Mind Power Tests

Monday, March 31, 2008

Use Mind Power - Revealed! How Your Mind Creates Your World

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Most people see the world as being something completely separate from themselves. They see it a being full of separate entities that they deal with, sometimes successfully, sometimes unsuccessfully. However there is another way to look at the world, a way in which you are in complete control of your reality, where you can always get the results you create…

Your understanding of the world has been developed by your experience of the world from the moment you were born. During your early years you learnt to recognise that your body had definite boundaries, that you were a mind that somehow sits in this body… That you were separate from the rest of the world.

You have senses that take in information, a mind that processes and you produce reactions to these stimuli and sometimes the reactions affected what happened in the world around you. Sometimes you even get an illusion of being in control, but more often that not that illusion doesn’t last.

There is another way…

Modern science, in particular the study of the smallest particles in nature through quantum mechanics, has shown that the physical universe is not as we perceive it to be. It is not a collection of separate entities all bumping into each other in a random way.

Modern science now knows that the universe is all connected, it is a constant dance of energy and matter where everything is influenced by everything else. One simple way to understand this is to think of ripples on the surface of a pond spreading, reflecting from objects, interacting and changing each other all the time.

This new view has taken us full circle. Ancient mystics viewed the universe as a single interconnected reality, renaissance scientists developed the view of a universe full of separate objects, now modern science has rediscovered the old wisdom that we live in a universe where everything is connected to everything else.

Science has now gone a step further. One implication of the connectedness of everything is that you are connected to everything else in the universe and so you can influence your own reality through your thoughts. Your mind power uses your intention to create your reality.

The process is like the process of creating a holographic image. You’ve probably seen holograms in which you can see an image of three dimensional reality created by a simple two dimensional object. The hologram is a special pattern stored on a two dimensional sheet of film. When laser light is shone through the hologram, you see an image of a three dimensional object as if it was real.

Your mind is like a hologram. Your intention, the true focus of both your subconscious and your conscious mind, creates a pattern in the universal field of energy. You light up this pattern with your mind power and you experience the world as a real image in which you are immersed.

You can use this model to understand that you are part of a dynamic, ever changing universe where you can choose to play a role as a creator of your own reality. You are no longer a powerless speck of humanity alone in a massive impersonal universe. You are connected to everything and part of the flow of everything.

Once you become aware of these connections you can start to see how your thoughts are influencing the world around you. For the next few days, think of yourself as connected to the universe as a whole. Adopt the mental posture of quietly watching your thoughts and events around you – like a wild life photography patiently sitting in a hide waiting for that elusive animal. You’ll start to see how your thoughts are causing things to materialize in your reality.

You have been bought up to see yourself as a separate creature, divided from the reality that surrounds you. You no longer have to view the world this way. There is overwhelming evidence that you are part of a universe where everything is connected to everything else via a field of matter and energy. You can use your mind power to create in your reality what you truly want and focus on.

Do you want to learn more about use mind power?

Download my latest e-book here Principles of Success. Visit my website for more resources, articles, and support materials about success and personal growth.

Kevin John has spent many years helping businesses owners, aspiring business owners, and private individuals to develop the understanding and skills needed to achieve the success that they want

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Use Mind Power – Find the Key to Your Roadblocks to Success

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Success is hard – or so we like to believe. Yet some people seem to succeed easily, effortlessly where you’ve been struggling to even get going! Then they go on to bigger and better things. Why are you struggling while other people are being successful? Here are some ideas to help you find the blockage…

You may be blaming external circumstances for your challenges – no money, no connections with the right people, not enough time… But if you look around you you’ll always find someone who’s started from a worse place than you and been more successful. The answer is simple – start taking ownership, accountability and responsibility for your own success in life.

You may have a negative mental attitude. A negative attitude will make it hard for you to remain motivated and positive and the daily effort of working your plan will be much harder. You will find it harder to spot the opportunities that will help you on your way. Developing and maintaining a positive mental attitude will make it easier for you to succeed.

You may not have decided to be successful. This sounds crazy – aren’t your struggles evidence enough that you want success. But is this a want or have you really decided with your whole mind, body and spirit that you will do absolutely whatever it will takes to be successful.

You may not be asking for help. Asking for help means overcoming the fear of rejection, admitting weakness and other terrible things. However you can end up wasting days, weeks, years doing something that you could learn in seconds if you just asked… Look at where you’re stuck and ask yourself “How can I get help?”

You might be enjoying the struggle. Another mad idea! But maybe there’s some truth in this idea. Your ego may be measuring itself in terms of the difficulties that you’ve overcome. We’ve been bought up to believe that anything worthwhile is worth fighting for. The harder you’re working, the more you’re accomplishing. You need to ask yourself how someone like Bill Gates has built a multi-billion dollar empire if just making a few dollars is so hard!

You might not be thinking big enough. If you believe that what you are trying to achieve is a major achievement, well then it is – for you that is! You can bet your bottom dollar that someone else has seen it as a ‘no-brainer’ and achieved it effortlessly. One antidote to this condition is to think bigger – when you commit yourself to bigger thinking, your smaller problems will shrink in comparison.

You’ve heard received wisdom like “Success is hard”, “you can’t always get what you want” and all the other things that reinforce the belief that you will have to struggle to be successful. This belief will keep you locked in struggle until you start to believe differently.

You’ve seen that the belief that success is hard is often sustained in your mind by your ego, by your mental attitude, by a simple decision… Your route to success is rarely due to external circumstances. USe your mind power, examine your motives and your actions to find out where you are blocking yourself on your path to success.

Do you want to learn more about use mind power?

Get the free e-book Secrets of a Millionaire Mindset . Visit my website for more resources, articles, and support materials about success and personal growth .

Kevin John has spent many years helping businesses owners, aspiring business owners, and private individuals to develop the understanding and skills needed to achieve the success that they want.

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Saturday, March 29, 2008

Use Mind Power to Make Better Decisions With Your Whole Brain

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Do you find yourself thinking “If only I’d thought of that!” when there is a group of you working on a problem. Usually this happens when someone else makes a great decision while you’re still trying to weight up the pros and cons! You can make better decisions too if you learn to use your whole mind when you’re faced with making decisions.

The two parts of your mind

Psychologists divide our minds into two parts: the conscious mind and the subconscious mind.

Usually you do most of our analytical, logical thinking with your conscious mind. You also experience yourself and your world through your conscious mind. You associate your conscious mind with the use of mind power. So its seems logical that your conscious mind should make all your decisions right?

Wrong! Your conscious mind is very limited in the way it can process information…

It’s well know that the best way to explain something to people is by telling stories. Your conscious mind thinks in a linear, step by step fashion processing just a few pieces of information at a time before moving on to the next thing. This is very useful of you’re doing anything that can be broken down into a sequence of tasks.

The real world is far to complicated for you!

Unfortunately the real world is not a simple linear place where one thing leads to another. It is vastly more complex than you can possibly represent with just a few pieces of information.

Take the example of a conversation with a friend. You talk to each other using words to express your linear thought processes. Many people think that this is the main process by which communication takes place.

However, several studies have shown that even in a simple conversation, most of the communication takes place outside your conscious awareness through body language, micro-gestures, tone of voice and even the cumulative memories of past interactions with your friend.

Your subconscious mind takes in and processes far more information than your conscious mind.

If you try to make decisions purely on the words you are using, you are using only a tiny fraction of the information available to you.

The same is true in just about any situation you might find yourself in. You are faced with an enormous amount of information every second of the day, to make sense of it your logical mind filters out almost all of it. However you are able to absorb a lot more information through your senses and your subconscious mind.

Use your mind power to make better decisions

In order to make better decisions you need to access and process as much information as possible. Your conscious mind is a very powerful tool, but it is limited.

The key to better decision making is to engage your full mind power in making decisions. You need to use your subconscious mind in the process.

Your subconscious mind does not process information in the same way as your conscious mind and it does not communicate in the same way. However, if you decide to trust it, your subconscious will process information and provide you with ideas.

Sometimes the ideas from your subconscious mind appear as feelings or hunches about a situation, sometimes as more recognisable ideas that just pop into your conscious mind.

Some people believe that using hunches and flashes of inspiration is the only way to make decisions. However there is always a role where the conscious mind is supreme. It can work out consequences and test ideas before finally committing to act on a decision.

If you find that you are slow and making decisions or your decisions are not as good as they could be, you are probably not using your mind power to it’s fullest extent when making decision. You need to learn to trust your subconscious mind and to listen to it. If you can achieve both of these aims you will make better decisions more quickly.

Do you want to learn more about use mind power?

Get the free e-book Secrets of a Millionaire Mindset . Visit my website for more resources, articles, and support materials about success and personal growth .

Kevin John has spent many years helping businesses owners, aspiring business owners, and private individuals to develop the understanding and skills needed to achieve the success that they want.

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Mind Power Reclaim Arts Dark

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1912 mind power 1935 it mind power secret use 21st century into mind power 90 mind mind other power total use abridged edition mind power revised subconscious abridged edition mind power revised subconsious access life mind miracle power supernatural transformed alpha mind power amazing cosmic law mind power america in learning liberal mind power reinvention ancestral mind power reclaim arts dark mind nlp power atom mind power smashing attention focused mind power revolution unlocking being human mind other power sense stared unexplained beyond game marketing mind power psychographics beyond mind power book companion mind power power practical unfoldment will book mind power booster mind power brain master mind power breakthrough creative mind power tap unconscious britain in mesmerized mind power victorian britain in mind power victorian buddhayana healing mind power series buddhayana healing mind power series vii cancer fighting from healing mind power use within child mind power christ his mind power thinking thought transforming christian healing mind power christian kingdom mind power recover renovate restore soul spirits triangle conscious mind power sub control mind power self deck mind power diet hypnosis mind perfect power reach self use weight dr laurie mind nadels power sense sixth ultimate unlocking

dream guide mind power practical subconscious teach unleashing yourself ebook free mind power edition mind power revised subconscious edition mind power rich special steps subconscious success think yourself eight forever mature mind mind power unleash ways esoteric mind power experiencing force harnessing mind power utilizing within faster learn mind power smarter up work free mind power gary mind null power get get mind power unlocking want way guide mind power practical subconscious unleashing harnessing hypnosis mind power secret self unconscious harnessing mind power soul soul heal mind power healing mind mind miracle power prosperity use healing mind power healing mind power use hidden mind power power subconscious unleash hidden mind power unlocking high math mind power school higher mind power spirit history mind power human mind power hypnosis mind power ignited india mind power unleashing within in love mind new physics power relationship spirit interact mind movie power screen library mind power limitation mind overcoming power superbeings through magic mental mind miracle power secret magic mental mind power secret magic mind power master mind power math mind power mind mind nature power understanding mind miracle new pictography power psycho use way mind miracle new power use way mind miracle power mind muscle power mind nature power mind news power mind ninja power mind peak performance power prepares program revolutionary sleep that mind power mind power privilege mind power quantum mind power rx mind power secret mind power seduction mind power source subconscious unlimited mind power subconcious mind power subconscience mind power subconscious mind power subconsious mind power super mind power supernatural transformed mind power technique mind power total mind power unconscious mind power university

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Friday, March 28, 2008

Use Mind Power - Discover Faster Learning by Letting Children Teach You How!

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When you were a child, learning was easy. At birth, we are all helpless babies. By the age of 7 or 8 you had acquired an incredible range of skills - walking, talking, social skills, primary education ... And it all happened naturally, quickly and easily. Now you are an adult, you may want to learn new skills, learn new ideas or learn new mental habits to be more successful, be happier or change your life. You can speed up the learning process by letting children teach you how!

Children are 'programmed' to learn

As a new born baby you have a mind that is highly receptive to learning. Some of this is because your brain is still developing and it is like an empty book. By the time you are 7 or 8 years old, your brain has almost reached it's full size. Billions of connections have formed between the neurons in your brain encoding vast amounts of learning.

This gives children a tremendous advantage that is a once in a lifetime opportunity to learn. Fortunately, even as an adult recent research has shown that you can re-wire your brain to incorporate new knowledge and new ways of thinking. So the old story that adults are "set in their ways" is simply not true.

Great. I hope I have knocked that barrier down. There's a lot more yet to learn about learning from watching children.

Embrace learning

One of traps you might fall into is thinking "I have spent years learning what I know, why should I have to change?" The reality is that we all live in a world of constant change - change is one of the few certainties in life!

If you look at children you see that they are immersed in an environment where change is the norm and they are expected to learn. Children have the expectation that they will need to learn, to adapt to the world around them, to continue to grow. You must expect the same - continual learning and growth, continual development and progress.

Expect to make mistakes at first

Another area where children have a tremendous advantage is that they are not afraid to make mistakes. They know that if they try enough times they will get it right. As you progress beyond childhood, you become more socially conscious, making mistakes becomes embarrassing and you find it harder to accept your mistakes.

Unfortunately, the rules of learning don't change for adults. When you first start out doing something new, no matter what it is, you will not do it perfectly. You will only learn by practise. It could be a new manual skill, like making something, it could be a new mental skill like visualizing your goals - no matter what it is, you will have to put in some practise to learn.

Children live in a world where their mistakes are forgiven. You can look for a supportive environment to help you in your learning process too.

Celebrate your successes

Have you ever had a child show you their first painting of someone. To an adult these wonderful creations look… well... childish! But you no doubt celebrated the artist’s success. Children are not afraid to celebrate progress, even if it’s only a tiny step.

You need to learn to celebrate your successes no matter how small.

During the early years of your life, you were able to learn a tremendous amount of information about the world around you in the space of a few short years. As an adult you still have some of the ability to reprogram your mind.

However, children don’t just have the advantage in terms of being open to programming, they also have behaviours and attitudes that support learning. As an adult you may well have lost touch with these attributes – you can learn a lot about learning from children!

Want to learn more about use mind power?

You can get a free e-course the success principle . Visit my website for more resources, articles, and support materials about success and personal growth .

Kevin John has spent many years helping businesses owners, aspiring business owners, and private individuals to develop the understanding and skills needed to achieve the success that they want.

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Forex Trading Education Tip - Mind Power for Success

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Are you ready for the ultimate tip in succeeding at the game of Forex? Are you ready for the “Holy Grail” of Forex Trading Education? Here it is! It’s you!

You are the ultimate trading machine and your mind dictates whether you will find lasting success or join the vast numbers of traders who could not master themselves as Forex traders. Trading Forex online is a performance-orientated game. This is why so many draw analogies to professional athletes. Athletes have coaches and mentors. Athletes study their craft with fervor. Athletes train their mind so that peak performance at the most critical times are assured. Like athletes, Forex traders must play the game to win.

Here are 3 simple tips for keeping your mind over your money and driving success to your Forex trading activities:

1. Believe

Mastering your mind and removing obstacles starts in believing that you can actually do it. Everyone has the capability to become a successful Forex trader, if they first believe they can be. Most mentors would tell you to trade with no emotion. We are emotional beings and cannot exclude emotions from the equation. We can leverage our emotions to drive favorable Forex trading characteristics into our trading routines through our belief in ourselves and develop strategies for monitoring our less desirable characteristics.

Write down 5 powerful affirmations about yourself and repeat it first thing in the morning and right before going to bed in the evening. This will change your life forever!

2. Act As If

You must hone your skills as a trader through Forex education, trading, more Forex education and more trading. Trading is a process. Those searching for the path to quick riches are often the first to loss their trading accounts. You must practice to compete against the best traders in the world, because often they are the ones on the other side of your trade. You must put this undying belief into practice, by acting and trading as if you are already a great trader. When you face a moment of indecision ask yourself; “If I was a great Forex trader what would I do?” You will be surprised at the maturity of the answer that will follow.

3. There Is No Failure Only Feedback

You must have an unending commitment to excellence. You must also recognize that in the business of Forex trading losing trades are a part of doing business. Bad trades, they will put you out of business! Take the time to plan your trades and trade according to your plan.

Journal the details of your currency trade, from execution to physical energy to emotional reactions in both winning and losing moments, to gain insight into your trading persona. You personal trading journal will light to path to success.

Remember, awareness allow us to acknowledge a challenge and develop strategies to turn our personality into profit.

You must believe in yourself and your judgment if you expect to succeed at this game. The keys to success in the Forex market lie within each and every trader. Knowing the strategy is not enough, you must also know yourself and believe in yourself. If you don’t, the Forex market is an expensive place to find out. Mind power training, coupled with Forex education and money management will provide your source for success.

Todd Judkins specializes in teaching real people how to trade the Forex market for long term success by focusing on strategic, mind and money skills. He is a currency trader, educator and success coach to traders. Are you now ready to take action? To begin training with Todd immediate, online Forex trading visit: http://www.forexjourney.com and sign up for his FREE WEBINAR and FREE Forex Webinar.

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Thursday, March 27, 2008

Use Mind Power - Do You Know How to Stop Sabotaging Yourself?

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Everything is going well. You’ve been working hard, and staying focussed. Now you’re on track for your latest goal… Suddenly you find yourself doing or saying something that completely ruins your chances of hitting your target…

You shake your head in amazement and frustration with yourself – why did you do that? Why did you sabotage yourself again?

You are not in control of your mind

One of the most common reasons that people fail to reach their goals is that they sabotage themselves. Self sabotage usually happens when you are trying to do something that is outside your normal comfort zone. It is almost as if your unconscious mind is using it’s power to pull you back into your comfort zone.

Your mind power is so great that it can completely determine your success in anything that you try.

Self sabotage can be caused when what you are trying to achieve or do contradicts some deeply entrenched conditioning. The subconscious mind will take control and find a way to make sure that your previous conditioning will win out. You may not want this to happen, but you are powerless to stop it.

A good example is lottery winners who end up blowing all their money. They bought a lottery ticket to get rich. The prize money they win is vastly more money than they are conditioned to and they are now outside their well established financial comfort zone. Their subconscious mind finds a way to return them to the financial level that they have been conditioned to – usually pretty quickly!

Use your mind power to overcome self sabotage

You’ve probably got the message by now that self sabotage is bad. The question is: can you overcome your past conditioning and stop self sabotage by using your mind power?

The answer is yes you can – but it might take some effort! Here are some hints to help you.

Be aware of self sabotage. You may be sabotaging yourself without even knowing it. Awareness of self sabotage can be very helpful. When you find you are repeatedly failing to achieve something that is really important to you, think about what happened. Did you sabotage yourself?

Exorcise the demon that is driving you. Some aspect of your mind power is driving you to this behaviour. Think about what you do to sabotage yourself and why you do it. Something as simple as knowing the past conditioning that is driving you can help to diminish its hold on you. If knowing about your past conditioning is not enough, you may need to take action to work on eradicating it.

Focus on the benefits of achieving your goal. Filling your mind with the benefits that you are going to enjoy when you achieve your goal will create an army of positive thoughts that can overwhelm the negative conditioning that is causing you to sabotage yourself.

Don’t beat yourself up. OK you messed up again, and you did it to your self for no good, logical reason. But it’s happened and there’s nothing you can do to change the past. Don’t waste energy beating yourself up. Instead strengthen your resolve to lay this demon to rest for ever.

Self sabotage one of the most common reasons why people fail to get out of their comfort zones and achieve their life dreams. Knowing about self sabotage and taking positive action to eliminate it will help you to avoid this major pitfall.

Do you want to learn more about use mind power?

You can get a free e-course the success principle. Visit my website for more resources, articles, and support materials about success and personal growth.

Kevin John has spent many years helping businesses owners, aspiring business owners, and private individuals to develop the understanding and skills needed to achieve the success that they want.

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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Mind Power Technique - A Simple and Effective Mind Power Technique

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There are many different techniques you can use to tap into the amazing power of your thoughts. I have here for you a simple visualization exercise which becomes extremely powerful when you master it.

Visualization basically means to sustain an idea or image in our mind of what we want to create for a few minutes everyday. A good example can be that sports persons today use visualization just before they compete. They envision themselves successful in whatever sport it is that they play. And the result is that their game improves drastically.

You should know that the subconscious mind can not distinguish between what is real and what is imagined! Take a few seconds right now and close your eyes. Imagine that you are drinking pure lemon juice for example. Then watch how you react.

The visualization should also be in a conscious and controlled manner, and should be as real and vivid as possible. We should be able to feel the desired result taking place right in front of us and it is a skill that must be developed for most people, so some patience is needed.

Here is a simple technique to develop your visualization skills...

1. First relax yourself. The more relaxed you are, the more control you will have over your thoughts.

2. Use the 3-Finger technique. Let the tips of your thumb, index and middle finger touch each other. It should be done on both your hands. This has been known to help your mind focus.

3. Take something simple – an outline of a triangle or square maybe, and make a firm resolve to focus only on this for the next 5 minutes or so.

4. Now while you are visualizing, you will notice that your mind keeps wavering about. Do not fight it, because that is counter-productive. Just accept it, and move back to the image you had chosen to visualize.

Regular practice of the above exercise will surely improve your visualization skills tremendously. So there you have it! A simple and effective mind power technique you can start using immediately.

Andrew Stone is extremely passionate and well-informed in the field of Mind Power. You may wish to visit his website if you want a list of resources which will help you discover the power of the subconscious mind...


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Subconscious Mind - Mind Power Tips

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For years, I have been absolutely fascinated with the power of the subconscious mind. It’s power have made the sick healthy, the poor wealthy, and the sad happy. Those who understand and apply the methods for using the subconscious mind find themselves bathed in more abundance and joy than they could have ever imagined. In this article, I will explain two of the most powerful tips for harnessing and applying your subconscious mind power, to help you achieve far greater success than you have ever dreamed.

As you might already be aware of, the subconscious mind is the seat of all memory, fears, phobias, behavioral patterns, habits, beliefs, and expectations. An astonishingly true fact is that only 2-4% of our day is controlled by our conscious mind, and the other 96-98% is all done by the subconscious. 96% of all your decisions, actions, thoughts, feelings are all done automatically, unconsciously by your subconscious mind.

It is amazing to think how much our subconscious mind does for us. It beats our heart, digests our food, and breathes for us all without any conscious effort. With all of the amazing things it does, our subconscious doesn’t always do everything we want it to. Many people have realized that they have several bad habits of doing and thinking, and understand that in order to grow and prosper, those habits must be changed. But herein lies the problem most people face. How do you change the subconscious to promote success in all areas of life?

The answer is simple. You must harness the power of your subconscious mind. The first technique in order to do that is called suggestion. A suggestion is a passive statement given to the subconscious to either accept or reject. Hypnotists use the power of suggestibility to promote changes in their subjects. When a person is in a deeply relaxed state, their conscious mind is out of the way, and the gateway to the powers of subconscious is open. This is where true changes happen. In order to suggest the subconscious to change, the body and mind must be completely relaxed. A person must first have a reason to change, and accept the new suggestion. Then the suggestion for change may be given with intense emotion and desire so that the suggestion is firmly accepted.

In quick summary: Enter a deeply relaxed state – Subconscious is open to suggestion – Give suggestion and firmly accept with intense emotion.

The next subconscious mind power tip is repetition. If you are suggesting your subconscious to accept the idea of wealth in your life, using repetition can help firmly implant that idea quicker and easier. Our reptilian brain is highly receptive to ritual and repetition. Repetition of an affirmation, or suggestion, such as “I am wealthy and successful” helps firmly implant the idea deeply into the subconscious mind. Over long periods of repetition, the suggestion will reshape thinking patterns, habits, and deeply held beliefs. The entire neuronal structure of your brain will begin change in order to promote the new idea of wealth and success. And once the idea is finally accepted without doubt or question, new worlds of possibilities begin to arise.

In summary: Repetition is the tool of suggestion – Repeat an affirmation for change in a deeply relaxed state – Repeat on regular intervals to help the reptilian brain accept the suggestion (repeat affirmation with intense emotion every morning, deeply relaxed, for 10 minutes for a period of one month or more).

These two subconscious mind power tips can help you clear mental and emotional blockages in your life that are withholding your from your full potential. The power of suggestion to the subconscious mind, combined with ritualistic repetition is the ultimate key to unlocking your mind, and achieving all that you desire.

For more exciting mind power tips, articles, and videos, come visit www.secret-of-lawofattraction.com We have tons of free downloads, videos, and articles on mind power, self-improvement, and the law of attraction. Come watch the famous self-help phenomena The Secret for free.

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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

How To Use Mind Power To Get What You Want

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Positive people don’t live a life of negative experiences, but negative people will live a life of negative experiences. Why?

Well I’m sorry to be the one to tell you this but…It’s completely your fault!

You are the reason why you are not rich yet. You are the reason why you have not attracted your sole mate. You are the reason why you are unlucky. You are the reason you’re stuck in a dead end job. You are to blame for your lack of positive experiences.

I’m sorry I had to break it to you, but it is for your own good. The reason why you and millions of other people are living in a life of negative experience is simple. You dwell so much on what is not a part of your life, so your mind generously offers your reality just that- exactly what you are trying to change.

The power of your mind is a powerful tool. It can do much more than you have been taught in school my friend. Attention focused mind power can literally change your reality. I realize if you have never focused you intentions (I’m not talking drifting thoughts), I mean really concentrated on the intention of an outcome, it’s hard to comprehend what I’m talking about.

Let me explain what I mean. You or your mind rather is constantly firing neurons (that little electric spark in your brain that gives birth to thought, feeling, memory, cognition, etc.) at an astonishing rate of speed per second.

Now, let me ask you this. How many of those little neurons or electric bits of information firing in a 24 hour period are flooding your mind and body with fear, worry, anger, hatred, jealousy, frustration, anxiety, stress, and doubt? I’ll bet my left arm it’s more than you are willing to admit.

Instead of contemplating what is not in your life, why not focus your mind’s power on experiencing the thoughts, feelings, cognitions on Already Having what you want. I know, it sounds far fetched, but hear me out.

You can manifest anything you want in your life by using the healing power of the mind. The power of the human mind is the root source of accumulating what you want. Your subconscious mind or unconscious mind doesn’t know the difference between imagination and reality. So it makes sense that bombarding your mind with negativity or what is Not there will manifest only negativity and what is Not there into your reality, doesn’t it?

Your life is determined by the thoughts, feelings, and cognitions of your focused mind. It is so easy that it is hard to grasp, I know. I changed my mind, and now I love everything about my life. You have the potential to do the same.

Your transformed mind, staying clear of the fear, worry, doubt, and self-pity, will produce a whole new you that is generating an abundance of what you want because you are thinking about already having it! Think from the end. Think of already being, doing, or having what you desire.

If you use your imagination and intentions to see yourself already successful, or with your dream partner, or healthy, or muscular, you will make it happen with the quantum mind power of focused intention! Quantum mind power is like accumulating everything you ever wanted in life.

All you got to do is focus your intentions; I mean really focus in detail and frequently. You have the power to change your life using your mind power. You have the ability to life in positive experiences.

This will help you walk the path. It is so easy and your subconscious mind has already known this since you were born. What you’ll accumulate from your quantum mind power will far outweigh the live you are living now.

Stop dwelling on what is wrong in your life and focus on already having what you wanted in specific detail right now!


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Monday, March 24, 2008

Brainwave Entrainment - Attracting Success in Your Life, Mental, Mind Power

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Many people have attempted meditation but find the simple task of staying still for any period of time virtually impossible: Knots of anxiety build in their stomach and sudden itches that must be scratched break out all over their body. For people who experience this kind of emotion, meditation seems like a chore and they want to avoid experiencing the discomfort. As normal as it is to have to overcome these barriers when healing through meditation as a beginner, brainwave entrainment via binaural beats is one way to achieve deep relaxation quickly with minimum uneasiness.

It was in the 1830s that a German named H W Dove discovered the human brain's tendency to align itself with these tones, later named binaural beats. The brain works at different cycles per second depending on whether you are fully alert or in a deep, deep sleep, and listening to binaural beats meditation is a form of brainwave entrainment that is designed to take the listener into deeper, more relaxed states with more ease. On hearing the beats, Dove discovered that subject's brainwaves lowered in cycles per second much more rapidly than those trying to relax without it.

Listening to binaural beats has been studied extensively since the discovery, and there are other benefits besides those of regular meditation. When the brainwaves adapt to match the binaural beats particular areas of the brain are stimulated, which has been proven time and again with EEG tests.

Memory capability, mental absorbency, intellectual stamina, thought power, mental activity, and overall intelligence are some of the qualities aroused, proving that using binaural beats meditations will prepare you for more success in life through you being smarter and stronger.

Of course, there are all the current day well known benefits to meditation that show brainwave entrainment will assist you in achieving success in your life. These include less stress and the ability to cop with stress more easily, better physical and emotional health, more relaxed overall, more able to focus and better memory recall. Any form of meditation regularly is going to make achieving goals much easier, and using binaural beats can provide an effective shortcut for attracting success in your life.

The word is spreading around and it is now becoming common knowledge to the masses that what you think and believe, you attract: This means if you are trapped by negative thought patterns, a bad attitude or a victim mindset, you are going to struggle to get anywhere in life. Meditating daily is a healthy and pro-active way to access your subconscious mind to work on reprogramming your automatic responses. Whether you need to work on your self esteem, positivity, physical health or prejudices there is a meditation to help.

If you have habits you just can’t seem to break such as smoking or eating fatty foods, brainwave entrainment can provide a pathway to overcoming the issue. When you access the core of your mind, the place where habits and negative beliefs reside, you can suggest and order yourself to begin to make different choices. Maybe you need to exercise more or react in anger less, and when you are deeply relaxed by the binaural beats you can work on turning these things around.

When you have successfully used meditation and brainwave entrainment to give your life more direction and achieve your goals, you will begin to see there really is no limit to who you can be and what you can do.

If you are serious about attracting success into your life, you need to be willing to adjust yourself to become right and ready for the experience. Binaural beats can provide brainwave entrainment techniques and sounds to take you deeper than ever before to let go of things holding you back and reprogram and redirect your mind towards further happiness and success.

Hazel's goal is to inspire people so that they in turn will inspire others. She believes in living life to the fullest and helping people to see possibilities in their lives.


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Friday, March 21, 2008

Angels - Spiritual Helpers Or Mind Power With Props?

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Many people firmly believe they have a guardian angel to help them with the everyday trials of life.

Others believe there are certain specialized angels whose mission it is to help us humans with specific tasks. But what if it was all in our mind?

You see, I know a lady who is convinced she can call on the assistance of a Parking Angel, before she drives into town. This angelic being apparently is able to guide her to a vacant parking place at the shopping mall with almost total success.

So before she leaves the house, she takes a moment to sit down, relax and close her eyes whilst taking a few slow, deep breaths. Then she simply asks the Parking Angel to arrange a parking space in a specific car park.

That done, she drives into town, fully confident her space is waiting for her. Surprisingly, she figures this works about nine times out of ten -- which is far in excess of the 50 or 60% you would reasonably expect.

On the other hand, I have another friend who carries out a similar ritual before he drives into town. And he also claims a 90% success rate! Yet he does not believe in angels -- but he does have a high regard for the cutting edge science of quantum physics.

As I understand it, time is not linear -- like an endless ribbon with a definite start and finish. Instead it is a series of modules, lying side by side -- rather like the leaves of a book. This allows you to achieve what you desire in life by short circuiting time and effectively fast forwarding -- or fast reversing to a time when that parking space was empty and making it your present reality. Your mind is capable of achieving similar success with any firm intention you hold in your mind.

So, even if angels don't really exist and it's all to do with what we are now discovering about quantum physics, you have to admit either way it's pretty incredible. So, just as you can enjoy the power of a computer without knowing how it works, just carry on booking those parking spaces and setting other objectives in your life.

After all, if we are really created in God's image, we too will have the power to create by thought alone.

Gaynor Peck and AngelsAboveUs.com

Gaynor Peck owns http://www.AngelsAboveUs.com helping people understand the important part angels can play in our lives.

Visit her website and blog for more interesting articles on angels and how they can make our lives better

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Gamblers, Genuinely Increase Your Luck - Mind Power Jackpot System

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There are many reviews and articles that concentrate on the techniques, tips and tricks used by gamblers to increase their odds of winning, i.e. doing the math, spreading the risk etc, however, there are very few that take into account the psychological state of the participant. Many regular gamblers will be able to relate to the feeling of confidence they get when they know they are going to win, and they are aware of how negative feelings almost invariably result in a loss, so why is it that so few concentrate on improving that positive mental state?

Without a doubt there are some days when we feel lucky, full of confidence, if only we could harness that feeling and bottle it, then use it when required.

It was this thought that got me searching for ways to help program my subconscious mind with the intent to perhaps in someway influence my chances of winning.

The methods I found can be used by any open-minded individual of average intelligence. All that is required is the ability and willingness to look at personal mind-power in a different way and the dedication to practice these procedures, some of which can be learned in one night.

I'm not talking about theoretical "mumbo-jumbo" designed to merely titillate your interest, then leave you with no practical formula to follow. I'm talking about hands-on instructions which were developed by a group of serious businessmen in a dedicated research laboratory, designed to take you through various mind-power disciplines step by step so that you can understand, learn and use them.

Ever noticed how tennis champs can’t stop smiling after they win a major tournament? Ever noticed how runner, Michael Johnson couldn’t stop smiling and talking after he broke the world record? Ever notice how Mohammed Ali couldn't stop talking before, during, or after his best and biggest fights? (which he had already won “in his mind” before the event! aha!)

That’s what evolution of the mind is all about. Tricking your mind into believing that the future is really the past and, when this “clicks into place” in your mind, it literally becomes the truth.

Here is a very simple visualisation technique which can start you on the road towards greatly improving your luck.

Place yourself in a comfortable situation where you will not be disturbed. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing while you feel the tensions wash away. Tell yourself that with each breath you take you will relax more and more.

Now project you mind into the universe. You can do this by imagining yourself travelling at breathtaking speed away from planet earth and positioning yourself so that you can “picture” the universe. You can see the galaxies and star systems and one giant scintillating pool of energy. Then picture yourself wrapping your consciousness around this magnificent energy source and becoming part of it. Feel it permeate your very being with its vibrancy. Feel it explode into your consciousness with its pure white brightness. Feel it compressing in your mind so that the entire universe becomes one ball of blue/white energy.

Now picture the financial event you require to happen and transfer the scintillating ball of pure energy into that event. Picture the required windfall event actually happening while you are connected to this energy. Picture a jackpot happening in front of you and feel the emotional excitement involved.

It's important to note that this is not a one off exercise, it needs to be repeated every day for at least 21 days. However it can be made even more powerful when combined with other techniques that are available for free to those keen to improve their luck.

James Phillips is the webmaster of http://www.thoughtrelease.com a website where you can learn how to dramatically increase your luck with the Jackpot Report System

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Thursday, March 20, 2008

Subliminal Mind Power - A Warning about Subliminal Mind Power

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The main characteristic about subliminal mind power is that it always works in stealth mode. They are messages which basically bypass the reasoning ability of the conscious mind and go straight into your subconscious. So, it is one of the methods which can influence your subconscious mind without you even knowing about it. This also means that it can be dangerous in the wrong hands. This article is about informing you as to how this can be done.

For instance, it is known to be used in advertising by major corporations. I don’t want to name any of them in this article, but you can just do an Internet search and you will find many examples of this. One of the ways this is done is in product packaging. The subliminal image or text is embedded with the other elements of the package. In most cases the subliminal message targets one of our most powerful emotional responses – our sexual urge. It’s all about making us subconsciously want the product more…

Around 40 years ago, many western countries including the United States actually banned subliminal advertising. But according to the ‘conspiracy theories’, it is still done. I don’t think many of us can say for sure though.

Even in self-improvement products, we can never really say what the subliminal Cd’s are actually doing. Of course, there will be many companies which create ethical subliminal Cd’s. We can just never really say for sure. That’s why it is always better to pay a little extra and get software’s that allow you to create your own custom made audios etc. You should keep that in mind…

Andrew Stone is extremely passionate and well-informed in the field of Mind Power. You may wish to visit his website if you want a list of resources which will help you discover the power of the subconscious mind...


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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Mind Power: The Yoga of the Start-Finish Line

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What is mind power?

Do you want greater wealth in your life?
Start with the wealth consciousness.

More health?
Start with the health consciousness.

More power?
Start with the power consciousness.

More happiness?
Start with the happiness consciousness.

The things of the world are fluid to a power within you by which you command them. You do not have to seek this power because you already have it. Yet you do need to understand the yoga of your thoughts and actions, and most importantly you have to apply your mind power.

Let me explain.

In the Olympic Games the Start-Finish line of the track events is the same line. There is a similar line in your life where winning is much easier for you when you use your mind power to start with the feeling of having already finished and won.

In other words you start by living the spirit of whatever you want to be, do, or have until these things are yours by right. Then it is impossible to keep these things from manifesting in your life.

From the feeling of having already finished and won you look back and see the last step that you took to get there, then the step before that, and the step before that, and so on... These steps outline your plan and by reversing them you are once again at the Start-Finish line. The differences are: now you have a definite map of how you will win, and, your feeling of already having won is more solid than ever.

Then you put your plan into action. Step by step your feeling of already having finished and won becomes more and more real. And since the homeground of this feeling is the finish line, you find that you are magnetically drawn to it as you relax and simply let yourself take the necessary steps that get you there.

Once again you will find yourself back at the Start-Finish line, yet now the difference is that the yoga, or union, of what you feel and what you actually have is no longer an aspect of your mind power – you've won and it's real!

See it. Feel it. Achieve it. James Traverse is the author of the website and success system Mind~Power~Yoga http://www.mindpoweryoga.com

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How To Increase Your Mind Power

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You can increase your mind power starting today. There are conditions that are conducive to better thinking, and plants that increase blood flow to the brain. There are little "tricks" that can give you an immediate brainpower boost, and habits you can develop for a more permanent improvement in brain function. Here are six things you can try right now or over the coming days to prove to yourself that improved mind power is possible.

Exercise Helps The Brain

Long term exercise can boost brainpower, which isn't surprising. Anything that affects physical health in a positive way probably helps the brain too. Recent research, though, shows that cognitive function is improved immediately after just ten minutes of aerobic exercise. If you need a brain recharge, walk up and down the stairs a few times.

Temperature And Mind Power

Many people have noted that they think better at certain temperatures. In general, it seems that being slightly cool, but not uncomfortable, is most conducive to good thinking. Try experimenting on yourself to see what temperature works best for you.

Become A Problem Solver

Just use a problem solving technique for several weeks and it will become a habit. Redesign everything you see for a while, and that will become a habit. Choose any of the many problem solving techniques and train yourself to use it, and you'll have a more powerful mind. Many good thinking habits take some effort to develop, but then you will be more resourceful effortlessly from that point on. Use the power of habit to improve your mind power.

Develop Your Intuition

Einstein relied heavily on intuitive hunches. Because of his intuitive grasp of the game, Gary Kasparov can beat the best chess computer even though the computer can calculate positions many moves further ahead. Experience allows him to combine analysis with a "sense" of which move is best.

Your skill, knowledge and experience determine the potential effectiveness of your intuition. A weak chess player will never intuitively beat that computer. When enough good information is in your mind, it will go to work for you with or without your conscious participation, so feed it well. Also, watch for intuition to encourage it.

Sniff Roses or Rose Oil

This is relaxing for some people. The idea here is that sometimes you are too "wound up" for effective thinking. Relaxing can bring you back to a state where you can start again on a mental challenge, this time with more clarity. Again, I haven't seen any studies done on this, but it seems safe enough to try.

Adjust Your Mind Power Beliefs

Believe you are smarter, and you'll become smarter. For this, affirmations may work, but even better is seeing evidence. Make a note of your successes. Tell yourself, "Hey, that was really creative," when you do something creative. When you have a good idea, make a note of it. Gather the evidence for your own mind power and you'll start to experience more of it.

Steve Gillman wrote the e-book, 100 Ways To Increase Mind Power. For more information on this and other reports full of useful insider information, visit: http://www.99reports.com

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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Irritable Bowel Syndrome - Use Mind Power for Added Control

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I believe the pattern IBS follows in a sufferer depends on how the individual views the fact that there is no cure. Sufferers are told that they have to live with their IBS, reduce stress and take fibre. They are told to find out the things that trigger their IBS symptoms and avoid them, and consume items that are helpful or safe to eat. There is something terribly odd when you consider the facts. There is no abnormality in the gut yet there are at least 40 to 45 million sufferers of IBS in USA alone. The fact is: If you accept that you have to live with IBS, you end up living with it for a long time.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome is the biggest conundrum in Medicine today. Up to 20% of the global population has this condition. It affects the gut, yet the gut is normal. This is confirmed by colonoscopy and further validated by biopsy results. In fact if any abnormality is found, the diagnosis is no longer IBS. The diagnosis is made after excluding serious conditions. No one knows the true cause of IBS and no single treatment works for everyone. In addition, there is no cure.

The pattern of IBS is different in individual patients and that is because of how IBS is viewed by the subconscious mind. If, for example, you have a bout of IBS symptoms and they are worse than the last attack, you may feel that your IBS is getting worse. Your expectation is that the next attack will be worse and that is exactly what will happen. If on the other hand, you accept that this bout is bad but it is the nature of IBS and will settle back to the usual mild pattern, that is what will happen. Expectation is a powerful tool in illnesses especially IBS and it can work for or against you.

A successful businessman does not see failure. He expects success and gets it. A person who constantly fails, wishes for success but deep down does not expect it. The same goes for IBS. Most sufferers wish for control but do not expect it. They expect control from health professionals, drugs, herbs etc. Treatment may work initially but is likely to be less effective because of the negative messages in the Subconscious Mind. This happens in most IBS sufferers.

The true control, however, come from within the patient. The biggest problem is to convince the sufferers that they can control their symptoms by a change of attitude.

To attain control is not easy. If, for example, you are terrified of snakes, and you consciously tell yourself you are no longer scared of snake, do you think it will work? No. It will not work because the fear is deeply embedded in your subconscious mind. To overcome this problem, all fear messages in the subconscious mind must be removed. Hypnotherapy removes the fear messages by bypassing the critical factor. The critical factor blocks contrary messages from entering the Subconscious Mind.

Hypnotherapy works for refractory IBS. This group of patients no longer respond to any treatment given for IBS. After a course of hypnotherapy, patients have complete control of their IBS. Foods that were triggers are no longer problems. How does hypnotherapy work? It replaces negative messages in the subconscious mind with positive ones. It only works when the patient is deeply relaxed. If not, the subconscious mind will throw these messages out.

It, therefore, makes sense that if there were no negative messages about IBS in your subconscious mind, your IBS pattern will be different. If, for example, when you were first diagnosed with IBS, you were advised that even though there is no cure, the pattern of your IBS will run a mild course if you adopt a positive mental attitude, would your IBS be different today?

If you prevent negative thoughts to embed in your subconscious mind and permit only positive one through, you have a recipe for control. So adopt a positive mental attitude for a better life with your IBS.

Dr. Phil Hariram.

Dr. Phil Hariram is a retired General practitioner. He has treated IBS patients for 27 years. His book, "Irritable Bowel Syndrome. You take control." explains the power of the Subconscious Mind and how it works in IBS. The book also explains how you can make changes for better lasting control of Irritable Bowel Syndrome. http://www.healingibs.com

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Why Mind Power Works for Some but Not Others

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Ever since I started writing about my experience with mind power and spirituality, I've had people asking me how it has changed my life. These are the very people who have also tried their hands on mind power and it hasn't seem to work for them.

So why does mind power work for some and not for others?

Here are some reasons:

1. The Power of Belief

"Whether you believe you can or can't, you're right." - Henry Ford

What Henry Ford meant was that if you believe you can succeed, then you will. On the other hand, if you believe that you cannot succeed, then you can't. And that's really the crux of the issue.

Most people tried mind power tactics and tools half-heartedly. This really set them up for failure even before they begin. I can tell whether a person will succeed or not simply by the degree of faith and commitment he or she has. Most people just want to "try it", so they don't do it diligently and they give up after a short while. That just won't do.

2. The Power of Commitment and Persistence

Results from mind power are not instantaneous. They take time to manifest from the formless realm of mind and thoughts into physical reality. In order to taste its fruits, you'll have to work at it and give it time to manifest. It's very much like planting a tree. You start with a seed - whatever seed you choose to grow - and then you must water it, give it the nutrients and sunshine it needs, pull out all the weeds around it, and pretty soon it grows into a shoot and then into a tree. That takes time and commitment. Most people give up too easily.

3. The Power of Knowledge

It's important to know what you're doing, and whether you're doing it right. So understanding the universal laws and how they work is of primary importance. In fact, if you fully understood the laws, you'll have the faith to go with its applications.

For me, the understanding and the faith came after reading and researching for quite a while. It's not enough reading just one or two books on mind power and assume you already know everything.

Every author has something new to share, a unique twist or an insight that is just right for you. So keep reading. I often get my best insights from little known authors, so don't discount authors you haven't heard of before. For example, two years ago I have not even heard of Wallace D. Wattles, the author of "The Science of Getting Rich", yet his books have already made quite an impact in society. There are really quite a number of very good but obscure authors out there, and with the Internet, it's much easier to find them than before.

In the past, all these books would have been considered as occult knowledge, but in the age of the Internet, not anymore.

Finally, I continue to encourage you to pursue your dreams via cultivation of your mind. Once you've tasted its fruits, you'll regard life as a play - a creative game where you DO have absolute control over. The degree of control you have over your own life is proportionate to the degree of control you have over your mind.

Dr. Tim Ong is a medical doctor who runs his own thriving medical practice. In his free time, he enjoys giving public talks, teaching meditation and offering his service to hospice work in the community. He also has keen interest in self improvement, mind science and spirituality. He recently launched his latest ebook entitled "From Fear to Love: A Spiritual Journey" at FromFeartoLove.com

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Thursday, March 13, 2008

Hypnosis – 12 Steps to Acquire Mind-Power

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The 12 steps to acquire mind-power is intended to build positive visuals, acquire mind power and help you achieve your dreams and desires that may be as varied as improving your personality, increasing your wealth, attracting love and making yourself attractive.

Follow these steps I have specifically found to help anyone who is new to Power of Creative Visualization.

Step One
Choose a quiet place, which is free from all distraction, interruption or disturbance. This may even be inside a bus or in your own room. The idea is to be able to concentrate in any environment that you find is suitable. The ideal is to be able to concentrate in any environment that you find is suitable. The ideal time, however, I have found to be is, early in the morning or before going to bed. The ideal place however, may be anywhere as long as you can concentrate.

Step Two
Feel comfortable. Wear loose clothes or else loosen your belt and tie.

Step Three
Be comfortable. Keep your spine straight. Loosen your hands. Relax! This eases your body tension and helps your blood circulate efficiently.

Step Four
Close your eyes. That way your physical world does not interrupt you and you can concentrate on your mental world. But avoid quenching your eyes. Close them gently. In fact, once you focus on your images, you may find your eyes closing naturally.

Step Five
Breathe normally. Let your body roll with the rhythm of your breathing. Listen to that rhythm.

Step Six
Now begin the process of visualization. Create the key images of the subject you have chosen. Form the shape. Add color. Build the sound. Sense them! Focus on them. See them as sharply and clearly as you can with your mind’s eye.

Step Seven
Put yourself in the images you have created. You must be inside the picture so as to let your subconscious mind know that the image you see that leads to your goal is actually meant for you, and not for anyone else.

Step Eight
Feel the image you have created. Now that you are inside the picture imagine yourself to be leading the time you see. Feel the environment. Watch how different it feels to lead a life that you had desired. Bring your images alive.

Step Nine
Experience the images with all your emotions. See! Hear! Smell! Feel how it feels to have achieved your goals. Let the excitement and happiness of success flow through you. Let the thrill of success build in you. Feel your success.

Step Ten
Once you have experienced your images with emotion, let your mind go blank. If you hold on to your images for too long, the images might disappear due to overexposure. So, let go of it.

Step Eleven
Create a space in your mind to receive what you desire. Say to yourself that what you desire - like, “I deserve to be healthy”, “I deserve to be rich and famous.” By doing this, you not only let your subconscious mind support the picture, you literally achieve your success.

Step Twelve
Feel creative while creating the images. I have given you the basic guidelines in the following pages to create visuals that will help you achieve your goals. You may change them accordingly to suit your needs. The more the images meet your specific needs, the more effective they will be.

These then are the twelve important steps to mind-power. Remember, it is better to visualize 2-3 times a day for a shorter duration than to visualize for a long stretch during the day. Doing this, the quality of visuals remain fresh instead of becoming stale and plaid and draining all energy out of you.

Steps one to ten might take you anything between 5-10 minutes. It is better if you do not prolong it. Instead, repeat it at another time of the day.

When you release the image after this brief exercise, your mind will become free of the mind-power you had activated. But your subconscious mind keeps on supporting the image you had seen. This helps your goal and your dreams to be a reality.

The twelve steps to Mind power that I have explained above is the most powerful tool in this world. When you switch on your mind power and extend it to creative visualization for turning your dreams into reality - then, that is exactly what will happen. Your dreams will become reality.

Remember, with your mind you can rule the world.

Pradeep Agarwall is a renowned Hypnosis & NLP guru with career spanning two and half decades He is also a much sought after speaker and peak performance consultant for Sports Teams and organizations. Visit Hypnosis Global for free 6 part mini course to learn Self Hypnosis and Personal Transformation.

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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Create your Destiny - Mind Power

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AHAM BRAHMASMI' (Sanskrit phrase which means ' I am god myself )

This is the ultimate state of Hindu Philosophy, where self realisation makes everyone of us understand that, in fact, we are the embodiment of God.

Till such time that happens, we can try and use the power of GOD within ourselves, to create our own destiny, for the prosperity of everyone, including ourselves.

When I was very young, my dad used to say that ' A man destined to be hanged cannot be drowned'. Obviously to impress upon the fact that what is fated will happen and we have no choice. I used to wonder that when everything is fated and destined, what is the pleasure in life? And why anyone should take responsibility for good or bad deeds? Why should God select people for differential treatment? There are evidently no answers, unless we accept that we have the choice and power to create our own destiny.

Having concluded that part, I started wondering as to what is the limitations of our independence in decision making and plan our destiny? This is a really difficult question to answer, with our limited knowledge. But I am sure that WE HAVE THE POWER TO CREATE OUR FUTURE AND OUR DESTINY. I have been wondering as to how we could possibly achieve this !

There are books which deal with the power of MIND and the possibilities of tapping the unlimited potential of our subconscious mind to achieve goals in materialistic and philosophical goals. The methods are not very difficult to follow, if we BELIEVE them. Yes, I am now a strong believer that I can create my destiny for the future. Even Palmistry suggests that our minds and thoughts have strong impact that the lines in our hands can be changed. Anyway, for any logical conclusion, one should have knowledge. But for belief, there is no need for logic or knowledge. It is the simple of way to start.

Perhaps, in a crude way, the computers and God are similar in so many aspects. While God connects to everyone and empowers him, host server connects all computers and empowers them. Life may probably be equated to a software game, where the limitations are set in the software, we have the freedom to play the game to our expertise and WIN THE GAME OR GET DEFEATED. The software does not interfere with our freedom to play, though the limitations are set. Probably our life is also a software programme, with limitations set and the freedom to play to our choice. Depending upon the result, we move over to the next stage or continue to play the same stage again and again.

Coming back to realities, our present goals are very much into the materialistic world and our aims are to improve them to the extent possible. This, of course, does not spoil our ultimate aim which could come later when we become more matured in life.

With an auspicious start, let us move ahead and create our own destiny.

Warm Regards


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How to Increase Your Mind Power by being a Whole-brain Thinker Using the Technique of Mind Mapping

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The term ‘ambidexterity’ means being adept in using both right and left hand. It is a rare inborn trait but it can be learned. The versatility displayed in the use of each hand determines a person’s ambidexterity. Michelangelo, Leonardo Vinci, Einstein, Fleming, Harry Truman, etc., were all ambidextrous. In modern times, you will find many, who were originally left-handed but in the course of their childhood, acquired right-handed habits (at school or home) and thus became ambidextrous.

Along the same lines, we could say we are being ambidextrous when we are multi-tasking – talking over the phone and taking notes or riding a bike, etc. The difference being that instead of our hands, we are using both our right and left hemispheres to successfully juggle our tasks. We have all heard about some people being ‘right-brained’ or ‘left-brained’. In essence it means that the person displays more ‘right-brain’ or ‘left-brain’ oriented skills, although we are all the time integrating both hemispheres in our daily activities.

‘Right’ brain qualities involve imagination, risk taking, artistic abilities, highly philosophical, creative, etc. ‘Left’ brain qualities, on the other hand, are practical, conformist, seek order, have good comprehension skills, etc. Thus ‘right-brain’ people are said to think subjectively, holistically and have strong intuition, while ‘left-brain’ people tend to be more logical, analytical and highly rational. It is found that more often, left-brain thinkers are engineers and scientists, while right-brain thinkers end up being artists and poets.

How and why is it that some people are more adept at certain kind of thought patterns than others? The fact is that while we may inherit certain mental traits and capacities, how we use our mind is what determines our mental prowess. As children we are innately right-brained, displaying great creativity, imagination, spontaneity, open-mindedness and enthusiasm but ironically, as we grow, social, cultural and racial influences constrain these natural traits.

The most comforting thought however is that we can greatly improve our mental abilities by choosing to change our thoughts and applying our mind in a particular direction. Thus if a person is a known conformist, who always walks down the beaten path, he could deliberately try new things, learn to take risks and think imaginatively.

When we combine the power of the two hemispheres, we will be working at our full potential. Ambidextrous mind or whole brain thinking - as it is also known - enhances our brain functions and injects a heightened level of awareness. To foster an ambidextrous mindset, we can work on right-brain learning activities by including patterning, metaphors, analogies, role-playing, visuals, and movement into reading, calculation, and analytical activities. Conscious effort to incorporate left and right brain activities, human consciousness studies, reflective thinking and meditation are excellent means to achieve an ambidextrous mind.

One easy technique that helps in such whole-brain thinking process is Mind Mapping. It aligns the mind to the diffusion of thought and paves way for streaming thoughts and linking new associations. Association essentially is finding the links in logic and ideas, and when these are explored in full, it leads to insight, imagination and creativity.

If we look at great discoveries, we will find the application or association of principle (s) to another. Pertinently, colors, pictures, symbols, etc., highly enhance our learning process as they invoke vividness, clarity of perception and easy dissemination. Mind Mapping technique employs all these aspects and therein lies its power and dynamism. When learning and understanding is done using the Mind Map technique, it naturally becomes a highly effective and powerful way of gaining knowledge. It sure is an ideal way for fostering an ambidextrous or whole brain thinking culture.

Dr. Vj Mariaraj is a Mind Map enthusiast and has been using Mind Maps for the past twelve years. He has created over 5650 Mind Maps. To learn more about mind mapping and to download a free Mind map of a Business Book, send an email to freemindmap@aweber.com or visit http://BusinessBookMindMap.com/mind-map.php?ea

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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Mind Power - Discover The Hidden Superpowers Inside Your Mind

Be ready for the richer, healthier, happier, more successful, love-filled life that you deserve, Click Here To Know More



Your mind, what it contains and how you use it, is an infinite wonder. It has the fantastic ability to transmute your desires into physical counterparts and create a new reality for you. You can do anything that your mind can conceive, as long as you have the belief and will power to back it up.

Skeptical? Cancer patients who were given placebo pills got well. Placebos are just plain pills without medicine that have no physical healing capabilities. So how did those patients get well?

The power to heal came from their thoughts. They were told that these pills contained the highest amounts of cancer-fighting ingredients which could effectively cure them in a matter of days.

They believed that their health would be restored. Their minds registered that these pills will cure them of their illnesses. In the process, the belief embedded within their subconscious became reality.

See how powerful your mind is?

So how can you use your mind to achieve your dreams? One of the most effective ways is to use the "as if" principle.

Act as if you are the person you want to be. Act as if you are already in possession of whatever you long to have.

What do you want to be? You want to be a lawyer, doctor, athlete, or newscaster? Think, act, and feel like one. Keep your goal in mind. You'll be much closer to your goal if you're constantly in touch with your objective. Be like a lawyer, a doctor, an athlete, a newscaster. Be obsessed with your dream. However, don’t try to fly out the window if you want to be Superman – that’s not a good idea at all! But you can be stronger, braver, stand taller.

It's not enough that you act as if you are what you want to be. You have to actually ACT, behave differently. Do what needs to be done. You might get so lost in your fantasy world that you forgot to take some action. Let your visions encourage and motivate you to actualize your purpose not just in your head but in the real world.

In the modern world, we’re far too preoccupied with our worries, anxieties, and negative emotions. As a result, we adversely affect the state of our health, fostering stress-induced conditions and diseases.

In some situations, white lies have been used to ease burdens of doubt or persuade others to do what they believed was unattainable.

There was once a weightlifter who couldn't lift more than 300 lbs. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t manage more. So one day his coach devised a clever plan. He told his weightlifter that the barbell in front of him weighed only 300 lbs. The weightlifter went to the barbell and with all his might, managed to lift it and put it above his head. After he put it down, the coach told him that he had just lifted 350 lbs. of weight!

It’s often true we can do what we think we can’t, if we change what’s in our heads. There’s an old saying: “Fortune favors the prepared mind.” It's all in the mind!

A famous person once said, "Whenever you think you can or you can't, you're right."

If you think you are poor, then you are, unless you properly re-condition your beliefs and thoughts into a positive, rather than a negative, mindset. Sure it's hard to think rich if your environment is not conducive to such way of thinking. That’s when it’s time to use your imagination! Visualize your house to be a mansion, your old car to be a limousine... and do it often. Use your mind to expand the possibilities. You get the picture.

There is absolutely no limit to what the mind can achieve. But you have to combine belief, will power, and action with positive thinking and a positive mindset in order to arrive at your intended destination.

Author: Mickaël Kerenterff. For more information, please visit my website at http://www.MindPowerSecretsExposed.com where you can grab a free e-course about Mind Power Secrets. You will discover How to Conquer Your Fears, Turn Your Dreams into Reality, and Get Anything You Want in Your Life by Unleashing the Full Powers of Your Mind!

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Monday, March 10, 2008

Cash In On Acceptable Mind Power

Be ready for the richer, healthier, happier, more successful, love-filled life that you deserve, Click Here To Know More



A change of plan is important at the obvious change of signs. Menopause may introduce some seemingly life threatening physical changes to the body, varied changes to the mind and usually definite changes to the household.

Personal changes may not immediately affect the household but provide distinctive signs for the much promoted alteration in lifestyle and diet but not wardrobe.

Changes to these could be necessary to refine a body that is moving into a phase of recognition and distinction allowing a lady to legitimately and graciously let the world know of her gifts and talents. This should be more simple rather than complex and expensive but most importantly she must believe it.

First class respect of the whole body includes a plan providing the basis for any major change affecting body, mind or spirit.

Knowledge and understanding of your body as well as everyone else’s would have become powerful and well known by now. An awareness of skills and interests should be plain. If in doubt courses are available for verification or substantiation.

An awareness and trust in your real Creator of ensuring a happy end with your chosen level of help will determine the cash flow accompanied by the promised peaceful transition.

Patricia Little is a writer and the editor of a re-released classic ebook- it will show you how to get the best of health and wealth out of all your future years. For more go to ==> http://www.Young-at-Sixty.com

Remarkable "How I Became Young at Sixty" brings renewed vigor to your body, and hope to your mind. You Can Get your Free ebook "How I Became Young at Sixty" by going to http://www.Young-at-Sixty.com/get-your-f-r-e-e-ebook.htm

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Arguments Steal Mind Power

Be ready for the richer, healthier, happier, more successful, love-filled life that you deserve, Click Here To Know More



Have you ever noticed that arguments are rarely "won?" Even if you think you won an argument, what did you win? If there really is a loser, he at least learned something, right? What did you get? Ego satisfaction, debating practice, and diminished mind power.

Arguing Diminishes Mind Power?

There are times when things need to be debated, but most of the time, it really isn't productive. Do you want to argue the point? What do you get from a useless debate, and more importantly, what do you lose?

One thing is certain. A person listening to arguments can learn something from both sides, but what about the participants? If your opponent makes a really good point, do you say, "Hey, you're right!" or do you more often just look for a better argument?

Arguing too much gets you in the habit of looking for arguments more than for truth. You also get deeper into your thinking ruts the more you defend a position. In a rut and ignoring the truth? If that doesn't sound like it's good for mind power, it's because it isn't.

Mind Power From Listening

If you say the moon is closer, and I say the sun is, one of us has to be right. If you say nurture is more important, and I say nature is, we're both right. The first argument has clearly defined terms. This isn't common, and even here, what's the point of arguing?

In the second example, our arguments have to do with values and experiences. We've seen different things in life, and we could spend a lifetime defining "important," or I could shut up and listen. My mind becomes more powerful with the addition of your ideas and knowledge. Listening is the better way.

To break the habit of arguing, purposely ask for peoples opinions, and listen without saying anything. You can ask them to clarify, but don't offer one contrary idea. Do this enough, and you'll be surprized how much you learn. Some of us are also surprized by how difficult this simple technique can be, but it works.

Steve Gillman has been studying brainpower enhancement, creative problem solving, and related topics for years. You can visit his website, and subscribe to his free Mind Power Course, at: http://www.IncreaseBrainPower.com/mind-power.html

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Saturday, March 8, 2008

Mind Power Through Mindfulness

Be ready for the richer, healthier, happier, more successful, love-filled life that you deserve, Click Here To Know More



Basic mindfulness exercises put you in a state of awareness where distractions are let go, and your mind power is able to function more effectively. They help you think more clearly and concentrate better. They are also easy exercises to do.

More Mind Power in Minutes

A basic mindfulness exercise starts with sitting down, relaxing and breathing deeply through your nose. Close your eyes and be aware of your breath going in and out. After a minute, move your attention to your body, one part at a time, noting sensations of cold, hot, tight, sore and anything else you identify. In a few minutes, start listening to sounds in the room, without thinking about them. Just listen.

When it feels right, open your eyes and look around as if you are seeing for the first time. Rest your eyes on an object for half a minute, examining it without talking about it in your mind. Then move to another object, and another, while still maintaining an awareness of your body, your breathing, and any sounds. Stay in this state of mindfulness until you are ready to get up.

Being aware of your body, breath and immediate enviroment, puts you more fully "in the moment." Your mind is in a very receptive state, with fewer mental distractions that prevent clear thinking. Doing a mindfulness exercise before important mental tasks will give you greater mind power, specifically more focus and concentration.

An Even Easier Mindfulness Trick

Try this one today: When you feel stressed, stop, and carefully watch yourself to identify what's bothering you. Maybe you're expecting something bad to happen, or an argument is going on just below the surface of your consciousness, or you're worried about something, or in pain in some way. Make a note of everything you find.

Then deal with these mind-irritants. Make a phone call that's on your mind, take an aspirin, apologise to whomever you were fighting with. Write things on tomorrow's list, to get them off your mind. If there's nothing you can do right now, tell yourself that. Do this exercise, and you'll feel less stressed, and more able to concentrate on the tasks at hand. You'll have more mind power today.

Steve Gillman has been studying brainpower enhancement, creative problem solving, and related topics for years. You can visit his website, and subscribe to his free Mind Power Course, at: http://www.IncreaseBrainPower.com/mind-power.html

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Thursday, March 6, 2008

Mind Power - Fact or Fiction? Prove It For Yourself In The Next 7 Minutes - Truly Awesome!

Be ready for the richer, healthier, happier, more successful, love-filled life that you deserve, Click Here To Know More



Who are you?

We all know that we are composed of atoms. But what are atoms made of?

Physicists tell us that atoms are composed of electrons, protons and neutrons. They also tell us that these components are ‘point particles’.

They also tell us that point particles have no mass and therefore occupy no space. If they occupy no space they are, by extension of logic, not affected by time – the space/time dimension – no space indicates no time.

Never forget that there is only ever the NOW moment – no other time frame outside of NOW ever exists!

Let’s face it, the truth is that nobody has ever seen an electron!

Physicists also say that the electron isn’t a ‘thing’ at all, but is, in reality, a point of quantum possibility.

So, we are composed of elements that have no mass, occupy no space, are not affected by time and that nobody has ever seen – we are, in fact, pure potential and/or possibility.

Said in another, more direct way, we can have, be and do whatever we conceive as possible!

Is seeing really believing?

Modern day physics, psychology and philosophy show us, beyond a shadow of doubt, that reality is not what it seems.

To understand reality, we must first understand how we perceive it.

We can only perceive reality through our five senses – which, by logic, must be composed of point particles as well. Why? Because they are part of our physical experience which is composed of – yes, that’s right, point particles.

Let’s start with vision, the sense we are usually more aware of.

When you look at a tree, for example, light (composed of photons) reflected from the tree focuses on the retina of your eye which, in turn, releases a flow of electrons. These electrical impulses are then sent to the brain’s visual cortex. This raw data is then converted into an image of a tree which is what appears in our consciousness.

Is the tree really real? There’s no evidence to prove it as all you’re actually experiencing is an image generated in your mind.

By the way, guess what photons are. Yes, they are also classed as point particles – they don’t ‘exist’ either!

And you might like to know that human beings are only ever aware of one thousandths of one per cent of the entire light spectrum!

Do your senses make sense?

In fact, all your everyday experiences of life, follow the same sort of ‘filtering system’.

Everything, and I mean everything, that you see, hear, taste, touch or smell have simply been create for you from data received by your sensory organs and converted into your ‘reality’ of what’s ‘out there’.

However real all these ‘things’ may seem to you they are only mental images and feelings which have been constructed entirely within your mind.

Dreams do come true

It is often said that the mind cannot tell the difference between what’s ‘real’ and what is imaginary – for example a dream.

I like to think that it’s not that it doesn’t know, it’s that it doesn’t differentiate between the two.

This isn’t being pedantic in any way. The first statement seems to rely on the need to somehow trick the mind into believing something is ‘true’ or ‘real’ when we consider it not to be.

The second statement indicates that we don’t have to ‘con’ the mind into anything as, in fact, it will willingly accept the ‘trueism’ of what we present it.

A dream is a creation of our own mind in which people and events are separate from us and therefore everything seems so ‘real’.

When we are awake the ‘reality’ that we experience is created by our sensory data input and simply bears a closer resemblance to what is happening ‘out there’.

The same process of ‘reality generation’ occurs in both dreams and in waking consciousness.

So, what’s the difference? NONE!

You are not a passive observer of a randomly created world – you are the active creator of the world you observe.

Let’s stop believing what we see and start seeing what we believe!

The mind does indeed have power – here’s the proof!

The Secret Of The Shaolin Monks

This exercise is has been known for thousands of years and is just as valid today as ever.

1) Stand with your feet shoulder width apart.

2) Raise an arm to the side of your body (your left or right, whichever is more comfortable for you) so it is at the height of your shoulder with the palm facing upwards and the fingers outstretched. Slightly bend your arm at the elbow.

3) Breathe deeply through your nose taking about 6 seconds to complete the inhalation.

4) Imagine a point about two and a half inches below your navel (called seika no iten in Japanese). This is the center of gravity of your body.

5) As you take in subsequent breaths imagine this point getting brighter and brighter until it has the power of the sun.

6) Now, imagine power emanating from this ‘sun’. See it travelling through your body and up into your outstretched arm.

7) See this energy pouring along your arm and bursting out of your finger tips ‘to the ends of the universe’.

8) Now get somebody (or several people to try and bend your arm naturally – not against the joint, this isn’t a judo lock!)

9) They should apply pressure slowly at first and then gradually increase the intensity of the force applied. Do not use your muscle power or you will fail miserably. Only use your imagination – the power of your mind – nothing else.

You will find, to your utter amazement, and theirs, that they are completely unable to bend your arm even if they are physically much stronger than you!

Why should this be so?

You tell me! This is not a cheap magician’s trick – this is 100% proof of the power of the mind.

There are various alternatives to this fascinating exercise including the ability to change your body weight at will. This is a truly awesome experience and a real eye-opener as to how the mind can indeed do wonders and really does have power – the power to create anything we could possibly imagine!

Ian S.N. Randall
(Author of Accelerated Goal Manifestation)

Ian has degrees in Education and Psychology and is author of the highly acclaimed "Accelerated Goal Manifestation" which you can be yours for a small and worthwhile donation.

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Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Mind Power Expert Gives You The One Easy Key To Your Internet Fortune

Be ready for the richer, healthier, happier, more successful, love-filled life that you deserve, Click Here To Know More



Do you want to build an online business? Do you want to have a better love life? Do you want to improve yourself?

I recently interviewed my friend Tellman Knudson, an expert in helping people make rapid (sometimes instantaneous) changes to overcome problems and achieve high levels of success using the latest human optimization technologies ... He's a Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) expert and Certified Hypnotherapist who runs 5 clinics throughout the New England area.

(Note: To access List Crusade audio interviews, see resource box below)

Question: What is the key to rapid improvement?

According to Tellman, the key to rapid progress is learning how the mind works ... Once you know the secrets to controlling your own brain (using such tools as NLP, relaxation techniques, and meditation) you'll be able to instantly make changes that will guide you to success.

Question: How can someone make rapid progress towards success in Internet marketing?

After Tellman expanded his practice by starting the websites FatLossKeys.com and NLP-Expert.com, he became aware of some of the problems that new Internet Marketers face while trying to start their online business.

Many people have the necessary desire to become successful, but they often lack what he calls the 3 Core Factors of Success: focus, follow-through, and persistence that are required to rise above all obstacles.

To become a successful entrepreneur, you have to deal with an imperfect world. You have go to work each day to pay the bills, and then try to balance your time after work ... between your spouse, kids, and the business you're trying to get off the ground.

He soon realized that the ultimate tool for helping millions become successful on the Internet would have to take advantage of the underlying principle of NLP--the quickest way to success is to find a mentor (someone who is already successful) and model yourself after that person.

Question: How do I find a success mentor to help me?

According to Tellman, "In the past, to be able to persuade just one leading expert to act as your personal mentor could take years to make the right personal contacts."

Tellman wanted instant results, so he searched out 52 of the top experts in the world and persuaded them to act as mentors to members in his brand new program called the List Crusade.

Question: What is the List Crusade program and how does it work?

He plans to interview all 52 experts and force them to spill their guts revealing little-known secrets that you can use today ...

Each week for 26 weeks, List Crusade members get audio trainings from two top experts (each usually around 30 minutes long).

One audio interview lesson is always on a crucial self help topic, everything from instant stress release to optimum brain performance and perfect physical health.

The other interview is always on Internet Marketing and shows anyone (complete beginner or experienced marketer alike) secrets of making money on the Internet by quickly building a huge opt-in subscriber list.

Question: Who are some of the experts doing the trainings?

Here are just a few:

Jay Abraham, Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Brian Tracy, Shawn Casey, Stephen Pierce, Robert Allen, T. Harv Eker, Dr. Robert Anthony, Joe Vitale, Jack Zufelt, Marc Goldman, and many more ...

Question: How much does it cost to get access to all the List Crusade trainings?

Even though some of the experts (such as Jay Abraham) charge $5,000 or more for just one hour of consulting, Tellman says that each mentor in the program can scholarship in members at no cost from their own subscriber list. The scholarship is also available by special invitation.

He says, "The goal of the List Crusade mentor program is to provide over one million people with the knowledge and tools to be successful on the Internet and in life ..."

In my opinion, the bottom line is: This is one resource anybody who is serious about having a better life should take advantage of--especially if you want to see remarkable and immediate results ...

Whether you want a bigger bank account, better relationships, peace of mind, personal satisfaction, increased self-esteem, a successful online business, a huge opt-in list, a new car, or your dream home.

The more you use the secrets from these leading experts, the more you'll discover that your online business is skyrocketing and your personal relationships and health are improving.

Rick Miller is a Certified Master of Web Copywriting and co-founder of List Crusade. We've arranged scholarships for 50 of our readers to get the entire 26 weeks of List Crusade audio training at no cost to them--simply visit: http://www.ScientificInternetMarketing.com/tknudson

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