was publicly proclaiming to the world.

Yet getting things is not the only use you can apply this principle of selection on. You can also apply it to getting less of the things that you don't want. For example, you may be tired of hurrying and feeling stressed to get the things important to you. You can work on meditating or some other way to create psycho-physiological change to be easy and relaxed, healthy and positive, and still get the same amount of things done, maybe even more.

Some people work very, very hard to end up with nothing. Then, in frustration, they try even harder. These people are motivated by fear. They see the glass as half-empty and try desperately to fill it up. Since their subconscious mind has a fixed pattern of emptiness, it makes sure that should the glass get filled up, as a result of all the effort creating results, then it makes sure that it empties the "excess" so that the glass looks half-empty again. Why does it do that? It is because it cannot reason. It takes things literally. If the inner vision is showing it pictures of a half-empty glass, it makes sure to keep the glass that way. Meanwhile, the conscious mind is working hard to fill up the glass. The subconscious mind, however, always wins because it is many times more intelligent and powerful in creating reality. The only way to change the situation is to change the inner instructions by changing the vision to focusing on the full-part of the glass.

You get more of what you reinforce. When you reinforce the idea of success, that is what your mind brings into your experience. What happens on the outside is not as important as what is happening on the inside. Your inner view is what the subconscious mind acts on and it is this that develops the eventual shape of the outer experience.

Saleem Rana would love to share his inspiring ideas with you. Hunting everywhere for a life worth living? Discover the life of your dreams. His book Never Ever Give Up tells you how. It is offered at no cost as a way to help YOU succeed. http://www.theempoweredsoul.com/enter.html Copyright 2004 Saleem Rana. Please feel free to pass this article on to your friends, or use it in your ezine or newsletter. It's a shareware article.

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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Use Mind Power - Train Your Mind for Personal Growth, Development and Success

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There are many aspects to personal growth and development that are important if you are to be successful. You will need to learn new skills, you will need to develop a positive attitude and stay focussed on achieving your objective.

One vital aspect of personal growth and development is that you need to train your mind. Unless you develop a mind that equal to the demands of greater success, your success will be short lived.

Like the legend of Icarus, you may find a way of soaring up to the clouds, but if you don?t have the right mindset you will find that you can?t cope with your new situation and you will crash back to Earth. Some people go through this cycle time and time again without realising that they need to use mind power to develop their strength of character and success mindset.

There are a number of areas where you may need to use mind power for personal growth and development.

Can you believe it, is it important to you?

Your beliefs ? what you believe to be true, and your values ? what is important to you have a very powerful effect in your behaviour. If you are trying to achieve something that is in conflict with either of these two areas, you will find it difficult or even impossible to achieve long term success.

The most troublesome area is limiting beliefs ? statements that begin with ?I can?t??, ?I?m not?? or any other negative phrase. If you believe you can?t earn more that $3000 in a month, you will almost certainly find it very difficult to break through this income barrier.

If maintaining a good relationship with your colleagues at work is important and you believe that the promotion you are hoping for will mean that you can no longer be friendly, you will find it hard to drive yourself to get the promotion.

How has your mind been trained?

At a deeper level, we have all been conditioned since childhood and we have habits of thought that are deeply ingrained in our minds. Many of these habits are good for you ? checking that there is no traffic when you cross the street is good for your survival!

However you have also probably picked up many habits of thought that are not beneficial. Sometimes these habits express themselves as limiting beliefs. Sometimes your habits of thought affect the way that you process and respond to information as you receive it through your senses. Are you a person who always look for problems or do you habitually try to find solutions?

Your mind has been ?trained? by many influences ? your parents, your society, your culture, your experiences in life. You will need to examine your thought processes very carefully to detect the subtle influences of your past conditioning.

Use your mind power to overcome your barriers to success

As you have seen, your mind can have many barriers to success built in to it. You may have limiting beliefs that prevent you from getting the results you want. Some of your past conditioning may give you habits of thought that will hinder your progress. You will need to take the time to identify potential problems and then find ways to eliminate them.

The best tool you have to eliminate the barriers to personal growth and development is your own mind. If you use mind power you can overcome any obstacle that you create for yourself.

The challenge you may have is knowing where to start and how to train your mind. There are many good personal growth and development tools available today. There is a selection of tools to help you use mind power to clear away barriers.

You can get a free e-course the success principle. Visit my website for more resources, articles, and support materials about success and personal growth.

Kevin John has spent many years helping businesses owners, aspiring business owners, and private individuals to develop the understanding and skills needed to achieve the success that they want.

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Use Mind Power - How to Focus Your Mind on Success

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If you use mind power to focus consistently on what you want, you will get it! It?s that simple. However many people fail to focus correctly and end up getting nowhere or even worse getting something they don?t want.

What happens when you focus is that you start making pictures of what you want. You?ve probably experienced this as you dream about your holidays, going out for a great day with your loved ones, or having a great meal at your dream restaurant. - When you had these dreams, did they not have a tendency to come true?

The processes of focussing works because your mind creates an image of what you want. It creates pictures, sounds, feelings and sometimes even smells and tastes. The way that the pictures are made up will be unique to you as an individual, however, we all do this in one way or another.

These pictures are then fed to the subconscious mind, which will then take them and start figuring out how to get the pictures you?ve been showing it. Over time, with persistence in focussing on one thing, and taking the actions that occur to you, you will find that you will obtain the thing you have been picturing, step by step.

Use mind power for success

The good news is that you can use this same mind power to achieve all your goals. What you have to do is build a dream about any goal that you want to achieve.

There are many ways that you can do this. One popular way is visualization in which you literally picture yourself having achieved your goal ? just like you pictured yourself at your favourite restaurant eating that meal.

The picture should be vivid, it should be ?real?, it should be charged with emotion. Just like your dream. Use your mind power to maximise the clarity of your dreams. You should write it down because you are going to have to come back to this same dream time and time again until you have go there!

Once you have your dream, use mind power to play back that dream as often as you can. Once a day is good, ten times is much better. I find that one good visualization session a day combined with playing back highlights at other times is very effective.

Warning ? there?s a ?bug? in your mental software!

One mistake people sometimes make is to focus on what they don?t want. For example your goal might be ?I don?t want to be poor? rather than ?I want to be rich?.

The problem is that if you focus on not being poor, rather than being rich, you are going to form pictures of being poor and show these pictures to your subconscious mind. The bug is that your subconscious mind doesn?t understand the word ?not? so it take the pictures at face value and gets you what you?ve shown it ? poverty.

Do you know if your mind?s focussing on what you want

This bug is very dangerous. You may spend a few minutes a day doing some good positive visualization and then for the rest of the day you may return to your normal mental state of avoiding what it is you don?t want. This will undo all the good work and effort you?ve put in during the positive visualizations.

As well as using your mind power for positive focussing on your goals, you must use your mind power to make sure you don?t inadvertently focus on what you don?t want. It?s not easy and it may take some time to master this, but it?s worthwhile if you can.

Use your mind power to focus on what you want and to avoid focussing on what you don?t want. Use your mind power persistently and take action and you will achieve your goals and dreams!

Want to learn more about use mind power?

You can get a free e-course the success principle . Visit my website for more resources, articles, and support materials about success and personal growth .

Kevin John has spent many years helping businesses owners, aspiring business owners, and private individuals to develop the understanding and skills needed to achieve the success that they want.

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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Mind Power - The Hidden Power Of Affirmations

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A couple weeks ago, my husband borrowed a booked entitled "Mind Power for Children". He got really excited reading it and passed it over to me. Given that its rare that he gets excited over an English book (he normally relaxes by reading Chinese novels), I took the time to look into it.

What I found there was a skill that has not only helped me be a better parent but be a better business person. Using the technique, I was able to keep my cool even while I had two screaming preschoolers in the house. And I do mean they were screaming and holding on to my hands. In my head, I kept repeating "I am cool. I can handle this." It got to be a mantra that kept running through my mind as I dealt with the explosive situation.

Later as I reflected on what happened, I wonder what could happen if I were to affirm myself with other sayings, for instance "I exercise three times a week", "I eat lots of vegetables and fruits" or even "I am a successful network marketer."

Guess what happened?

Days later, I was exercising regularly, at least once every other day. And I was eating more healthily by choosing less fatty and oily foods but more vegetables and fruits. Plus I have a new energy and impetus to pursue my goal of being successful at the network marketing businesses that I have chosen. I find myself spending more time in a positive frame of mind rather than a negative one.

Instead constant negative statements being played over and over in my mind, I am consciously choosing to play only positive messages. Every time a negative message starts its run, I purposefully change its ending to something positive.

So the power of positive thoughts seem to be working in my life (and my children's too but that is another story!)

Want to try them out in yours?

All you have to do is think of one sentence that positively sums up want you want to happen. It should be in present tense (as in its already achieved) and specific. For example, don't say "I bathe regularly" but "I bathe everyday." Yes, I know that is a silly example but you get my idea, don't you?

Remember, what you think is really what you become.

You CAN do it!

Joanna Peck is an avid student of personal development, network and internet marketing. Visit my blog, http://www.frondscash.com Frond's Cash for more motivational resources and business ideas. Or come see how I turned spare time into money at http://theprovensuccess.com Proven Success today!

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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Mind Power Unleashed

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Mind power means many different things to different people. Generally when people speak of mind power they mean having the ability to use the usually hidden parts of their mind to bring about change in either themselves, other people or the situation in which they find themselves.

There are a few basic principles which form the foundation of any system of mind power which are absolutely critical to your success. I'd like to explore them with you.

The first principle is that mind is creative, the early writers on the powers of the mind all agreed that we create results in our lives through our thoughts. This seems obvious, but how many of us have really applied this principle to our own lives? The images, thoughts and feelings that we experience are the cause and not the effect of the circumstances in which we find ourselves.

Our second principle is that the power comes from the unconscious, deeper level of our minds. By holding the thoughts of what we desire in our conscious minds, the instructions are sent to the unconscious to do all of the hard work in bringing about the changes that we need.

The final principle is that to create real mind power we have to train our brain to run the way that we want it to run. The unconscious has been conditioned since childhood to form beliefs about what can and can't be achieved and by using a system of training we can begin to change those beliefs - unleashing our mind power faster than we may have thought possible.

Learn more about mind power at http://www.powerofthesubconsciousmind.net

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Develop Your Subconscious Mind Power

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Whatever we see, hear, smell, taste, touch or feel passes through the conscious mind and reaches the subconscious mind where it is then stored.

Once you have learned how best to deal with a situation, you will generally find it much easier the next time around. This is because you are using information which is already stored.

For instance, once you have learned to ride a bike, you don?t have to consciously think about it anymore. This is because the stored information will come to you automatically, the next time you get on your bike to ride it.

Just as if you were to learn where each letter on your keyboard is, you can now type without looking because you have formed a mental picture in your subconscious mind of what the keyboard actually looks like.

The above are just two instances of how the subconscious mind stores up relations of learned behaviour. We are sure you would be able to find many more examples of this in your everyday life!

Information from the conscious mind gets past into the subconscious mind, and there is a very strong link between the two. It is said that everything you have ever seen, heard or experienced is perceived by your conscious mind, and then stored away into your subconscious mind as a memory.

Not only is this memory stored as the incident itself, but also any feelings that went with it at the time are also stored.

Your subconscious mind does not only store your memories and feelings. It is the maker of all the great ideas you have ever had, and is also the seat of your intuition and creativity. When you do begin to control your conscious thought processes, you will find that you can apply the powers of your subconscious mind towards any problem or difficulty you may come across.

Most of the great artists, poets, writers, scientists, inventors and discovers have had or have a deep understanding of how their conscious and subconscious mind work. The ones that do not unknowingly set their genius to work for them when they tapped into their subconscious mind power by instinct.

You see, the Einsteins and Edisons were not that much smarter that the average person, writes psychology professor Dean Simonton.

After conducting many studies of intelligence and creativity, Professor Simonton has found that there is no real relationship between our IQ and creativity. Most of the celebrated minds of history, Simonton believes, simply made better use of their subconscious mind power.

Just by having a basic knowledge and understanding of how your conscious and subconscious mind work, and also how they interact with each other, you will be able to work wonders in your life. The possibilities truly are endless!

Claim your exclusive chapter and audio about subconscious mind power , by simply visiting our website. http://www.YourMindPowers.com/subconscious/

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Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Deep Meditation Music - Unlocking Your Potential Mind Power

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As we go about our daily lives, our senses are bombarded by numerous distractions. Social melodrama, ever increasing noise pollution, and the stress and tedium of the daily commute, just to name a few. As technology advances and our lives become more fast paced than ever before, the amount of stress we experience continually increases. Our minds become overloaded and we aren't able to focus on our work. We feel burnt out and uninspired. As a result, we experience a block in our creativity. At times it may seem hopeless, but the good news is that people are finding new ways to cope with this ever increasing sensory overload.

One such solution and the best one that I have found is brainwave entrainment. This involves listening to a prerecorded program that uses binaural technology to synchronize the brainwave frequencies of the left and right hemispheres of the brain. It may sound like science fiction but this technology was actually discovered in 1839 although it wasn't used for this purpose until after 1973.

Brainwave entrainment actually allows the brain to create new neural pathways and tap the overall potential of the mind to a higher degree and in a much shorter time than is possible with conventional meditation practices. This can lead to noticeable reductions in stress levels, increased intelligence, heightened awareness, a feeling of inner peace, and improved states of well-being.

There are a wide variety of programs available for many different needs and goals depending on the results that are desired. They all use different levels of brainwaves to achieve the desired effects.

Gamma waves are in the 40+ Hz range and heighten perception and awareness. Some people report experiences of precognition in the Gamma range.

Beta waves are in the 13 to 40 Hz range and are used for peak concentration, heightened alertness, hand-eye coordination and visual acuity.

Alpha waves are in the 6 to 12 Hz range and promote relaxation, light meditation and creativity.

Theta waves are in the 4 to 7 Hz range and induce dreams and deep meditation. They have also been found to increase creativity, imagination and learning ability.

Delta Waves are in the 0 to 4 Hz range and induce deep dreamless sleep and have also been found to promote physical healing in the body as at certain frequencies they trigger the release of Human Growth Hormone.

As you can see, along with dramatic stress reduction and increased mind power,there are many other positive effects that can be derived from using deep meditation music tools to entrain the brain. I have been using this technique for years now and I am thoroughly pleased and amazed with the new levels of personal growth that I continually experience as a result. So if you are stressed out, burnt out, unfocused, or uninspired, then I highly recommend giving brainwave entrainment technology a try. Always remember that it is never too late to unlock your true potential.

Miles Tyler has 11 years of experience helping others to realize their psychic potential. Develop your psychic powers in as little as nine days even if you have no experience and claim a free chakra report.

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Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The Resurgence of Mind Power Into the 21st Century

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We are living in an exciting age in human history. A time when the mystic secrets of the ages are becoming de-mystified. Ancient practices like meditation and yoga are being proved to be effective tools for self-development, by scientists and doctors alike. We can switch on the television today and learn about things which were earlier considered taboo. Even the Kabbalah has gained media coverage through Madonna!

Our creativity is breaking our preconceived limits too. Have you ever noticed how much our technology has progressed in the last 50 years or so? We have finally invented an automobile which gives out pure water instead of smoke! A personal computer has more power than what IBM invented 30 years ago! Also consider the invention of the information super-highway. Never before have two humans from opposite sides of the globe, been able to communicate with each other through electricity, for so 'cheap'.

We see books on creating our desired realities on the bestseller lists. Movies like 'What the Bleep do we Know' and 'The Secret' are successful. It is said that "when the student is ready, the teacher will appear". This cannot be truer for humanity as a whole. For centuries, this kind of knowledge has been in the custody of only a small percentage of individuals. But now, especially with the advent of the internet, this information is spreading faster and faster throughout the globe.

Look around you, something special is happening. This article is a part of this shift. It has prompted me to write this, and you to find it!

Andrew Stone is a self-development expert, who specializes in mind power. Please visit his website if you want a list of resources which will help you uncover the true potential of your subconscious mind.


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Mind Power Over Involuntary Body Functions

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You can actually use your mind power to control what are considered involuntary body funtions. Here are some examples of how to do it.

Much has been written about the mind-body connection. Studies have shown that people can learn to control involuntary body functions consciously, using the power of their minds. But so much of the research has been challenged on the one side, and exaggerated on the other, that many of us are justifiably skeptical of claims for this kind of "mind power."

Just how much can we control our bodies using the power of our minds? Let's find out. There are simple and safe ways to experiment in this area.

Mind Power Over Autonomic Body Functions

When I was a child, my mother was studying yoga, and she taught me and my brothers how to relax and enter a meditative state. While in this state, we also found that we could "order" the blood to flow to one arm or the other, causing a noticeable increase in the warmth of that arm. These little experiments were the first time that I realized how much control our minds really can have.

We normally assume that things like where our blood flows and how our hearts beat are outside of our conscious control. This is certainly true, in part. A person can't necessarily choose right now to change their heart rate or blood flow, or brain wave frequency. However, with the right techniques and some practice, all of these involuntary body functions can be consciously controlled.

For example, your pupils get bigger automatically when it is dark. Interestingly, they also get larger when you see something you like, or just vividly imagine something you like. Once you understand this, you can quickly learn to control your pupil size with just your mind. Go watch your eyes in a mirror right now, and see what happens when you imagine someone you like, a favorite food, or anything you would like to see.

If the desire is strong and the imagined scene vivid, your pupils quickly grow in size. Try different scenes to see which work best. After an hour of practice, you should be able to consciously change your pupil size at will. Larger pupils, by the way, are a sign of receptivity that is picked up unconsciously by the person in front of you. The sense that you like that person will often make him or her feel similarly towards you. There are other uses for this trick that are beyond the scope of this article.

Using Feedback To Develop Control

Biofeedback machines, which monitor perspiration, heart rate, and breathing, can be used to learn how to control many normally involuntary body functions. Without one of these expensive machines, we have to find other ways to get feedback. Notice that in the pupil experiment above you have instant feedback by way of the mirror.

To measure heart rate, you can simply take your pulse, or have someone else do it. To speed up imagine stepping on a nail that goes through your foot. The more you develop your ability to imagine things vividly, the better this will work. Take your pulse immediately before and then during this exercise in imagination. Some use this trick to beat polygraph machines (lie detector tests), by consciously increasing both heart rate and perspiration during the "control" questions.

Meditators can eventually learn how to slow their heart and relax at will. Practice is needed, the feedback you get is what keeps you on the right path. You may not know exactly what you are doing to slow down your heart or relax your muscles, or increase your body temperature. That's okay. It is like learning to ride a bicycle. You learn how by trying and practicing, but in the end you're still not able to explain to someone how you use your muscles to balance. In a similar way you can learn to control many body functions if you have proper feedback.

Need physical energy? You could use caffeine or other drugs, but this is area is also susceptible to mind power. Ever notice how talking about something you are passionate about "wakes" you up? There are real chemical changes that happen. With a vivid enough imagination, you can get some of the same effect by imagining such a conversation. In a more extreme example, you can create a flow of adrenaline - normally an involuntary body function - by imagining a fight with a bear, or whatever gets you going.

Clearly there are many ways to control the autonomic nervous systemFree Reprint Articles, or "involuntary body functions" using mind power.

Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com

For more on How To Increase Brain Power, and to get the Brain Power Newsletter and other free gifts, visit:http://www.IncreaseBrainPower.com

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Monday, February 11, 2008

Mind Over Matter: The Power Of Thoughts

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One of the greatest challenges in life is understanding just how powerful our thoughts are. Many of us learn this the hard way - myself included. After spending most of my early life caught up in negative thought patterns, it occurred to me that I had created exactly what I had been thinking about all those years.

I worked at a stressful, unfulfilling job. I had an extremely low income, and no matter how hard I tried to improve my financial situation, I was always broke. I struggled with various addictions. I was alone, and felt I deserved to be alone for the rest of my life. Obviously, I had no self-esteem. It took me many years to realize that I was creating ALL of it. Why would a person want to create such frustration and hardship? I didn't want to, I just didn't know how not to. I didn't realize I had a choice in the matter.

While I do believe that there is such a thing as fate or destiny, there are far fewer instances of that in our lives than we think. More often than not, our thoughts work against us and we can live our entire lives being completely unaware of it. The good news is that we can consciously choose to have our thoughts work for us, rather than against us. All it takes is the willingness to believe it's possible, and of course, the willingness to do the work required.

Okay, so how do we change our thoughts? By purposely feeding our minds more positive material. Remember that your life as it exists today is the direct result of your past and present beliefs about yourself. You may or may not be aware of these beliefs on a conscious level, but that doesn't matter. The most important thing is to begin changing those beliefs NOW. This will eventually override the negative messages, and your life will change. Whether you want to lose a few pounds, make more money, meet your soulmate or write a best-selling novel, know that you DO have the power to do it.

The first step is to convince yourself that you deserve it. That is probably the most difficult thing to change for most of us. Know that the universe wants you to be happy, fulfilled and prosperous. Why? Simply because you can effect more positive growth for the rest of the planet also. Think about that for a moment. If you are constantly struggling to make ends meet, or feeling drained and stressed by your job, or overwhelmed by personal struggles, how much are you able to help others who are in even worse situations? Probably not much. If things are going very well for you and you have plenty of resources at your disposal, you can then use those resources to help others and make a real difference in this world. This works on two levels. First, you are able to help others by donating time and/or money. Secondly, and even more importantly, you serve as an example to others that they can also become happy, fulfilled and prosperous - if they will only change their thoughts.

The second step is to take some time to figure out exactly what you want to create next. Be creative with it, and don't limit yourself. Dare to dream big. Even if your dream seems impossible, write it out in full detail. You can choose to work only on one aspect of your life, or several at the same time.

The third step is then to begin visualizing this dream of yours as often as you can. Don't just "see" it in your mind, really LIVE it. Feel how you will feel when it becomes reality. Know that this dream of yours is very possible. This will generate positive energy that will actually attract the opportunities and circumstances you need to help this reality form in the physical world.

Finally, begin taking action on your dream. It doesn't matter how large or small the steps you take. The most important thing is that you do what you can to create more openings in your life for the new circumstances to enter. If your goal is to increase your income, you may need to apply for a better job or start your own business. If you are seeking to meet someone, you may need to become more active socially. Again, do something to help this reality manifest.

Our thoughts create an irresistible magnetism around us that attracts certain energies, which then causes the formation of certain circumstances. By replacing old, negative thought patterns with positive, faith-filled energy, our lives will change for the better. Once again, we will have created exactly what we've been thinking about. Mind Over Matter

Wendy Betterini is a freelance writer specializing in self-improvement and personal development concepts. Visit her website, http://www.WingsForTheHeart.com for free articles on positive thinking, goal-setting, self-esteem, personal growth, and more.

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Why Does Mind Power Work?

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Have you ever heard the expression be careful what you wish for? Or have you ever been accused of "daydreaming" or "being too much in your head"? Mind power scares people. That is partly why those phrases are said. When you develop a conscious relationship with your own mind it is like bringing home a giant super-computer and starting to actually use it.

Things are going to change in your life when you do that! You already have a powerful mind. However you might not even know what it feels like, or how it works, or where it is.You can gain all this knowledge and experience the feeling of enjoying the awesome benefits and life improving power when you have a friendly relationship with your own mind.

Hearing the words, "you have a powerful mind" and experiencing it is like the difference between watching a rocket blast off to the moon on TV and being on that rocket when it blasts off. Consciously working with your own mind is not for everyone. It can be frightening because you are handling something that is powerful, like a rocket fuel, or nuclear energy.

Mind power is so powerful that it can be scary. That is why most people do not use it. If you use your mind power consciously you set yourself apart from most other people. That alone can be frightening for you or for those around you. Hey, wouldn't you rather I warned you first? This way you can understand and find ways to be more comfortable as you use this vast power that is available to everyone.

Now how is it that the mind works so well to accomplish things in life? Think of the mind as part of your body that extends into other dimensions. It is like a master software engine that runs all the other levels. It is very subtle and immensely effective at controlling you and your life. One little change has a ripple effect throughout your whole system. What happens at the level of the mind, filters down to all the other levels.

In my own universe, you are delighted to experience the power of your own mind and to discover what a great friend that it can be to you. You are comfortable working and living with mind power and your life is vastly improved from the day you started to really use it.

Jorj Elprehzleinn is a happy spiritual being having a human experience in the material world. His techniques, insights, and assistance in the right use of thought and mind power are based on a lifetime of research and personal experience.

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Saturday, February 9, 2008

Positive Effects On The Mind And Body While Maximizing Power Efficiency

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Our environment and surroundings have the capacity to effect us in both positive as well as negative ways. A bright and sunny weather can provide us a cheerful atmosphere, exuding happiness and positivism. However a gloomy and dull weather tends to make us feel sad, lazy and even depressed. Constant inclement weather can take its toll on our general moods and mindsets and can effect the overall quality of life.

If you are one of those suffering from such constant bouts of rain, snow or sleet, making you feel dreary and dull, the unique sunlight lamp is just the right accessory for your home or office. Designed to provide a day-light spectrum for health and well-being, these sunlight lamps are highly useful in helping with such seasonal affective disorders. Easily available online, these sunlight lamps are perhaps the best possible solution in face of such vagaries of weather.

One of the most practical accessories you can find for your home, the sunlight lamp recreates the optical brilliance of real sunlight, all with a flick of a switch. It possesses a unique technology that simulates the sun?s visible wave lengths, thus providing the same effect. In fact, while using a sunlight lamp indoors, you will actually be able to see the details more clearly and colors accurately. This kind of a lamp surely provides you with the clearest, brightest and most comfortable intensity of light you can ever find.

Besides, the sunlight lamp considerably helps in reducing eyestrain and computer screen glare than the conventional 26-Watt compact fluorescent lamps. Even the black and white contrast is heightened for easier reading. The soft and pure white light reflected by the lamp is easy on the eyes as it spreads to clearly illuminate the working area. Convenience is further augmented by the gooseneck that is fully adjustable to any angle. This makes it very convenient for working on a whole, especially for close up tasks and hobbies.

Owing to its fine design and appearance, the sunlight lamp looks good in every setting, be it office or a home setting. To add on to your performance and efficiency, you can simply switch on the sunlight lamp to literally switch on the sunlight indoors, every day of the year.

The sunlight lamp is now widely available on the internet. You can view its various features through various websites offering such products. In fact, the concept of online shopping has made it extremely easy to view and purchase such products from the convenience of your home. All you have to do is to confirm the authenticity of the website and the online merchant you are dealing with. The best way to do is to look for the signs of the website security. It is also advisable to maintain printed records of your transactions for future reference.

Products like sunlight lamps are extremely useful in today?s commercial times, when all possible efforts are being made to maximize efficiency and output. With the availability of such products online at reasonable prices, their usability further gets heightened.
, to address the effects of sun lamps on the mind, body and spirit. Of many websites, Taylor Gifts has a good selection at fantastic prices.

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Thursday, February 7, 2008

Quantum Mind Power - Instead of Holosync?

Be ready for the richer, healthier, happier, more successful, love-filled life that you deserve, Click Here To Know More



Those of you that have read my various articles about meditation believe that I'm a great fan of the Holosync Solution. It's a audio system using a binaural beat technology designed to literally change your brain wave activity. Individuals can undergo meditative brain waves decidedly faster using this program. Studies have shown that using this method over a period of time can diminish stress and render you many more benefits. And in fact, it's a first-rate program. I've used it for over two years and gotten great results.

As with all innovative innovations, there will be copycats and others claiming to do the very thing, typically much cheaper. Most of my experience with these other companies has been regretful. They either were not using the same technology or lacked the customer support that Centerpointe gave. But now I've discovered a new program that rivals all the claims that Holosync did, and also has impressive customer support. The name of the system is Quantum Mind Power. Although the basic premise of the technology is the same, the creator of the program, Morry Zelcovitch, uses monaural and isochronic tones for what he refers to as "brainwave entrainment". I won't go into the technical aspects in this writing, but Morry is a certified "Brainwave Entrainment Engineer/Specialist" and has studied under the leading brainwave researchers. He knows what he is talking about.

What does all this mean to you? Now there is a program that delivers all the results of the Holosync Solution for far less money. Moreover it has the same money back guarantee and support system. Still more, they have a forum for users of the program where you can log on and weigh your concerns and results with other users and Morry himself.

I can't predict you'll get the same results using this plan as other people. Everyone is different. I can tell you that even though I haven't used the Holosync technology in approximately six months, when I listened to the Quantum Mind Power for the initial time, I went straight into the meditative state I had performed with Holosync.

What sort of improvements can you anticipate using Quantum Mind Power? Here's a short list:

reduced stress enhanced creativity a more positive attitude better relationships remove the mental and emotional blocks and interference that hold you back from success boost motivation and many more others

Please note: there are differences among the two programs and I still realize that Holosync has great benefits, but if you are looking for a lower-cost route to feel a profound improvement on your mental attitude, I advise giving Quantum Mind Power a try!

For a free audio sample of the Quantum Mind Power program, click on the link below.

Self Help Product Reviews reviews self improvement programs. To get a free audio sample of the Quantum Mind Power Program, go to: Free Audio Sample

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Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Your Mind Has The Power To Overcome Any Illness - Introduction (Part 1 Of 5)

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You and your family need a better life so, train your mind to fight illness along with medical assistance.

Human body is having a very complex architecture but basically it is designed to be healthy. It has its own self-healing mechanism built in it. But many times we are not able to control our body, some of our normal cells go crazy, develop into unhealthy cells. They behave differently; some multiply so rapidly that many times it will encompass its own blood supply and starve itself. There is unnecessary growth, irritation, pain and it kills your health. You take medicines to cure it, sometimes cut those cells away or radiate it to prevent its growth to regain your health. Medical science does their part but sometimes these cells are very sick and they die, killing you. May be we should do our part too to fight against these deadly diseases. HOW?

Our mind has a deep relationship with our body. It will be fruitful if you train your mind to heal your body. It is possible with meditation and words yes, mere words that are very powerful. When you hear meditation do not think it wont work out for you, be positive, everyone can master meditation. But at this point I would like to concentrate on words and later I will come to meditation. I started with words because words have power that can control your mind to heal your body. I will prove the power of words.

(continue...part 2)

Cinoy.M.R is a Computing Engineer, specializing in solution/ concept selling in IT as well as Wealth Management areas. Check out http://cinoy-tickets.blogspot.com

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Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Your Mind Has The Power To Overcome Any Illness - Power Of Words Part 2 Of 5

Be ready for the richer, healthier, happier, more successful, love-filled life that you deserve, Click Here To Know More



Imagine that you are in a garden where you have so many oranges around you. You pick a big one, wash it. Look at the outside of it, its orange skin. Squeeze it a little and feel its firmness, you know its soft inside, there will be lot of juice inside, it?s fresh. Raise it near your nose, smell it, nothing smells quite like an orange. Peal off its skin, now you get its full smell, the odor is stronger and there is a slight burning feeling in your eyes. You close your eyes. Now take a piece of it and taste it, the juice swirls around your mouth. Really nothing tastes like an orange.

At this instant if you have imagined properly your mouth will be watering. Yes, words have watered your mouth. When you read the above paragraph your brain thought you are having an orange and it triggered the salivary glands to wash it away with saliva. It wasn?t real but words created reality like the flow of saliva. The brain is in charge of our body; it controls the working of each part of the body. Here you tell the brain that you are eating an orange and it goes to work. So words are powerful and your brain obeys them. So watch out, if you have a negative attitude and you use negative words or you listen to negative advice, then your brain will respond to it negatively.

Let?s see a situation where you have fever and you have consulted a doctor and taken medicine. Suppose your friend calls up and asks,?How are you feeling?? You say ?Not so ok, very bad fever, I went to the doctor but on the way back home I had some sunshine on me and I think because of it my fever may increase.? Your brain will respond negatively, even you had medical assistance but your brain will listen to your words and make you more ill.

Continue...Part 3

Cinoy.M.R is a Computing Engineer, specializing in solution/ concept selling in IT as well as Wealth Management areas. Check out http://cinoy-tickets.blogspot.com

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Monday, February 4, 2008

Your Mind Has The Power To Overcome Any Illness - meditation Part 3 Of 5

Be ready for the richer, healthier, happier, more successful, love-filled life that you deserve, Click Here To Know More



Now its time to throw light into meditation. When you meditate you are in different state of mind or in different levels. When you are awake and doing your daily work you are in beta level. When you are in day dreaming, or the time just before or after sleep then you are in Alpha level. When you are asleep you go to other level Theta or Delta. At alpha and theta your words have enormously increased power and when words are said with higher degree of emotions it can bring good control over your mind and body.

Now lets start the self-healing techniques. Normally you will be in beta, so you have to go to your meditate level alpha or theta. Before this, remove all negative thoughts in your mind, be very optimistic and believe that your mission will be achieved. (Your mission can be cure from illness or any other worries or tasks you want to achieve). Now you are a loving person you don?t have any evil in your mind, no feeling of guilt and anger. You are very understanding and forgiving person. You can feel good about it. Your mind is relaxed now but you need to relax your body too. Take a deep breath and start from your left foot, relax it. Then your leg, then the right side and so on your internal organs until you reach your throat & face. Slowly open up your mouth a bit so that your jaws too are relaxed. You will feel like weightless and will be amazed that how tensed your body was and now its clam and relaxed.

Now pick a spot or object about 45-degree above eye level, if your are lying on a bed gaze a spot on the ceiling or if you are sitting on a chair select a spot opposite to you. Just keep looking at this spot until your eyelids begin to fell a little heavy and slowly close your eyes. Now you look backwards, behind your eyelids, at a 20-degree angle. (It helps to reach alpha level quickly). Now slowly start counting from hundred to one in two-second intervals. This requires concentration to count correctly and concentration is the key to success. As you do it you will be in Alpha for the first time. Some may not feel difference because they may have been in alpha many times before without being practically aware of it.

Continue...Part 4

Cinoy.M.R is a Computing Engineer, specializing in solution/ concept selling in Information Technology, Wealth Management, as well as Stress Management.

Read his blogs http://cinoy-tickets.blogspot.com

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Sunday, February 3, 2008

Your Mind Has The Power To Overcome Any Illness - Visualize Part 4 Of 5

Be ready for the richer, healthier, happier, more successful, love-filled life that you deserve, Click Here To Know More



Nest step is to visualize. Visualize a mental screen; imagine it not behind your eyelids or outside, it?s about few feet in front of you. Let the screen be like a movie screen. Now project yourself into it, first it will be a 2-dimensional image, concentrate more and make it real in 3-dimension, your body itself; associate it with your name. That is you are seeing yourself in the screen and if you call out your name, you should respond.

Now mentally speak to yourself of what you felt in beta before you started the mediation. Speak about being a positive, a loving forgiving person. Now mentally experience the illness that is troubling you. Feel it on you on the screen. This should be brief; this is to focus your healing energies to where they are needed. Now push this scene off the mental screen to right (at deeper level future is preserved as being on our left, the past on our right), erase the image of your illness and create a new image, a new ?you? in the screen and experience yourself completely cured. Feel the advantage or gains you get now. You are in perfect health, you see yourself very happy and cheerful in the mental screen.

Now, say (loudly or mentally), ?Day by day (your name) e.g. Ram is getting better and better. I am really strong now; no virus or disease cells can attack me or affect my health. My body has the resistance to fight them successfully. It can prevent the growth of harmful cells and let the harmful cells die for ever.? Repeat these lines, same words over and over about 20 times. Repeat this technique two or three times a day and surely you will feel better and successful.

Continue...Part 5

Cinoy.M.R is a Computing Engineer, specializing in solution/ concept selling in Information Technology, Wealth Management, as well as Stress Management.

Read his blogs http://cinoy-tickets.blogspot.com

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Friday, February 1, 2008

Your Mind Has The Power To Overcome Any Illness - Fine Tune Part 5 Of 5

Be ready for the richer, healthier, happier, more successful, love-filled life that you deserve, Click Here To Know More



You can in fact customize your words according to your need and practice self-healing technique. You can even say "Never will I listen to negativity from others, it won't effect me in any way." You can say these words loudly even if you are not in meditative level. But the effect will be less. Words are more effective at meditative level because at this level all negative thoughts are diluted or neutralized and, the brain listens and takes action as the body is designed to be healthy by nature i.e. repair itself. I insist to say this loudly because your ears can hear it and it will be registered in your brain immediately. Suppose I ask, ?Who is Ram?? you will raise your hand because my words triggered your brain and it lifted your hand. Note this happened in beta. So at alpha level your brain would function more effectively.

With practice you can start countdown from 100 or 50 or 10 even less to reach your level. There is also a shortcut to reach your level. You must have seen yogi?s hold together their thumb and the first two fingers of either hand when they mediate. So, all you have to do is just bring the three fingers together and your mind instantly adjusts to a deeper level. To trigger this mechanism, first go to your level using count down and now say to yourself loudly ?Whenever I join my three fingers like this? ? now join them ? I will instantly reach this level? Practice it for few days and then try it out.

You should also establish a method to come out of your level. When you want to come out say to yourself loudly ? I will come out of my level as I count from one to ten? ? start counting, when it reaches ten open your eyes wide and feel refreshed.

You can take my word I have practiced these techniques and I am successful. When I have a headache, I go to my level, speak to myself and my headache vanishes even with out taking medicines. Usually headache happens due to stress and dehydration in my case. So first I drink lot of water before starting the technique. Then I begin my technique; my mind and body are relaxed, removing all stress. Then when I reach my level I say ?Cinoy you have made up for the dehydration by drinking lot of water and now headache should vanish.? I repeat it few times, then come out of my level. Soon I feel the change the headache vanishes.

So to summarize go to your level, visualize your illness, the treatment (if any), your body?s immune mechanism, give orders to your brain and experience the result.

Cinoy M.R is a Computing Engineer, specializing in solution/ concept selling in Information Technology, Wealth Management, as well as Stress Management.

Read his blogs http://cinoy-tickets.blogspot.com

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